
Tensura : Crimson Heavenly Dragon

I created this fanfiction as a way to pass the time, especially since I couldn't find much Tensura fanfiction. Please be warned that English is not my first language, so I appreciate your understanding. P.S.: This story is set in an alternative universe to the original Tensura, so there may be some gendered characters and events that never happened in the original. Notice : This work of fiction is not intended to infringe upon any existing copyrights or trademarks, nor is it intended to challenge the ownership or rights to the characters, settings, or plot lines of any established intellectual property. All characters and elements are the property of their respective creators and owners. ______________________________________ After so many years, he did it. Finally, he completed that tower just as he was ready to embrace death. However, fate had other plans for him – an opportunity to reunite with his lover. He accepted that chance, and once again, he found himself thrust into a new world. Now, the question is: Is this world ready for him ? A human who Transcendent The Gods themselves

Rayen_Zouina · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 9 : A New Player Joins The Game (Part 3)

(3rd Point Of View)

In the heart of El Dorado, the Royal Palace stood as a testament to opulence and regality. Its grandeur extended beyond its impressive façade into the interior, where luxury rooms of impeccable quality awaited.

Within this magical marvel, the room designated for the special dinner between the two most powerful individuals within El Dorado was adorned in a palette of pristine white and resplendent gold.

Elegant furnishings and intricate details reflected the craftsmanship befitting a palace of royalty.

The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork, and the soft glow of enchanting chandeliers bathed the room in a warm, ambient light.

A long, polished dining table of dark wood sat at the center of the room, set with fine china, crystal glassware, and silver cutlery.

The atmosphere exuded an air of sophistication, blending modern aesthetics with a touch of traditional charm.

As Alexander and Leon took their seats, the ambiance was accompanied by the subtle melodies of an unseen orchestra, enhancing the dining experience.

The fragrance of exquisite cuisine wafted through the air, teasing the senses and whetting the appetite for the culinary delights that awaited.

Leon, with his blond hair and piercing gaze, observed Alexander with a mix of curiosity and introspection.

The grandeur of the setting seemed to fade into the background as their eyes met, and Leon couldn't help but recall the musings that had occupied his thoughts in those last few days.

The man seated across from him was an enigma, an existence that transcended the norms Leon had known. His presence was a paradox—an almost childlike wonder in demeanor yet harboring an unimaginable power that reached heights Leon had only begun to fathom.

As the conversation flowed, Leon found himself navigating the uncharted waters of understanding Alexander.

The man wasn't just an ally or a potential adversary; he was a force that defied conventional understanding.

In the backdrop of the luxurious white-and-gold room, Leon's contemplation deepened, leaving him with more questions than answers.

(Leon Cromwell Point Of View)

What does it mean to be strong? Or rather, how can you truly define strength? It's a question that he's been asking himself ever since he realized what kind of messed-up world he was thrown into.

Is it determined by how much [Magicules] you have? Your physical attributes? Or your intelligence? Then there are other factors that come into play. Does one's strength hinge on their bloodline, the legacy they inherit, or the weapon or the [Skills] they wield?

Perhaps it's the innate talent that sets individuals apart, making some naturally stronger than others. Or could it be that unwavering dedication and hard work pave the path to true strength?

In his journey to find that one precious person in his heart, he truly thought he discovered the true meaning of power, especially after his battle against Kazaream when he hatched the [Hero's Egg], thus becoming a [True Hero].

After obtaining his [Ultimate Skill: Metatron, The Lord Of Purity], he thought that he finally reached the pinnacle of this world.

Only to discover that he was nothing more than a small fish in a big pond. After all, he was now living in a world where the likes of Rudra Nam Ul Nasca, Milim Nava, and that Bastard Guy Crimson lived, and things such as [True Dragons] existed.

Yet for him, that didn't matter, so long as he had enough strength to protect those who swore their loyalty to him and to finally reunite with [Her], then that was more than enough for him.

