
Tensura: Broken Heart

Love, love, love, love who? "... That one person." Who is that person? Tell me who? "The one whose destiny entangled with mine to the point of existing as one." Existing as one? Is this even possible? But who will love you that much other than me? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! "Fufu is this even a question, My wife..." Wife? You have gotten married even though you have me? I will kill her? I will drive her into madness. "You can't, she is already mad... Madly is in love with me..." Madly in love for... For what? "For love..." Why? Why? What is the reason? "To be loved..." By whom permission? "By love..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits to Rimuru6360, link for original on Wattpad -> https://www.wattpad.com/story/295691257

GodOfPeacefulDeath · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 1 - Promise

All of my strength is suddenly gone...

My eyes started to close slowly and the whole world was gone in a blur...


That was the only thing that I can see now. Darkness, that can devour anything who stands in his way.'

'Where am I..?

What is this place?

Why I can't move my hand or legs..?'

Many thoughts came into my mind like a flood, I didn't expect someone to answer the questions but...

<<Answer. You're currently in a cave located at 'The Great forest of Jura' and you can't move your hand and legs because you don't have these organs.>>

A robotic voice without any emotions and feelings suddenly rang in my head.

'Who are you?!'

Startled by the sudden voice I screamed in surprise. I can't even move my body.

'No! Wait! I can move my body.

Why... I can't feel my limbs?'

<<Answer. I'm unique skill 'Great Sage'. I'm inside your head that's why you can't see me and you don't have arms and legs because slime doesn't have these organs.>>

The same robotic voice again replies to me in my head. But this time I already expecting her to reply that's why I'm not that surprised.

After asking many questions to 'Great Sage' I found out that I got reincarnated in this world as a slime. I mean WHAT a joke. Slime? The weakest monster that ever existed in a fantasy novel. But I'm not mad... I was a little startled at first but now I'm calm...

It's been a while since I got reincarnated and I'm just eating some grass for the last couple of days. And I got two more water-based skills.

'Can you hear me? Little one!'

A booming voice rang inside my head my instincts are telling me to flee, so I ignored the voice like I didn't hear it. Because I didn't want to talk to anyone. Why do I? I didn't have any obligation to talk to him.

'Hey, I know you can hear me.'

The voice again rang inside my head. But I'm not in a mood to talk to anyone. I keep my mouth shut and looked toward the source of the voice.

'Hey, why are you quiet?'

Again what is his problem? He is becoming a little irritating now.

I asked him finally. I only thought but I'm pretty sure he can hear my thoughts.

'Whahaha. I know that you are an intelligent monster with an ego.'

He said with a loud laugh but I can feel the joy in his voice. the emotion that I rarely feel.

'What do you want.'

I asked him with an icy cold voice. He is just wasting my time. I do have a lot of free time but I want to use my free time in some other ways. By 'some other ways' I mean everything that doesn't have anything to do with socializing.

'What is your name?'

He asked me with a curious voice. Really!! That is what you want to ask me.

My name is—

Hey! What was my name again?

What the– did I forget my name. I mean I remember everything about me...

Everything other than my name.

'I don't remember.'

I replied to him in my cold voice. I'm a little disappointed but didn't show it.

'Don't remember?'

He asked me a little sad. Why in the hell are you sad about me? You don't even know me.

After answering him I turn around and was about to leave. Seeing that I was about to leave he got panicked.

He shouted in panic and a cold chill run down my spine and my body stiffed, my heart(consciousness) filled with fear.

Did I feel scared? Just because he releases some of his aura.

He said a little sheepishly and absorb his aura. Maybe his aura didn't affect me physically but it gives a feeling of horror and inferiority.

I turn around and sigh. Well, I didn't have a choice here, I hope he didn't release his aura anymore.

And like a chatterbox, he started to talk with me. I just nodded my head for anything that he said because I'm not interested in his life story other than the 'Hero' part.

'So you mean you are alone here for the last 300 years?'

I asked him a little surprised. It is not easy for anyone to spend this long time in solitude, even a strong-willed human will not be able to endure this much.

To be honest, I'm a little impressed, that he didn't lose his sanity after spending this long time in solitude.

'Yes, you are the first one in 300 years.'

