
Terror Of The Living Dead

A global catastrophe breaks out, leaving the world helpless and determined to survive. The world is now surrounded by apocalyptic threats and there's no way to escape; no one's certain the government would come to their rescue. Emily is locked up in the world's famous restaurant with her insufferable colleague-miserably weak and slow. Her only chance of survival is to cooperate with him. Even if she want to swallow her pride, she isn't sure if her suffering is indeed safer than all the living dead outside. Ted Oliver, the most arrogant and obnoxious human. He goes out of his way to survive which implies killing everyone he found as a threat or easy target. When his secrets is on the verge of being exposed, Ted kills Mr. Christopher, one of the shareholders of Prestige Restaurant. He thinks of a way to survive with an helpless Emily crawling up behind him for protection. In a quest to survive new relationships are formed, trust are restored and unbroken homes are being repaired. Everyone must learn to watch their backs and stab their best friend when the time for survival suffice. Emily must learn to put up with the one man she vowed to never see again after her boyfriend betrayed her and let her to die.

NuellaDuru · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 11

For the first thirty minutes, Ted pursued the little chap around the room with his stick. Emily took a napkin and a bowl of water and then washed Emma's face. She didn't want to get entangled in their drama after all the little boy deserved it.

       The boy ran to the other end of the table, gesturing to Ted to stop. He inhaled and exhaled laboriously, trying to catch his breath. Taking the glass of water being offered to him by Emily, he drank it down in an instant. Now, that's refreshing. Though he had asked Emma to stay away, she held his hand and placed the last brownie in her pocket in them. "Why? I don't eat food from strangers."

       "You'll die if you don't eat something." Emma nabbed. She sat with him on the table, since he didn't want to stay close to her. "Don't be frightened. Uncle Ted's going to save us."

       "Ted Oliver?" He regarded him with pale, astonished eyes. "Frankly, I don't know him. I just thought it would be fun to do a dramatic flair like in movies."

       When Emily joined Ted, she offered him a cup of water. It was hard to tell who it was with all the filth and blood on his body. Her nose twitched. She knew at that instant that if she said just one provocative word, her skinny legs would be standing outside the door. He darted at her for a while as she dragged out a plastic seat.

       Not tilting her head at all she seated herself, positioning her cup of water on her lap. "It's refreshing. Wow. I didn't know water could taste this good."

       Inconceivable. "Are you here to annoy me; because it's working. He unbuttoned his shirt. "Just get out and leave me alone. I've had enough for 14 days."

       "I thought this was fun to you? You wanted entertainment because life was boring, right? She gestured with her arms. "Isn't it amusing again? What changed?"

       "Make one more remark. Just one more irritating word to me and I'll throw that little child outside as bait."

       She rested her head on the wall feeling humongous and exhausted. "Why the child? I'm the one pulling your leg so why and what do you have against that kid?"

       "When do you plan on breaking the news of the demise of her grandma to her?"

       "The old lady could still be alive. Let's be optimistic." He's being a real pain in the ass right now. Every time I try to engage in a discussion with him, he proves to be a bigger jerk than he used to be. She scowled. "I'm starving. I don't think I can go on without having anything to eat."

       "Thanks for stating the obvious." Ted screwed up his face. I don't see any food in here. How was this kid able to survive this far? "Kiddo," He strolled past Emily. Getting to where the boy sat, his hand brushed the boy's long blond hair to the side. Smiling haughtily at the lad, he asked sternly, "Where's the food? Did you hide it before unlocking the door?"

       The boy's insolent smile made Emma chuckle. Adam drew his face closer, goggling into Ted's eyes. "There ain't no food in here. I didn't invite y'all over so don't go looking at me like it's my fault."

       "No food. Look kid, don't bullshit me." He cautioned, in a grating tone.

       "My name is Adam. Don't call me kiddo or kid. And for the hundredth time, there ain't no food in here!"

       "How long have you been here?"

       "14 days."