Yet now if someone were to ask Leon Cromwell about strength, then the figure of the man sitting beside him would instantly appear in his mind.

That man... He did not have that seemingly infinite destructive aura hidden behind the childish behavior that Milim Nava possessed.

Nor did he have that otherworldly presence flowing with endless pride that Guy had.

No, what he had was something similar yet fundamentally different from the [Frost Dragon].

Even now, he couldn't sense him, be it his aura, magical power, or even what kind of [Skills] he holds.

[Spiritual Lifeforms] and the likes can never truly interact with other lesser beings, meaning they will not be able to detect their [Existence] unless they deliberately bring their power down to their level of awareness.

In other words, that man was an [Existence] seemingly at an even higher level than himself—a [Fallen True Chosen Hero], a [(Divine) Demonoid], and one of the strongest [Demon Lords].

Something that truly horrified him in a way he can't even begin to describe.

The clinking of fine cutlery mingled with the soft ambiance of their surroundings.

Alexander, raising his goblet, broke the silence with a nod of gratitude. " This is quite the feast. Thank you for your hospitality, Leon, despite our initial circumstances my stay within El Dorado was Quite pleasant."

With a subtle smirk playing on his lips, he responded with a nod of acknowledgment. El Dorado, the city he had meticulously built, was a testament to his dedication and power.

Alexander, sensing Leon's pride, complemented him on the city's beauty, and Leon, in turn, expressed his gratitude for the compliment.

"Alexander," he began, his tone shifting subtly, "I've been meaning to delve into the new improvement woven into El Dorado's defenses. What role does this [Rune Magic] of yours play in fortifying our haven?"

Alexander, sensing the change in Leon's inquiry, leaned back with a knowing smile. "Ah, the runes," he responded, a spark of enthusiasm in his eyes. "They're the invisible guardians of El Dorado, each symbol holding the essence of protection and power."

Leon's gaze intensified as Alexander delved into the intricacies. "This rune here," he continued, tapping the table with his fingertip, and a strange magical symbols was Instantly created, "is the [Shieldbreaker Rune]. It optimizes the strength of defenses, creating an almost impenetrable barrier against external threats."

He nodded in understanding, urging Alexander to reveal more. "And this other one," Alexander gestured with a flourish, "is the [Aetherwatch Rune]. It extends the range of enemy detection, acting as our vigilant eyes and ears across the city's borders and beyond ."

As Alexander detailed the runes, he absorbed the information with keen interest. The names echoed in the air, resonating with the power they held. "All of this combined with the natural magical defense of the city should make El Dorado the most fortified cities in the world," Alexander declared, his smile widening at the realization of the city's impervious defenses.

In response to this revelation, He nonchalantly snapped his fingers, conjuring three items onto the table—a bag brimming with golden coins, a couple of books, and a token bearing El Dorado's symbol.

"This bag holds about 1500 Stellar Gold Coins," Leon declared. "The books contain my personal diaries, reports on this world's magic, skills, and detailed information about potential adversaries, including my fellow [Demon Lords]. And the token, as per our [Contact], allows you to summon me in case of an emergency."

Not to be outdone, Alexander, with a snap of his fingers, produced a box. "Within this box is a [Primordial Rune of Light] a [Luminara Rune] ," he explained. "It will temporarily boost your power and upgrade your [Ultimate Skill] to the next level. However, be prepared for a temporary strain on your soul."

Seeing the box, Leon nodded, signifying their agreement.

"With this, our contact is completed ," Alexander declared.

Leon, curious, questioned Alexander's next move. "What will you do now?"

Alexander's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Explore the world for now," he replied. "And as for Jeanne, don't worry. She has already left El Dorado and is running a couple of errands for me in the Daemon Realm."

The unspoken understanding between the two powerful beings resonated in the room as their conversation continued into the night


Author Notes : Hey Guys

Please tell me your honest opinion about this along with any idea you have for the future