
Amanda's Recap, The Ankle Break

( Amanda's POV )

From the moment Amanda improved her mastery over her blacksmithing skills and realised she had the power to unlock the ankle restraints binding everyone aboard the Arc Ship, the idea almost immediately consumed her.

The thought of freeing herself, along with the others, became an obsession that fueled her every move, pushing her hard to find a way to make it happen.

However, she quickly recognized that achieving this goal would require two crucial components, namely : a key and a counter charge.

The key was essential for manually triggering the release inside the ankle lock, while the counter charge was needed to safely disable the auto-shock mechanism that would otherwise incapacitate anyone attempting to tamper with the device.

However, although she knew what was necessary to unlock the device, the real challenge lay in acquiring them, as finding the right components on this secure Arc Ship was no small feat.