
Tensura: The Epic Tale of Rimuru Tempest!

That time I got reincarnated as a primordial demon, instead of a slime. Hey guy's new story for ya so read. Also english is not my first language so there will be some grammatical errors. Not much but there will be some, so please bear with it for me. And even if you read there is nothing to lose for me. So make sure read it. Original story and characters belongs to the original writer who is "Fuse". This is just for fun so don't take anything personally. This story contains sexual intercourse, courses, and violence so read with your responsibility. Also the pairings are; 1. Rimuru x Ciel. ('Cause it's best and perfect ship) 2. Rimuru x Shizue. ('Cause it's a really good ship in my opinion ofcourse) 3. Rimuru x Chloe. ('Cause she deserve him) 4. Rimuru x Velzard. ('Cause in my opinion Velzard deserve someone like Rimuru instead of Guy. Also Rimuru deserve atleast one milf) 5. Rimuru x Velgrynd. ('Cause Rimuru deserve one milf and I can't choose between Velzard and Velgrynd so I take both of them)

God_RimuruTempest · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs

Chapter 55: Completion of Pieces: Prelude to the Grand Plan! Part-2.

Guys, this will be the last chapter where canon parts are included. From the next chapter, the story won't follow the canon events. There's no need for it because all the necessary changes that I wanted to make have already been done in this chapter. So from the next chapter, all things will be up to my imagination and not from canon. It won't follow the canon plot.

Peace! ✌️😁😁✌️


It has been two months since the Orc Disaster incident, and many changes have occurred in this time.

First, after defeating the Orc Disaster, I took the Lizardmen and Orcs under my leadership. Then, I had a discussion with Benimaru and the others, as well as the new leader of the Orcs, resolving any remaining animosity between them. So now, all of my subordinates are on good terms with each other.

After that was done, I revived all the Orcs that had been killed during the earlier battle. I must say, their numbers are greater than in my other variants timelines. It seems that while major events are the same, some details differ across timelines. The total number after the revival of the orcs is 500,000, which is 300,000 more than in that timeline. Well, it's all good in the end; now I have more workers as well as military power.

After that, I named all the Orcs and Lizardmen as proof that they are now my subordinates. I also gave the name "Geld" to the new leader of the Orcs, who is the son of the Orc Disaster. Upon receiving a name, he evolved into an Orc Lord and became considerably strong, reaching a level comparable to his father before his death.

As for that idiot, I simply renamed him, and just like Geld, he also became stronger than before. I can't say who is stronger between them, but well, whatever.

Regarding Gabiru joining me, as we all know, he was kicked out by his father. So, along with some of his men, he came to my place with me. Additionally, his sister, whom I named Suoka, along with some of her people, also joined us.

After we returned, I immediately assigned tasks to all the orcs. I told them to expand the city as fast as they could and to build a giant coliseum because, you know, we have a fight to host between me and Veldora. Well, it's not exactly a fight since we're not going all out-I mean, he's not going all out-but it's still a fight nonetheless.

Actually, I only have 300,000 orcs available as workers and for military purposes because out of the 500,000 orcs, almost 100,000 scattered across the forest to live their lives freely. Among the remaining 100,000 orcs, some are old, some are weak, some are children, and some don't want to join as construction workers or in the military. Well, I'm fine with it since I have enough orcs for what I need, so I let them go.

So currently, I have a total of 300,000 orcs who are ready to go into war at any moment. Therefore, I created a corps of orcs.

In the past month, I also established multiple military corps, such as:

The first one is the Green Corps, which is under Gobta's command. It could also be called Gobta's First Corps.

He has become much stronger this past month due to his rigorous training with Hakuro, as well as some shared lessons from Shizue. He has experienced hell.

Well, it's only because of me that he has to go through this extra training, I guess, but then again, that bastard deserves it.

Seriously, Gobta doesn't know what to say in what kind of situation, but again, he is just as goofy as he is cunning and intelligent, so I gave him a pass. Still, I made sure he received at least some punishment. And the result of that punishment is that now he is as strong as a special A-rank monster and on his way to reaching S-rank.

I must say, I am impressed by his abilities and potential, which is quite an achievement for him since there are few things that can impress me, and the fact that he is just a hobgoblin makes it even more hilarious.

