
Opening a path.

The global reactions to Luke's fight were pretty insane.

Everyone was in shock watching the sheer brutality displayed by SkyLion, as nobody expected the fight to become so savage.

It was undoubtedly one sided and the way Luke ended their lives was disturbing to watch for most except some weirdos who thrived on gore.

"SkyLion had rigged the entire arena in his favor, this wasn't a fair fight–"

"Man, I hope I NEVER have to face SkyLion, I'd happily fight 'TheBoss' and be stabbed in the heart but I'd never want to be suplexed on my head over and over and over again until it becomes a smashed pulp"

"Everytime I close my eyes, I see SkyLion hitting a suplex on his opponents and it gives me goosebumps. I'm terrified now"

"Is it just me or is SkyLion suplexing those men extremely hot? I mean if he's this good at wrestling, I'm sure he's a beast in bed"

"It's not just you sister, SkyLion raging is definitely hot! And I love him too–"