
Territory Defense! 100X Rewards From The Start!

One day everyone in the world was sucked into a new world, given a small chunk of land and limited resources and told to surivive by whatever means neccesary. Our main character Leo unlocks his innate skill after the system deems every attribute of his to be trash except for one: Luck! Now his Innate skill 'Midas touch' give him 100 times the rewards for almost everything he does! Watch as Leo overcomes the trauma of killing others, saves his family, and slowly become more and more powerful! Cover Art is not mine! Message me if you wish for me to take it down!

AniMine · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Poisonous Hate

Leo was at this moment staring up at the giant red orb in the sky, rather, the 3 giant red orbs in the sky. Compared to the water ball that he had conjured which was the size of a Green grade house that could house up to 20 people, the giant red orbs were almost triple that size. Leo was staring at the orbs as they marched towards Rus's brothers territory.

As Leo stared, he noticed that 1 of the three was slightly larger than the other two, making him extremely curious about how to use this tracking skill.

Leo turned to Rus as they marched and asked,"Rus, one of the balls is bigger than the other ones, why is that?"

Rus, a little absent minded as they got closer to his wife, responded,"Oh that, the larger the ball, the farther away the target your tracking is."

Leo noticed his worried and anxious expression, but decided not to comment on it for now, as bringing in emotions right before a battle might prove disastrous for them. Leo decided to deactivate his new tracking skill, having learned all that he could about it for now. Leo had been practicing his mana conjuring as they walked, and had used the tracking skill to see how it better worked.

Leo went back to training his poison element as they walked. Leo was currently not equipped with his water element spear as he had wanted to get a little training in with just his toxic chestpiece as they marched. However, he was having a lot of trouble conjuring up any mana, as every time he tried to use his poison element, it simply didn't respond to his command.

Leo, seeking a little bit of guidance turned to Ash and asked,"Ash, when I use my water element spear, the mana flows through me so smoothly that it feels like a part of my body, but for some reason, the poison element on my chest piece is being very stubborn and uncooperative."

Ash mused on the problem for a few moments before snapping his fingers like he had a eureka moment. He turned and said,"Its probably because of the armor type!"

Leo, a little confused, asked,"Armor type?"

Ash nodded and continued, saying,"Yes, Lord Leo. When you conjure your water element through your spear, you are going on the offensive. However, your poison element is in your chestpiece, so it probably is meant for protection and defense rather than offense."

Leo's eyes widened a little in surprise and he let out a gasp as Bu had told him something similar about elements and weapons before. Leo smacked his head with his palm and yelled out."Of course! Stupid!"

Ash chuckled and turned back his attention to the march and watched for enemies. Leo returned to thinking about conjuring up his poison element. Leo focused his mind and thought about how to best use the element for 'Protection' and 'Defense'.

Leo thought to himself,"Let's keep it simple, for now, let's just try surrounding myself with the poison element." Leo imagined himself being surrounded by the poison element like a suit of armor, quietly calling out,"Coat of arms!"

Almost instantly, Leo's body began to glow a faint green, as it gave a dangerous feeling. Ash, Rus and a few of the soldiers almost instantly noticed as their very instincts screamed at them to move out of the way.

Leo then watched everyone quickly back up at least 10 feet from him, staring in destitute horror, and with frightened gazes. Leo smiled and tried another idea that popped into his head, imagining a barrier of poison surrounding him, he said out loud,"Poison barrier!"

Just liked before, everyone felt a chilling feeling come over them as Leo summoned a barrier of poison elemental energy 5 feet in diameter around him. Seeing that everyone was a little frightened, Leo retracted his poison energy, letting it disappear as if it had never been there. Leo smiled as he thought of a perfect way to fuck with that wife kidnapper. Technically, as long as the spell is meant for defense, and not offense, he could cast the barrier around anyone. Leo smiled as he thought about this and thought to himself,"I wonder what would happen if someone without a poison affinity or immunity touched this barrier?"


Leo and his group of soldiers, along with Rus and Ash walked up to a poor looking territory. It looked like the people here were starving, or on the verge of collapse as they silently worked a few hundred feet away from them.

Leo gave a nasty scowl and said,"His people are neglected and starving, what has he even been doing this entire time?"

Rus was looking at the sky and a large house that seemed to be made of only wood and twigs. His eyes narrowed as he said to Leo,"She is in there Lord Leo. Are you really going to fulfill your promise to me?"

Leo nodded and his eyes turned serious as he replied,"I am even more sure now than before, his people need help or they will die soon."

Rus shook his head as he pointed out a few people who were sitting near the big home. Leo looked and saw that these people seemed to be healthy as they guarded the home with big grins on their faces. Rus simply said,"Those are HIS people."

Leo almost immediately understood based on the connotation in Rus' voice. His brother had captured not only his wife but also the few people she had managed to summon, and was now forcing them to work themselves to their deaths. Leo grit his teeth in anger, sure many would consider them not as people since they were summoned here, but they were humans nonetheless. These people thought like people, ate and spoke like people and loved like people. Leo was now angrier than ever.