       Slamming his fist on the table he grabbed Adan by the neck. "14 fucking days and you want me to believe you've not consumed anything at all!? Do you take me for a fool?"

       "Yes." Emily's eyebrows arched upwards while her jaw hung slack. She didn't see that coming. No one had dared to talk back rudely to Ted not even their boss. "That's what I've been trying to tell you but clearly you don't understand." he went on, "Did you pass through middle school at all?" Poor guy. He presumably didn't have the money to go to school. "It's not your fault. Your parents should have worked harder to provide educational fees for you. Look, brutality is never the solution. We'll always be here to understand your pain." His legs jigged helplessly in the air like a baby bird learning to fly.

       Ted's torture and knife-stabbing gaze only excited the boy. He remained unyielding in his assertion. Taking in a deep breath again, he gnawed the last piece of brownie by the side of his mouth.

       "Put him down, Ted. He's only a child. We shouldn't be squabbling among ourselves. The real monsters are out there!"

       "I'm starting to think the real monster is in here." Adam jarred. He winked non-stop at Emily, signaling to her who the monster he was referring to was. "By the way, I'm not a kid. I'm 12 years. I've seen the world. It's a dark world. Emphasis on dark." This is way cooler than I foresaw. I can finally touch the chandelier after several days of admiring it from a distance. He gasped. Wow. It's a dream come through. His index finger didn't make it to the chandelier when Ted dropped him roughly on the floor. Adam sat, legs folded, arms crossed and eyes glazing with enthusiastic rage.

       Emily sat opposite him, patted his head, and said, "I know you're offended but we are famished. Have you ever heard the saying, A hungry man is an angry man?"

       "No. But I did catch a glimpse of one."

       "We are starving. Ted and I haven't consumed anything in the last seven days. I can't begin to tell you how horrifying it's been for us."

       "Would it be weird if I tell you I would like to know how horrifying it was? I mean, life is an adventure plus, you need someone to tell your story when you are gone."

       He's impossible. He's just like Ted in every way. "So, you're saying that there isn't food here at all?" Her voice cracked. She pilfer herself to be sure she wasn't dreaming. The one safe place they managed to get into had no food. Her tongue had gone dry and her abdomen rumbling and screeching out for help. She surveyed the room with empathetic eyes, hoping to catch a glimpse of anything edible; even if it were just dessert.

       Adam brushed his hair to the side, picked up his boot, and wore it then got up. He went for the back door and then shut the door after him.

       Ted and Emily stared at each other, having the same insane but relevant question in mind. For the first time, Ted didn't feel the impulse to go after him. She leaned on the wall waiting for the boy to come out. Deep down Emily wished for a moment her presumption was right.

       Emma sang Amazing Grace while scrutinizing Emily and Ted simultaneously. She turned red, turning away to dodge being seen by Ted.

       "What's taking him so long?" Emily asked precipitously. With the help of the chair close to her, she got up and sat on the table, half of her butt inside and the other outside. "Why hasn't he come out yet? He went in there like he had something he wanted to share with us so why isn't he out yet?" I can't stand this hunger anymore.

       "You are too optimistic. This is why you get aggrieved every time." Ted splintered. "Just wait for him to come out first before getting your hopes up."   

       Emma listened intently to the growling and grunting of the living dead outside. She nibbled on her lower lip, assuring herself they were bad people and not the nasty things Adam fed her head with. Emily was too busy staring at the back door and Ted stayed unbothered. My grandma must be waiting for me in the hall. I hope these bad people don't get to her before I do.

       "Don't think about doing anything stupid or I'll slash off your arms and legs and feed them to you." Ted threatened. It felt like he knew what Emma was about to do next.

       "How could you say that to her? She's just a child. Aside from being loathsome, you are highly callous." I can't believe this. I'm starving to death and I still have to put up with his disgusting attitude. "Emma, don't listen to him. He's never said anything nice to anyone not even to himself. My phone." She placed her hand in her pocket, searching around. "Emma, do you still have the phone I gave you earlier?" Emily whispered. After taking the phone from her, she dialed Gracie's number. Emily hummed to the dial tone buzzing in her ear. It was the only way to reduce the uncertainty she was feeling. It's gone directly to voicemail again. " Gracie, if you get my call please buzz back. It's important." She hung up the phone and strode back and forth before giving in to her emotion and smacking the wall.