Well, let's not lose focus. So, I was explaining the Green Corps, or more appropriately, the Green Numbers.

There are two parts in the Green Corps, which consists of approximately 38,000 members.

1) Green Riders: 2,000 members. Evolved from the combination of Hobgoblins and Star Wolves, each individual is ranked A+. They will serve as captains of this corps.

2) Green Numbers: 36,000 members. They have been split into a host of 12,000 members, comprising three teams. The majority of them are warriors from the many tribes of the Jura Forest. Even so, they are B+ Rank and form a splendid fighting force.

Next is Geld's Second Corps, which consists of approximately 200,000 members.

1) Yellow Numbers: 100,000 members. These are the elite High Orcs serving under Geld from the beginning. Individually, they are of A+ rank. They are also able to unite with Geld to become a single shield. I reorganized them into teams and assigned captains.

2) Orange Numbers: 100,000 members. They are made up of the recently "born, High Orcs" and are ranked A.

After that comes Gabiru's Third Corps, which consists of approximately 11,000 members.

1) Hiryuu: 1,000 members. Among them, 300 are Dragonewts who followed Gabiru to Tempest when he was exiled, and there are also 700 individuals who were impressed by Gabiru's strength after I renamed him, deciding to join him. Each individual is ranked A+, and they coordinate their attacks extremely well. They are also learning the "Dragon Body" Transformation, which will be their trump card in the future.

2) Wyvern Riders: 5,000 members. Comprised solely of new applicants from the lizardmen who have evolved into Dragonewts. They mount the Wyverns, B+ level Lesser Dragon species, and dominate the airspace.

3) Blue Numbers: 5,000 members. Comprised solely of new applicants from the lizardmen who have evolved into Dragonewts.

Next is Benimaru's Fourth Corps, consisting of approximately 20,500 members.

1) Kurenai: 500 members. A group of A+ ranked Ogres and a few Over A++ ranked Kijin, led by Gobwa, that acts as Benimaru's personal cohort.

2) Red Numbers: Approximately 20,000 monsters. They are mostly of A rank, with a few individuals in the A+ rank territory. They volunteered to protect Tempest.

After that comes Souei's Kurayami, which consists of approximately 1,000 members.

This unit specializes in intelligence, espionage, and assassination. Souei has sole and exclusive control over them, and few even know of their existence. Most known members are Dragonewt.

Next is Shion's Personal Army, with approximately 10,100 members.

1)Yomigaeri: 100 members. This unit consists of individuals who have managed to obtain the Extra Skill [Perfect Memory] and become nigh-immortal. They have reached Over A+ Rank and are trained personally by Shion.

Actually, the story behind these monsters acquiring the extra skill [Perfect Memory] is quite hilarious.

The thing is, Shion wanted to create a squad to act as royal bodyguards. Since she holds the position of my personal bodyguard, she felt the need for a dedicated team to provide additional protection. She approached Diablo for assistance, and you know Diablo - since it was for me, he agreed to help. Together, they began creating a new squad.

For this purpose, they selected a few monsters and started to train them. However, during the training process, there were numerous instances where they unintentionally killed the monsters. Since Diablo was with her, he always resurrected them after killing them. Surprisingly, through these repeated deaths, the monsters acquired the extra skill [Perfect Memory].

I don't know whether to praise them or become angry for killing our own comrades. So for the time being, I left that matter as it was. So, where was I? Ah, next was...

2) Shion's Fanclub: Approximately 10,000 members.

For the time being, I have this much army under my command. Benimaru is the Supreme Commander, who has absolute authority over the entire army after me.

Additionally, there is the Black Numbers, solely consisting of Demons. I am planning to create them once my and Veldora's match is over. Well, that can be done, so no worries.

If you're wondering how I managed to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time, like, expanding my country, building an entire city, while simultaneously creating my military, and also the fact that the growth of individuals like Gabiru, Geld, Benimaru, Shion, and others. Then there's one simple answer for that: Time Manipulation.