Leo's eyes turned furious and as calmly as he could, slowly walked out of the hiding spot in the trees, calling out,"Coat of arms!" Just like before, the green glow enveloped Leo's skin and clothing as he walked forwards.

Ash, seeing that Leo had gone forwards instead of sticking to the ambush plan, called out,"Soldiers! Change of plans! Forwards march!"

The soldiers all shouted,"Yes sir!" in an angry tone and marched forwards with fierce determination in their eyes. They too, just like Leo, were extremely pissed off seeing the treatment these innocent were forced to live by!

Almost as soon as Leo and his soldiers stepped out of the cover of the trees, 10 soldiers came running forwards, shouting,"Halt! Leave this land or you will be attacked in the name of Lord Bert!"

Originally Leo was going to act like a pompous, arrogant person and bait out Bert but Leo now felt overwhelming anger, and decided just to directly challenge Bert. So Leo only responded,"Tell Lord Bert to come here, or I will massacre every soldier that stands before me!"

One the 10 soldiers quickly ran into the house to relay the words to the Lord inside, as the other soldiers stared at Leo and his own group of soldiers. Lord Berts soldiers didn't know why, but the energy coming from Leo was making all of their instincts go haywire! It was really freaking them out, and they would need support from the Lord and his beasts to overcome this visitor!

Quickly, the soldier and another man dressed in sloppy clothing came out of the house in a hurry. Leo sized the man up as he tucked his shirt into his pants hurriedly and anxiously. The man was fat beyond comparison, much bigger than he should be, as if he had been feasting since that day he came to this world. Leo also noticed the crumbs on his mouth, in his beard, and all over his clothes, and it made him sick as he could remember the frail and weak bodies of the other workers not even moments ago.

The man called out to them,"My name's Lord Bert! What d'ya' want?!"

Leo slowly walked forwards toward Bert as his eyes burned in anger. Bert seemed to grow worried the closer Leo got and he began to visibly sweat. He called out once again,"What?! What d'ya' want?!"

Leo, still burning a hole in his enemies head, simply raised his hand towards the man, and called out,"Poison barrier!"

Instantly everyone was shocked as a barrier of green misty energy surrounded Lord Bert, trapping him inside! Instantly Lord Berts soldiers were alert once more, as one of them shouted,"Release him or we will attack!"

Leo, not taking his fierce eyes off of Bert, simply said,"Ash, dispose of the trash."

Ash took note of the specific word choice and ordered the 30 soldiers to attack the other soldiers, saying,"Boys! Incinerate this trash, and dispose of it so the lord does not smell it anymore!"

The soldiers didn't even question the odd phrasing and attacked the other soldiers mercilessly, and within minutes, the soldiers who Lord Bert was commanding were dead, and were being hauled into the forest. The entire time this was going on, Leo never took his eyes off Bert, and simply said to a soldier that stayed near him,"Go in the house and find the wife, be quick."

Only a minute later, the soldier came out of the house, carrying in his arms a frail looking older woman in his arms and Rus ran forwards for the first in this entire situation, checking to see if his wife was ok.

Bert saw Rus and yelled out."Rus! You sicked this devil on me! How could you?!" Berts eyes glowed and Leo noticed that 3 beasts attacked as they ran out from inside the house.

Leo pointed his hand in their direction and without ever even looking at them, keeping his eyes on Bert, simply called out,"Poison barrier."

The beasts, just like their master, were now trapped inside the barrier. Just like Bert, they also felt the tremendous danger they were in the moment they were trapped. Their instincts commanded them to escape, but they had nowhere to run!

Rus' wife was woken up with some water the squad had brought along, and Rus immediately asked her,"Lora, are you ok?! Please say something my love!!"

The older woman named Lora, still weak and exhausted, reached down into her pants and seemed to be touching her crotch area. She pulled her hand out from under her pants to reveal a thick white substance in her hands. Rus' eyes shaded in a dark contrast as he realized what this most likely meant.

Lora only managed to get out a week,"Im.. Sorry.. I'm no.. longer… pure.." before passing back out again. Leo's eyes burned in fury as he looked at Bert, who was now pissing his pants in fright.

Rus slowly walked over to Leo and asked,"Can I kill him?"

Leo only managed to clench his teeth and seeth out an angry,"It would be my pleasure.." Leo grabbed one of the Green grade soldiers' elderwood swords from his hands and handed it to Rus. Neither men, spoke a word to each other, but both had a common understanding about what was happening at this moment.

Leo let the barrier surrounding Bert fall, no longer existing. Leo and Rus calmly walked forwards as one of Leo's soldiers grabbed Bert and forced his head onto a wooden log, letting it hand over the side.

Leo spoke as Rus lifted up the sword, fire in his eyes and tears rolling down his face, saying."For your actions against this man's wife, and the actions you took against her people. For starving them, for torturing them, for raping them, I, Lord Leo, claim your lands and hereby sentence you to hell, good riddance."

Leo didn't need to say anything else, not even hearing Berts continuous cries for mercy as Rus brought the sword down on his neck, killing him instantly.