       "Don't concern yourself with that. I'm convinced your sister is safe wherever she is. Your mum and sister left the restaurant earlier though."  Emma responded her head changing position.

       Emily's eyes dilated, it felt like the entrances of heaven were unlocked and the angels were singing in her ears. "Are you sure? Did you see my family leave the restaurant?"

       Emma gave a lopsided grin, mimicking Ted's behavior. She rubbed her chin while looking heavenward then said, "Yes. Your mum groused about the food. She said it was too spicy and thus couldn't have even a morsel. Gracie was very resentful but she had to leave as well." Emma took off the hair band on her wrist and tied her hair in a ponytail. "They are alright. You don't have to be scared anymore."

       Oh my! This is the best news I've received in two weeks. "Wait. You said, my mum and sister?"

       Emma nodded in agreement.

       "What about Billy? Didn't you see them with any little boy? He's a year younger than you, fair, and has black curly hair. He wore a blue shirt and black jeans."

       She paused to think Emily's question through then shook her head.

       That's not feasible. If they left without him this implies that Billy is still in here." But if Gracie is okay then why isn't she responding to any of my calls? I don't know what to believe anymore. I don't even know precisely what to feel right now. 

      "Can I ask a question?"

      "Yes, darling." Anything to get my mind off what's going on. Her shoulders shrank, edgy at the fruition that Emma's question might be about her grandma.

      "This place. Why is this Prestige restaurant different from the other Prestige restaurants? This one is huge and it has so many rooms. It's like a hotel."

       Emily had almost forgotten the beautiful story. She'd recalled Stacy and Anne asking the exact question on their first day. She narrowed her eyes debating whether to tell the amusing child that captivating story. Taking in a deep breath, she closed her eyes, giving a sign to Emma to do the same.

       Emma rubbed her palms against each other, her ears tingling. She loved the feeling of certitude that came with one's life experience story. One of her very exceptional avocations was reading the autobiography of prominent people. It gave her the significance of reality and the avidity to work hard to accomplish tremendous success.

       Emily demonstrated with her hands just like people who told fairy tales in the past did. She narrated, "This place. This building was the first Prestige restaurant we ever had. It's considered a mother restaurant to other Prestige around the world. When this Prestige was born, there were scarcely any restaurants around this locale. People told Dave that it was an ominous assertion to open a place for eating in a poor area. Then, Beverly Hills didn't have as many dignitaries as it has now." She went further to elucidate how Dave had declined to take money from anyone to start up his business. With the assistance of his late confidante, he took a loan and paid for a remote apartment which at that time didn't cost much. After setting up the shop, he and his confidantes set out to neighboring streets to find youngsters who needed jobs.

       Emma yawned. Emily's story was starting to make her sleepy. She brought her head closer and asked, "So, how did that small apartment grow this tall with many rooms?"

      "Hard work and assiduousness. I guess, we can come to terms with one thing, Dave was determined to succeed. And you were right. It's not just a restaurant but a hotel for some of our staff. This place," She and Emma strode around, taking a glimpse at everything. "We had so many memories in here."

       Emma gaped at the portraits on the walls. There was a separate portrait that contained Emily and Ted's picture. Ted's scrunched-up face had her laughing until tears dropped from the corner of her eyes. "Why is he... Did someone force him to take the picture?"

      "He didn't like the fact that I got a promotion as well. He's never fancied me neither has he ever thought highly of me."

       Emma perceived the intense stench of emotional breakdown. Conceivably, her questions were giving her a tough time. "Does he irritate you? It looks like you care about what he presumes of you. Why don't you just inform him?"

