
Tensura: The Time I Got Reincarnated as an Elf

Once upon a time, there was a teenage girl named Sarah who was a big fan of Genshin Impact, a popular video game. She loved playing as Klee, a cute and powerful pyromancer who could blow things up with her bombs. However, one day she received a mysterious survey in which she answers but end up reincarnating her into another world as the character she used to play as.

Good_Doggo2001 · Anime e quadrinhos
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13 Chs

The Mysterious Survey

Hello everyone~

My name is Sarah and I am your average teenage girl who was a huge fan of Genshin Impact, a popular Chinese video game.

I love playing the game so much that I invested my entire savings in rolling for five-star characters. However, there is one particular character stands out the most and her name is Klee.

I like Klee so much that she became my main ever since the day I rolled for her. The character is so cute, cheerful and a very powerful pyro catalyst user.

Seeing her acting lively in battle was so charming that I'd always dreamed to be like her and experience the same adventures like she has.

That is when one day while I was peacefully playing the game, a mysterious inbox message pop out. I was curious what it could be so I went to the menu and select the message. At first, I thought it would be free primogems but it turns out to be a survey of some sort.

Normally, I would ignore this kind of message but since I got plenty of time, I decided to give it a try and answer the survey.

As I click the link inserted on the message, a different kind of survey appeared on the screen. Usually, this kind of survey inquires your opinion on the current update of the game in exchange for 10,000 mora or something. However, this survey is different, it instead asks me various questions that seems out of place.

[Question # 1: Who is your most favorite character in the game?]

Right of the bat, the survey questions me about my favorite character. Knowing already what to answer, I quickly typed Klee's name on the textbox.

[Question #2: If your character has a unique skill, what would it be?]

Unique skill? That's odd. That terms was never mentioned in the game. Oh well, I might as well type [Bomb Creation] and [Pyro magic] in the textbox since that was the character's kit.

[Question #3: If your character would be spawn in one of these places, which one would it be?]

> In a forest area

> In a cave area

> in a snowy area

The next question asked me which location would Klee spawns into and according to experience, I would pick a forest area since a cave area like the Chasm and a snowy area like Dragonspine were not ideal places to spawn.

[Question #4: If your character would encounter another character, who would you pick?]

> A masked swordswoman

> A huge dragon

> A friendly slime

What a silly question is this. There is no way I would let Klee meet a dragon or a slime, it would be quite bizarre. So, my obvious choice is a masked swordswoman because it sounds badass.

[Question # 5: If your character has a best friend and most loyal companion, which would you pick?]

>A cat girl

> A undead child

> A human girl

Interesting, these three choices were quite tempting. Each of them reminds of characters from the game. The cat girl is Diona, the undead child is Qiqi and the human girl is Yaoyao. However, if I were to choose among the three, a cat girl companion would be my best choice.

[Thank you for answering the survey. The answers will determine what your life will be in a brand-new world. So, enjoy your reincarnation, traveler]

'Huh?! What the heck does that mean?'

Before I could process on what the message meant, a bright light suddenly flashes through the screen and mysterious force begins to suck me in without any warning.



"Urggh.... My head.... What the heck happened" I grimaced as I slowly woke up from a deep slumber.

As soon I could see properly, I was surprised that I am no longer inside my bedroom. Instead, I found myself in forest of some sort. There were many huge and thick trees surrounding me, which is a bizarre place to wake up.

"Where the hell am I? Could this be the forest area that the survey was talking about?" I pondered to myself as I tried to stand up from the ground.

However, I soon realized that something was wrong with my body when I stood up. First of all, I feel a bit shorter than usual. I remember being fairly tall teenage girl but right now, I feel like a child.

Not only that, my clothes are different as well. I am currently wearing red frilly dress that seems oddly familiar. I also tried touching myself and felt that my ears are quite pointy and my hair is pinkish-blonde in color.

It doesn't take long enough for me to figure out what is happening when I remembered the first question of the survey.

"Hold on?! Don't tell me I have become Klee?!" I questioned myself as I remembered choosing Klee as my most favorite character.

However, in order to confirm this claim, I rush to find a reflective surface to look at myself. Once I found a nearby river, I quickly look on myself at the reflection and I finally confirmed my question.

'Yup, it is officially confirmed. I have turned myself into my favorite character' I wryly smiled to myself as I don't have a choice to accept my fate.

'Hold on, does this means that the other answers from the survey was implemented here? If so, then the unique skills I typed must be accessible, right?' I pondered once again as I raise my hand and test something out.

"Haargh!" I loudly yell while trying to cast [Pyro magic], causing a small flame to appear on the palm of my hand.

'Woah! That's amazing!' I was bewildered that I could actually do magic.

