Lucifer Azoth, a genius among geniuses. He was known for his many talents. After some crazy things happening, he ended up dying and finding himself in the world of Tensura. He is bound to have the adventure of his life and to become the strongest while at it. _________________________________ I’m not sure if I’m gonna do harem or no harem yet. Toon In To Find Out!!
Deep in the forest, two figures could be seen walking, one slime, and a human with dark purple hair, golden eyes, and a military-like outfit.
"We've been walking around cluelessly foreverrr!" Rimuru complained.
"Yeah, yeah just be patie-"
Lucifer was trying to tell Rimuru to be patient but he was cut off by someone.
"Strong ones, please forgive us but do you have some sort of business in this forest?!" A goblin-like creature questioned.
It seemed like while Rimuru and Lucifer were conversing, they didn't notice there were goblin-like creatures surrounding them.
'I'm gonna have to be more careful, even though they are weak I shouldn't have just let my guard down so easily.' Lucifer thought to himself.
Lucifer noticed he should have been more aware of his surrounding, he didn't want to get sneaked up on so easily without him noticing. Now that he started to pay attention, he noticed there were a good amount of them surrounding him and Rimuru.
Each one of them seemed to be short, around 5 feet tall, and very frail-looking, their ages also seemed to vary.
"Uhhh, "strong ones"?" Rimuru confusedly questioned.
"Well, we sensed powerful monsters roaming over here and came out to Investigate." The frail-looking goblin who seemed to be young, in the front, respectfully answered.
"Well did you find them?" Rimuru questioned, still oblivious to the fact that they were talking about Lucifer and him.
"Idiot, they're obviously talking about us." Lucifer snickered at Rimuru's denseness.
"Hey! How am I supposed to know that?! Also, are we really that strong?!"
"In their eyes, I guess so."
Lucifer knew that he and Rimuru were definitely weak compared to others but he also believes in the quote, "That we all start somewhere."
But currently to goblin's eyes, they were strong warriors, since they were that weak.
"Please excuse me, but seeing that you and your companion are strong, we would like to ask a favor from both of you." The goblin worriedly glanced at both the slime and human, hoping he hasn't offended them but he was very desperate currently because of the situation in his village.
(Few Hours Later)
Rimuru and Lucifer could be seen in a shabby village, it only had a couple of small-sized sheds which were used as residential homes and one big shed which was used as an emergency building.
It seemed that the villagers were in need of some help and believed that Rimuru and Lucifer could help them.
They were currently seated on the ground in the emergency building, discussing with the elderly goblin chief.
Lucifer seemed to be lazing around on the ground on the side since the goblins had no furniture.
He and Rimuru did rock, paper, scissors, shoe in order to figure out who would do the talking, and Lucifer won while Rimuru lost, so Rimuru begrudgingly accepted the position as spokesperson for them.
While Lucifer was lazing on the side just chilling, Rimuru and the village chief seemed to be having a conversation.
"Our poor village would continuously get harassed by the monsters around us because suddenly our deity disappeared one month ago, we tried to fight them ourselves but we lack the number." The village chief explained.
"What can we do? I doubt me or Lucifer are strong enough to be of much help." Rimuru doubted.
In truth, Rimuru didn't know how strong he or Lucifer was because he had no one to compare to, and he also didn't know the power system of this world.
"You are too modest. There is no way a mere slime and human could emit such a powerful aura." The chief praised.
In actuality, Lucifer didn't try to control his aura because he had an idea he wanted to try when he had the time.
Rimuru on the other hand looked confused but he commanded [Great Sage] to do a 360 around himself and realized he was passively releasing a powerful aura in all directions, and he also noticed Lucifer was too.
He also realized this was probably why the goblins feared him, and Lucifer when they first met and why they were being so respectful.
"So you noticed? How observant of you!" Rimuru nervously chuckled, trying to play off his obliviousness as a test for them but Lucifer obviously knew he was lying.
"Of course strong one, there is no hiding such a powerful presence from you." The village chief praised once again.
Rimuru also noticed how Lucifer was trying his hardest to hold back his laughter.
'Shut up! It's not like you were controlling yours either!' Rimuru telepathically retorted.
Lucifer just started to shake his head while wiping away the non-existent tears from his eyes.
"Yeah yeah sure." Lucifer said with a smile on his face.
The village chief seemed confused because it seemed like Lucifer was talking to himself, but he just thought of it as something a weakling like him wouldn't be able to understand.
Rimuru eventually sucked up all his aura back into his slime body. Then he just ignored Lucifer and continued the conversation with the village chief.
While that conversation was going on, Lucifer just exited the shed because there was nothing else for him to do, he also wanted to try out his new skills in the forest.
Going into the forest, he took a little distance from the village.
Lucifer imagined the option to learn [Shunpo] pop-up,
[Do you wish to learn [Shunpo]]?