      "First of all, thank goodness he's in the washroom, secondly, you should stay away from Adam. He's filling your head with nasty things and thirdly, if I told Ted that I care a lot about the things people say to me because my love language is the law of affirmation, he's only going to get on my nerves."

      "True." She squeezed the small towel in the bowl Emily used in cleaning her up then used the same towel on Emily's face. The dried-up blood on her face prompted Emma to use the little strength in her small hands to clean it off. "Everyone has a story. I'm sure there's a justification as to why he's being a complete jerk."

      "Language. See, I said earlier that Adam was a bad influence on you. And, let's be honest, your past shouldn't be a reason for you to hurt others."

      "Back off, dude!"

      Emily and Emma stared at each other in unison. That was Adam's voice. She lifted her head and saw that the washroom door was open. Ted had come out. Running towards the other door, she advised Emma to sit and wait for her.

       "Ted, no! Let him go. He's just a child." Emily separated them. She pulled Adam far away from Ted, standing in between. "Stop it now!" This is too much. Why does he always pick a fight everywhere he goes?

       "Don't you dare tell me what to do."


       "Shut the fuck up and get out of here." Ted's hideous tone spooked Emma. She hid under the table, observing them in stillness.

       Emily moved closer, her teeth gnashing. "Ted, I'm in no mood to pick a fight with you, okay? Just stay away from the child."

       "Emily Smith, if I hear one more word from you, my palm will be bussing your sweet innocent face next. Now get out of here!"

       "Dude, that's no way to talk to your girlfriend." Adam wiped the blood off his nose. His expression hadn't changed from what it was when they walked in. It felt as though he didn't give attention or thought to whatever Ted did and said to him. "She's done nothing wrong."

       Emily stood motionless for what appeared like an endless moment. For a split second, she wished the ground would diverge and gobble her up. She fixed her gaze on Emma. The girl presumably felt the same way as she did. Ted had no consideration for her. Recollecting his last words she choked on her emotions, trying not to reveal the helplessness she felt. "Don't ever speak to me that way. I am not your daughter, wife, or sister. You don't have any right to intimidate me or anyone in this room."

       "Wow. So the cockroach resolved to make use of its wings. Nice try. I'm starting to wonder where these wings went when her father's dead body was found in another woman's room."


       "And," he interrupted. "Where was it when her boyfriend was cheating under her nose and even let her die? The man she boasted about spending the rest of her messed up life with, let go of her hand. I didn't see this level of confidence then, Emily."

       "Ted Oliver! Not one more word about my past, unless,"

       "Unless what?"

       "Dude, only a coward uses a person's painful past to try and hurt them. Not cool. Just a sign of oppression and cowardice."

       Adam's words didn't seem to sit well with Ted as he launched forward, finger-pointing directly at him. "Kid, don't you ever speak to me in such a condescending tone."

       "You mean the same tone you're using to embarrass your girlfriend in our faces?"

       "Adam. Don't mess with me. You have no idea what length I'll go to to get rid of my enemies."

       "So Mr. Christopher was right." Emily shook her head. "You did that to him. Why Ted? Is it necessary to be a huge jerk? You murdered someone's father and husband and let's not forget what you did to Stacy! Did you also do that to get back at Celine!"

       "You are flimsy, pathetic, and a complete doormat, Emily Smith. Does it hurt? It should be because it's the truth. And for Mr. Christopher, I'm sure we both know I'm not a monster so how could I have done that to him? I can't stand any of you!" He staggered.

       "I can't stand you either."

       "Good. The door is that way." he gestured. "Get the fuck out of here!"

       "Dude, you have an ace at saying fuck in every sentence."

       "What is it, Emily?" He asked, shunning Adam's joke. "Once again you can't leave. Your amazing boss, darling boyfriend, and overly susceptible best friend are not here to defend you. You don't know how to stand on your own. You need me again."

       Emily stormed out of the small room, she took hold of her phone on the table and proceeded for the door. Scarcely did she unlock the door, Emma took her hand in hers. She sobbed, pleading with her to stay back.