After testing out my skill, I quickly put out the fire on my hand and try to assess my situation. I already confirmed that I have become Klee from Genshin impact and I could do magic as well.

However, I haven't figure out where I am and wonder if I somehow been transported into the world of Genshin Impact or not.

"Kyaaaaaa! Somebody help us!"

While I was contemplating at my thoughts, I suddenly heard a cry for help on the distance. So, I quickly run to the direction of the voice and find out.


[Third POV]

Once Sarah arrived on a clear pathway, she spotted three figures on the distance. the elf girl squinted her eyes to see clearly and saw two men and one blonde girl running from something.

"What the heck are they doing?" she pondered confusedly.

However, as soon she look what's behind them, Sarah was quite shocked to see a horde of red ants chasing the three people.

"This is your fault, Kaval! Why the heck did you poke a monster nest again!?"

"How should I know! I was checking the surrounding, okay!"

"Hey! If I die here, I will haunt the two of you!!"

"You don't need to say that, Eren. Because the three of us will die here! HAHAHAHAH"


The three people argued in such a comical manner while being chased by the giant ants. Eventually, they spotted the small elf girl on the distance.

"Look! There's someone over there!"

"Is that an elf? What is she doing there?"

The two men were confused at the sudden appearance of Sarah on the road. However, blonde girl get straight to action and pleads for help.

"Hey there! Please help us!"

"Eren, I don't think a small elf like her can kill these monsters!"

"It doesn't matter! Please help us!"

The blonde girl cried for help, in which Sarah nodded in compliance. The elf girl then flexes her hand and tried to use her skill [Bomb Creation].

Once she used the skill, three small bombs appeared on the palm of her hand. After that, she winds her arm back while aiming at the giant ant monster and then...

"ORA! ORA! ORA!" Sarah loudly yelled as she hurled the bombs with great force. The three people noticed what the elf girl throwed and they all reacted simultaneously.

"Everybody look out!" one of the men prompted the others to duck and they followed his instruction. The bomb manage to pass above them and was heading towards the monsters.


Three individual huge explosions occurred after the bombs collided with the giant ant monsters, causing their heads to be blown off entirely. The monsters' bodies then fell to the ground, killing them in the process.


"She actually killed the monsters"

"Such a powerful magic"

The three people were quite amazed by the power that Sarah displayed and they were utterly stunned because of it.


"Are you guys, okay?" Sarah worriedly asked as she approaches them. The three then look at elf girl with tears in their eyes and then lunges at her.

"Thank you very much!"

" Thank you, little one! You saved us!"

"I can't believe I'm still alive! Thank you!"

The three clings on to Sarah while they praising her for saving them. This troubles the elf girl so she tries to break free from their grasp.

"Hey, knock it off! I can't breathe!"

"""Ah! We're sorry"""

After realizing they were crushing Sarah with their hugs, the three people let go of the elf girl and apologizes to her afterwards.

Several minutes later, Sarah finally recovered from the reckless hug and she confronted the three people once again.

"Hey, little girl. What is your name?" the blonde girl asked, wondering about the elf girl's identity. This causes Sarah to ponder on which name she should use, her name or Klee's name.

"My name is Klee. Nice to meet you all"

Ultimately, she decided to use the character's name as if it was her own. The three nodded understandingly to her response.

"That's quite a cute name, Klee. My name is Eren and these two were Kaval and Gido" the blonde girl introduces herself along with the identity of the two men, in which she also nodded.

"So, what are you three doing here? And why were you being chased by giant ants" Sarah, or rather Klee, asked for the reason of their predicament.

"Well, you see. This idiot over here decided to poke a monster nest and end up provoking them"

"Hey! I'm just checking our surroundings. It's essential for our survival"

"Survival, my ass. You almost got us killed, dumbass!"

Eren and the others argued over who's fault for the problem, but Klee approaches them and hold their hands.

"Hey, there's no point fighting on what was already done. So, cheer up you three~" Klee cheerfully reassured the three, in which they were smitten by her charm and complied to her words.

"Anyway, we still have to return to Blumund and report about the disappearance of the storm dragon" Kaval informs the team, which they nodded in compliance.

"Storm dragon? What's that?" Klee curiously asked.

"Ah, that. The storm dragon was a powerful being who was sealed in the cave of Jura Forest. However, it suddenly vanished one day, so we were sent here to confirm of its disappearance" Kaval explains to Klee about the dragon's identity, as well as their purpose for being here.

"I understand"

"Hey Klee, do you want to come with us? It would be rude of us to leave you here" Eren proposed to Klee, which she nodded in compliance.

"Very well then. Let's go everyone" Kaval prompted the team to follow him, including Klee who wants to know more about the world she got transported into.

This is my first Tensura fanfiction. So if there is some lore or continuity errors, just let me know.

Good_Doggo2001creators' thoughts