I created a barrier around the whole Jura Forest which is not affected by anything, not even time, and changed the flow of time inside the Jura Forest. I made it so that one month outside the Jura Forest is equivalent to one year inside the Jura Forest. Because of that, it was possible for my nation and my subordinates to progress so much in such a short amount of time.

For the outside world, only two months have passed, but for the people inside the Jura Forest, one year and one month have passed.

So I accomplished all of this in one year of time. I expanded my territory, and now the whole Jura Forest, along with all of its monsters, is under my command. Every tribe, every race, is under me-every one of them.

After one month following the Orc Disaster incident, I called Treiny and ordered her to gather every tribe leader, village chief, and representative of each race and group to me, within just one week's time. Everyone was assembled in one place, just as I wanted. There, I told them that they had only two choices: submit and live happy lives, or die.

Soon, chaos erupted in that place, but in the end, everyone agreed to join me. That's how I took every monster inside the Jura Forest under my command.

Well, following that time, there was a noticeable event such as Benimaru's marriage. He got married to Hakuro and Kadae's daughter, the leader of the Tengu tribe. The story behind it is long and funny, so I'll save it for another time. But in the end, they got married.

Don't worry, I saved Momiji's mother, and now she's living happily with Hakuro. Speaking of Hakuro, before agreeing to their marriage, he almost killed Benimaru for making Momiji sad. After their wedding, he gave Benimaru a warning: "Make my daughter sad, and I'll cut down your balls." That dude is evil.

Anyway, that's all in the past. Recently, Benimaru told me that Momiji is pregnant. I visited her to ensure that she and her babies are healthy. Yes, babies-I know, but I haven't told Benimaru yet. It'll be a surprise for him, and I'm sure he'll be very happy to find out for himself.

After that was done, I gave Geld and his men the layout of the city. It's a grand layout, the pinnacle of architecture.

The city's layout embodies architectural excellence, crafted with precision to perfection. Every element has been carefully placed and refined, reflecting a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal. From the arrangement of streets and buildings to the integration of public spaces and infrastructure, each aspect has been thoughtfully considered to optimize efficiency and enhance the overall experience for residents and visitors alike.

When Ciel and I were designing the city, our primary goal was to create the most beautiful and spectacular city in existence. We included stunning parks filled with lush greenery, offering serene spots for relaxation and recreational activities. Grand plazas and cultural landmarks are strategically placed to highlight the city's rich heritage and aesthetic grandeur. Sculptures, fountains, and meticulously designed gardens add to the city's breathtaking visual appeal.

There are also entertainment facilities, such as theaters and arenas for sports and events, to provide ample recreational options. Furthermore, we planned for areas dedicated to marketplaces and commercial zones, where residents can enjoy a vibrant local culture and commerce.

The city also boasts advanced infrastructure, including well-maintained roads and efficient public transport systems to ensure easy navigation.

Additionally, we have made it in a way that when it is complete, it will create giant magic circles throughout the whole Jura Forest. These circles can detect anything inside it, as well as any intruders. They can also store the data of the people of the Jura Forest.

There is another magic circle made specifically for the city, which surrounds the whole city and acts as a shield and sword at the same time. The last magic circle is made to lessen the concentration of the magicules inside the city to a degree that any normal human can live here, as well as not harm any monster either.

The most unique thing about these circles is that they are designed in a way to absorb magicules from the surroundings to sustain and maintain themselves.

Furthermore, we have integrated state-of-the-art technology within the city to monitor and maintain the magic circles that detect any intruders, store data on the residents, and regulate the concentration of magicules, ensuring the city is safe and habitable for both humans and monsters. It is designed in a way that, when Ramiris arrives, it will be easy to shift this monitoring room into the Labyrinth, making it our primary base.

In essence, this grand city is designed to be a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and modern convenience, making it the most magnificent city ever created.

Once the construction of the city was done, it was time to build the grand coliseum. They built a magnificent arena perfect for hosting epic battles, with the capacity to hold almost a million people. I'm sure our battle will be great.

And one year had passed in this process. During that time, not only did my subordinates work tirelessly to make the nation prosperous, but they also dedicated themselves to rigorous training, improved themselves, and became stronger.

After one year was complete, I returned the flow of time to normal and undid the barrier.