He said to me with a little sad voice. Even I can feel the sadness in his voice, for me, he is like an open book. He didn't hide his emotions.

Unlike me, he is a very bright person, or should I say bright dragon. I found out that he is a dragon from his story.

I'm not very good at comforting people so I don't know what to say. So I keep my mouth shut. And after a while, he decided to teach me a skill, so I can see again, according to his instructions.

I started to focus on the magicule around me, I tried to feel the power of magic around me, but nothing happened after a while I remember, that maybe 'Great Sage' can help me.

'Great sage can you help me.' I asked her.

<<Answer. Yes, the host can rest assured>>

She replied to me in my head. Ok, then let's try it once again. After focusing for 30 seconds or so, I hear 'Great Sage' voices.

<<Confirmed. Acquiring Extra Skill «Magic Perception»... ... Success>>

<<Will you use Extra Skill «Magic Perception»? [YES] / [NO]>>

I thought, and suddenly my mind overflowed with a lot of data. I don't think a normal human brain can take this much amount of data at once, but that is not a problem for me because I'm a slime now.

The magic power inside my body or should I say the magicule, inside my body started to get excited,

...I can feel it.

And finally...

I can see again!

With that said Veldora continued his story. While hearing his chatter, an important question occurred in my head.

'So according to you, I was born in this world because of your magicules didn't it make you something like my father.'

I said to him with a serious voice and he looked a little surprised because of what I said but didn't say anything.

'I refuse to acknowledge you as my father.'

I said to him in a cold voice. Do you think I acknowledge someone like you as my father? Never! Not even in your dream.

'... Aah, That is not a problem.'

He said to me after a while. He looked a little anxious about something but didn't say anything.

'I will treat you as my brother.'

It is a little embarrassing but it is a lot better than Father.

'What!! Brother. Don't talk nonsense. A little slime like you want to become my brother.'

He said a little flustered, really he is back to his tsundere mode.

But I didn't say anything I just stare at him, it is his choice, after all, it is not my place to interfere and a while later he sighs and said.

'Ok, I accept.

From this day forward I Strom dragon 'Veldora' will be your brother'

Why are acting all high and mighty, do you think that I will be impressed by this.

'Hmm.' I just nodded in response.

'And as proof, I will grant you the name Rimuru.'

As the voice faded a bright light enveloped me.

My whole body feels light like a feather and a warm and comfortable feeling spread inside my body. I didn't feel this good in my entire life not even in my previous life.

A while ago I didn't have someone to call my family. I was very angry because even after reincarnating into a new world I didn't have any parents nor siblings.

But now I have a Brother. The anger and grief I was feeling a while ago disappeared like they were never there.

'And I will give you my family name 'Tempest'. As a sign that we are equal, you can call yourself Veldora Tempest.' I said to him and he looked happy.


Haha, haha, hahaha. I like the name.

...Thank you.'

So he knows how to say thanks. I think I have to teach him some manners later.

'I have a suggestion.'

Without any delay, I got into the main topic.

He asked me curiously. He looked like a curious child right now. I mean it's a bit funny how he acted like a child.

'I'm leaving...

But you are sealed inside this «Unlimited Imprisonment» and I have a way to break this barrier...

But I need to analyze it first and because I'm leaving, will you be willing to stay inside my stomach until I finish the analysis.'

I said everything that I want to say and if he believes in me or not depends on him.

If he didn't believe in me I will return here when I will find a way to break the seal.

'Hahaha. That sounds interesting, very well I will entrust my entity to you.'

He said with a goofy smile. Fufu- for some reason I already expected him to say something like this. Maybe he didn't know but I'm very grateful that he believe in me even though we only meet a while ago.

'Thank you...

You are the first one who believes in me...

I swear on my life that I will free you from this «Unlimited Imprisonment».'

I declare with a confident voice. He believes in me and I will live up to his belief.


I whisper in my heart and in no time the huge body of Veldora disappears. Now that Veldora is gone.

I feel a little lonely...

Fufufu how funny. It's not even a full minute and I started to miss that old man. Let's put these thoughts aside because...

Now it is time to start my— no, our new adventure with my new friend and sworn brother.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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