
Ogre's ambition

Arriving home, I was greeted by the sight of mother preparing food on the table while father was sitting at the other side of the table preparing his equipment for the hunt later. Considering that my father was quite high in the hierarchy of the village given his strength, he needs to take over the hunting group since the chief needs to accompany his wife since she will be giving birth soon.

"Where did you go my little swordsman?" my mother asked with a smile on her face. Looking at her, I told her that I was at the river training.

"Well, it's good that you want to become stronger and all but you mustn't forget to rest ok? No matter how big you are you are just 2 years old after all."

"I understand mother." I said.

"Haha, it's really surprising that you could become this skilled in just 2 years my son." said my father whilst staring at me with squinted eyes. Looking at his stare, I started to feel cold sweat running down my back. "What do you mean father?" I said with a strained smile.

"Hehh, you really think that you could hide your strength from us, your parents. You do know that we're the ones who watched you grow for 2 years right? You think we couldn't feel you aura becoming more and more potent?" Hearing my father's words, I couldn't help but freeze in my spot, considering that I've never expected them to know of my true strength. It's not that I've really tried to hide it, but rather it was a bit hard to explain my strength, since it really mostly originates from my unique skill, and explaining that would be a whole other ordeal. Unique skills in this world isn't that rare in this world, but it is still definitely hard to acquire, even more so considering that I'm 2 years old. Seeing me freeze up, my father said, "It's ok that you don't want to tell us, even though I hope that you could open up to us a bit more. But remember son, no matter how strong you grow, that power would be useless if you don't have an objective for it. It could be as simple as wanting to protect our village or something as complicated as becoming a demon lord. No matter what, you must find an objective you wish to achieve with your strength."

Hearing my father's world, I calmed myself down a bit and started to reflect a bit. Until now, my only objective has been to stop my village massacre, I've never really thought of what happens after that. Looking at this scene from the side, my mother sighed and walked up to my father before bonking him on the head. "Ouch! What was that for honey???"

"What do you think you're doing!? You know our little baby is still just 2 years old you right, what are you thinking, talking about such a heavy subject with him."

Looking at my mother's 'gentle' smile, my father shivered slightly "well, considering how strong he is, this conversation would happen no matter what, and earlier is better than later right?" my father said weakly. Seeing my father shivering, mother let out a sigh and decided to let this go. "Anyways, time to eat or the food will get cold."

Waking up from our stupor, we started eating dinner. "Dear, how long will your hunt be?" my mother asked. "Well, if all goes to plan, hopefully we could be back within 3 days, but since the chief needs to accompany his wife, and the elder (Hakurou) would need to stay to defend the village, it might take a while since we would need to go to the safer hunting grounds to avoid the stronger beasts of the forest."

"I see. Son, tomorrow you should accompany me to visit your aunt since she will probably give birth soon, and besides, I need to be there to help her deliver the baby." "Yes mother."

With that, we continued to eat in comfortable silence. After the meal, my father went back to preparing his equipment, while my mother started to clean up the table. But before she left the dining table, she added "Son, I won't say much, but what your father said is right, and that power without purpose is useless. But remember this, we're your family, no matter what, even if the whole world turns it's back on you, we won't. So you can always talk to us, cause we will forever be your allies. Remember that okay."

Hearing what my mother said, I was stunned before I nodded my head with a smile on my head, feeling grateful that I could be born in a loving household like this.

The next day, me and mother walked father to the gates of the village where he met up with the other members of the hunting group. There, I saw a few different faces that I recognized, the chief, even 'Kurobe' was there. Most likely checking the hunters equipment for the final time. Giving mother a small kiss, my father then turning to me, he hugged me and gave his parting words before leaving with everyone else. Watching their backs fade into the forest, I gave a small prayer for their safety before turning to the village chief and heading towards him with my mother. Noticing us, he started walking towards us and greeted us. Talking with my mother for a while, he then turned to me with a small smile and said, "Hey, Kiddo... I've heard about your progress from the elder, so you've made really good progress with your strength huh." "No, uncle. I'm still far from being strong enough.""Hmmmm, is that so..... Anyways, your aunt has been missing you for a while now, you want to go visit her?"

Looking at the chief, I replied "Yes, I hope you don't mind." "Hahahahaha, you're father is a comrade and a good friend of mine, you don't even need to ask, besides, if I turned you down....." he suddenly started to shiver uncontrollably. "I'm pretty sure I wouldn't live past tomorrow..."

With that ominous sentence out of the way, we made our way to the chief's house, while my mother and the chief made small talk as I looked around to see the village. Even though the village might be small, with only 300 plus occupants, it was still very beautiful. Everyone here was kind to one another, and overall it felt like the village as a whole was a small family. Even though we might not have the fancy technology of my old world, nor did we have the extravagant castles, at least for me, the life here was satisfying. It made me wish that perhaps we could always live this way, but I knew it was nothing but a pipe dream. There would be many changes in the coming years, Veldora the Storm Dragon would go missing, or rather be swallowed by Rimuru. The orcs would invade. Then after settling that, there would be Charybdis and many events that would later happen. Events that I had no clue of since I never read that far into the manga or novel. The whole world would slowly change and if I wasn't strong enough, perhaps I would be swallowed up by it as well. Thinking back to my parents words last night, I thought to myself that perhaps this should be my first goal, to not get swallowed up by the change, but rather to grow enough to be able to influence this change as well. Perhaps it might not make sense, or it might be too grand or not ambitious enough, but for now, this would do, till the day that I find a true purpose for myself....

{ Confirmed, skill "Ogre's ambition" has been acquired }

Hearing the voice of the world, I smiled to myself.

Suddenly though, someone ran up to us and said something causing me to snap out of my thought. "Chief!! It's your wife, she suddenly started screaming in pain, most likely she's starting to give birth!!!"

Hearing his worlds, the three of us immediately started running towards his house.

Heyy everyone, I'm sorry for not uploading for so long. I've been quite busy irl with my exams but once that's done, I'll try my best to start consistently uploading. Anyways, thanks for reading and i hope you enjoy. k bye =)

(Ps, Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.)

Also, go vote for the love interest at the auxiliary volume!!

Nobodyaskedcreators' thoughts