After one month (in the outside world), King Gazel came to visit us, and what can I say, he was shocked to see an entire nation inside the Jura Forest. He was so stunned that he collapsed upon seeing the city. After some time, when he woke up, we had a meeting, and it went peacefully. In that meeting, we formed an alliance-an equal alliance.

During the alliance, we agreed on the following terms:

1) A non-aggression treaty.

2) A promise of assistance in the event either nation is endangered.

3) The construction of a road to Dwargon, in exchange for their support.

4) Guaranteed safety for Dwarves within the Forest of Jura, as well as guaranteed safety for the people of Tempest within the Armed Nation of Dwargon.

5) Promises of sharing technology between Tempest and Dwargon.

And no, I am not at a loss here because neither I nor my country will lose anything from helping them. Additionally, I need his country because it is key to making an alliance with Blumud, and Blumud is the key to entering the western nations. I know that I could conquer the western nations with only my nation, but this way is more interesting, so I'll go with this one.

After the meeting, when it comes to the name of my nation, we decided to name it after me and Veldora, so we chose "Tempest," and thus my nation, "The Jura Tempest Federation," was born. And my ever-eccentric subordinates decided to name the capital of the nation after me, and thus the capital of our nation, "Rimuru," was born.

In reality, from the name, everyone will think that it is a federation, but the truth is it operates more like a dictatorship, where my word is absolute law, and what I say happens. Here, I have the highest authority over everything.

As the King of the nation, I'm supposed to have many responsibilities, but that's not a problem for me because all the paperwork and administrative tasks are taken care of by Rigurd.

All I have to do is focus on the important matters and give the final orders, but if I choose not to, there are people who can take care of this for me. Even in that case, if I were to decide something, no one is against it. I have this much privilege as a King.

I think I am starting to feel bad for Rigurd for giving him so much work, but then again, he needs to learn how to run a nation because in the future, I am going to make him prime minister and give him authority over almost everything except the military and a few other matters. Well, that's in the future. So let's focus on the things at hand.

One week after our alliance with Dwargon, Gazel gave one of his men to me, who I wanted because he will be one of the important people of my nation. It was Vesta, and with that, I have taken all of my subordinates under me, and now I am ready to start my plan at any moment. However, I am still waiting because I am planning to put my plan into motion after my and Veldora's match. So it can wait for a few more days.

Currently, Veldora is outside, taking his stroll around the world.

Well, after that came Fuze, you know, the guild master of the Blumud Kingdom. He, along with that idiot trio, came to our nation because after listening to those idiots' report, he couldn't believe what they were saying. So, that's why he personally visited us, and well, his visit went well aside from six-seven heart attacks.

Also, there was that party of those humans. Yeah, his name is Youm and his adventurers party. At first, they were arrogant and had their attitude, but it all changed once they had a good practice session with Hakuro. Now, they are staying in our nation for some more training with Hakuro. Once that is finished, he is going to return to the human country and help people in need. I must say, he has become a completely new person compared to his self when he just got here.

I am not going to tell him to pretend that he was the one who defeated the orc disaster, as it is pointless. Also, why would I need to do that? My other variant did that because he wanted to build friendly relationships with humans.

It's not like I want to build friendly relationships with human countries or anything. But if they want, then I won't deny making friendly relationships either. You can say I am more neutral towards them. If they want to establish friendly relationships, then I am fine with it. If they want war, then I'll give them a thousand times worse.

Well, there is no point in going in that direction, so let's focus on previous matters. Haa, yeah, Milim hasn't come to visit me. She should have come already, but she didn't. She stayed in the ice continent for a month, and after that, she returned to those weaklings. I wonder what is going on inside her head?

Well, whatever it is, right now she is coming here, so I'll ask her when she arrives.


Guys, this is the last chapter where canon parts are included. From the next chapter, the story won't follow the canon events. There's no need for it because all the necessary changes that I wanted to make have already been done in this chapter. So from the next chapter, all things will be up to my imagination and not from canon. It won't follow the canon plot.

Peace! ✌️😁😁✌️

Next chapter will be "Chapter 56: The Grand Plan Begins."

And that's end. That's all for this chapter.

Tell me how is the chapter in comments. It is really motivates me to write new chapters.

Word Count: 3.4k