[Yes or No]
As soon as Lucifer pressed yes, he instantly felt knowledge about how to use [Shunpo] enter his head.
He focused his Magicules in the soles of his feet and took one step.
He instantly appeared 10 meters away, or he at least felt like it was instant but one thing was for sure, it was fast.
This time he took three steps that couldn't be seen with normal eyes, he instantly zoomed across 30 meters.
'Holy shit I'm fast, I don't even feel that tired. Yoruichi could probably do 200 meters in one step but I've got no idea since it was never stated. Well, whatever, this is a good start because it seems like 1 step is 10 meters but I could go even farther if I took even more steps, or when my Magicules become more powerful I'll be able to increase the distance. I could also probably increase the speed to the point where it would be instantly like teleportation, but that's for my future self to figure out.'
Lucifer was pretty excited because of the development and was thinking of many ideas he could implement with this power but he knew he should think of those later.
He then tried out his physical strength by punching a 20-meter tall tree that was 4 meters thick.
He walked up to the tree and cocked his right hand back and then released it at full strength towards the tree, once it made contact, it snapped in half and slowly fell down.
'Even though I should feel surprised about that type of strength, in this type of world that can be considered an ant's strength. I also think with my transformation, I've become more energetic and less surprised by some things, like my strength which would be considered impossible in my old world seems simple to me.'
Lucifer eventually stopped contemplating and started to train in his skill.
He started spamming [Shunpo] until he ran out of Magicule reserves, he knew this was one way to increase his Magicule reserves and potency.
'Oho, so I also got the Extra Skill [Thought Paritioning], I guess that would be like having multiple Lucifers in my head to conduct certain things or to just think faster.'
Lucifer took a break and eventually felt full of energy again.
Since he felt full of energy, he decided to go up to another tree that was 20 meters tall and 4 meters thick and punched it with his full strength.
A loud crunching noise could be heard as Lucifer's hand snapped the tree in half, but differently from before, both pieces of the tree recoiled back 10 meters into the forest while destroying other trees in their path.
The punch he currently did was definitely much stronger compared to the last one and he was even more astonished because the feeling of such power, felt exhilarating.
He tried out his [Shunpo] and took one step, he zoomed 20 meters across, normal eyes couldn't follow him.
'Wow!! Amazing, my speed and distance increased exponentially.'
Lucifer was happy as hell right now, but he soon calmed down.
He wanted to know his current strength.
'When I was near Rimuru before, I realized he was slightly stronger than me in terms of Magicules but currently I would say we are on par with each other, but he outclasses me in terms of overall skills currently. I'll change that in the future though. But I'd say currently unnamed Diablo is still stronger than me which isn't a big deal since he's literally a Primordial.' Lucifer pondered.
Lucifer always believed that Diablo had the potential to be just as powerful or even more powerful than Guy Crimson, who is the oldest demon lord and top 5 most powerful in the verse.
'Diablo just lacked the motivation but I definitely plan on contacting him in the near future for what I want to do.'
Lucifer planned to meet Diablo in the near future and maybe poach him before he reaches Rimuru.
Lucifer wondered if there was a difference in power if he was in his cat form but once he tested it out, it seemed to have stayed the same.
'What a bummer, I thought I would have been faster as a cat.'
Lucifer was a little bummed out, but he understood he won't get everything in life handed to him on a plate.
'Who cares if I wasn't more powerful in my cat form, I'll just get more powerful overall.'
Lucifer had two more things he wanted to try, one of them being the Cat Senses Skill and the other being the idea he had with his aura.
He first tried out his Cat Senses which just Increased his overall sight, hearing, and smell.
He could hear nature and monsters from 1/4 of the forest and could also hear Rimuru telling the goblins he could heal them with his potions. He tried to see if he could use his sight to see Rimuru but there were trees in his way, but he suddenly thought of an idea.
He imagined moving his eyesight around all the trees which were in the way and he in turn could see Rimuru in a shed giving out healing potions to heal them.
His overall senses could span around 150 meters. His sight could move where he wanted it to, Lucifer didn't know how that was possible but he didn't care if he was being totally honest, as long as it worked, it wouldn't matter.
He was now trying the final thing he wanted to do with his aura.
This is where his Unique Skill [Thought Partition] would be used, he had access to only one [Thought Partition] currently, but he would use that one [Thought Partition] to control his aura perfectly, making him look like a human.
So he would technically be having perfect control of his aura, and use it to fool certain opponents.
'It worked!! Now I can perfectly control my aura.'
Lucifer finally succeeded and was happy with his accomplishment, he relaxed once he was done.
Since he was satisfied with the results of the testing of his new skills, he decided it was time to go back to his so-called future home.
Lucifer turned around and started walking in the direction of the shabby village.
He smirked mischievously.
"This is going to be one fun journey."