
Minor change in plot!?

(Lucifer POV)

It's been a few days since we were supposed to get warned about Charybdis by the dryads but they never came.

Either their dead already or Charybdis hasn't been born.

Most likely he hasn't been born because I would have definitely noticed if the dryads died.

But, why would this happen?

The only reason I can think of is that Phobio was too scared to even act against me and Rimuru, so he didn't try to use Charybdis's powers.

But I doubt Phobio was the only person who could harness its power, so what are they waiting for?

I nervously chuckle.

"Fuck." I mutter quietly, in the meeting room by myself.

Charybdis can be considered as strong as a demon lord, of course, he's like an ant compared to the actual strong ones but to the weaker ones, he's dangerous.

Even Rimuru couldn't defeat him, and currently, me and Rimuru are relative in strength without my Ultimate Skill.

And currently, just by speed and strength, I'm not a match for any demon lord except Carrion and Frey, I'm not counting Ramiris because of her true power.

Milim also left earlier, saying she had demon lord business to handle so we can't depend on her to defeat him.

I'll just keep watch and inform the others about a possible attack on Tempest.

"Lord Lucifer are you okay?" Shuna asked interrupting my thoughts.

Damn, I was contemplating so hard that I didn't even notice her.

I sigh.

It's not like me to be nervous about something that's going to happen in the future, I should just be ready for anything.

"Yeah, but tell everyone to meet me here. Also, you're looking like a sna-" I just cut myself off.

"Never mind." I shake my head.

She was momentarily confused but just did as I said and left the room.

Usually, I would have no problem with being flirty but it seems like this time it didn't feel right so I just stopped myself.

Is it because I actually like Rimuru?

Ugh, love, such a dumb thing, it can easily change a person without them even noticing.

I just chuckle at myself for actually falling for Rimuru.

When did I even fall for him? I have no clue.

Without me noticing, my face was slowly turning red.

"Lord Lucifer are you alright? Your looks red?"

Looking up, I see everyone in their seats looking at me weirdly, even Rimuru who was somehow right next to me.

Love even dulls the senses.

Is it really love though?

Yeah, no thank you.

I noticed them with my [Magic Sense] earlier but it seemed like my mind was so occupied I didn't even react when they all came in.

"Yes, I was just testing holding my breath, hehe. But back to why I called you guys here, I believe there is a possibility of an attack on tempest and a dangerous one at that." I nervously chuckle off my embarrassment and change the topic.

Everyone just looked at me weirdly when I said I was testing holding my breath but turned serious at my last few words.


They forgot that dumb ass shit I just said.

"What happened?" Rimuru questioned me seriously.

I explained to them the situation about Charybdis and they all nodded seriously.

"And how'd you get this information?" Rimuru asked me all of a sudden.

"Does that really matter?" I retort with a smile.

"I guess not, if you really think this is true, I'll take your word for it." Rimuru agreed.

We then told everyone to be prepared for anything for the next few days.

(Later At Night)

The day is over and it's finally nighttime, I make sure Tempest is secured by lurking in the shadows like a certain bat vigilante.

I'm literally running around tempest, checking every corner, making sure nothing goes past my senses.

Sensing somebody behind me, I turn around and see Souei coming up behind me.

"Yo!" I wave at Souei.

"Lord Lucifer." Souei nods.

I noticed eye bags under his eyes.

"Whatchu doing out here, isn't your shift long over?" I question.

"After the meeting, I have been non-stop guarding Tempest for 24 hours to make sure nothing happens. Even though we have guards out in the forest, if the opponents are as strong as you say, they'll most likely beat our guards or just sneak past them." Souei explained.

"Yeah your right but go rest, I'm out here for now, so everything should be fine. And don't say no, because your drowsiness will get in the way of how you work and compromise Tempest." I nod and tell him.

Souei reluctantly nodded and left towards his home.

Once he was gone, a certain blue-haired slime appeared.

"Hm, what are you doing here?" I questioned Rimuru confusedly.

"Same as you, making sure Tempest is safe." Rimuru replied nonchalantly.

I nodded at his words.

"We're going to need to be more powerful if we're going to rule a nation that is growing at a fast pace like Tempest, we need to make ourselves kings of the world with no paperwork to do." I tell Rimuru with a smile.

"Yeah." Rimuru smiled while nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, also sorry about all the teasing I do to you. Let's just say in my old life, I couldn't find anyone to love because of my status and so I guess I forgot how to act around someone I like." I tell him honestly but with a tint of red on my face.

Looking at Rimuru, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Wait you like m-" Rimuru was about to say something but was cut off by a loud explosion.


Looking towards the direction, it's where one of the guards was posted.

Me and Rimuru look at each and nod in unison.

I grab his hand and instantly bolt toward the direction of the explosion.

Once we arrive, we see the dead bodies of multiple lizard men that were under Souei's Guidance.

On top of them was a gray-scaled male with an eight-pack, with long dark blue unkempt hair, he basically looks like Acnologia from Fairy Tail.

But he looked like he had no intelligence, he was just drooling while growling like an animal.


I look at it with narrowed eyes, this guy's aura just reeks of danger.

Rimuru also looked at it warily, he could also tell this individual was very strong.

I think I understand what's going on here but let me check.

"Who are you?" I question calmly.

"GrrRR, GRAwwRr"

It just continued to growl.

"I think I know what it is." I thought aloud.

"What?" Rimuru questioned, keeping his calm even in this situation.

"It's the big dragon, Charybdis, I was talking about, I think it's just in his human form. This makes him considerably more dangerous because he is much faster than before but at least his power should decrease in this form." I explain to Rimuru.

Rimuru nods.

"What should we do?" He asks me.

Usually, I would just use my full power and obliterate him, but I don't think that will work because he could most likely dodge it with his speed.

And I don't wanna leave Rimuru alone to fight him.

'Lord Lucifer, Lord Rimuru, we are being attacked by multiple small-sized dark blue-haired individuals! I am preparing to evacuate all the citizens to safety.' Benimaru tells me and Rimuru through thought communication.

"I think it's his mini-clones who have a small portion of his powers." I tell Rimuru.

"Yeah, I agree. I'm just happy I made sure to keep Benimaru inside Tempest just in case they sneak inside." Rimuru responds

'Alright handle the situation.' I tell Benimaru.

'Of course!' He responded and cut the connection off.

"Benimaru and others should be able to handle it." I state confidently.

"Yeah, I won't underestimate them again." Rimuru agreed with a smirk.

We looked back towards Charybdis and he seems to just be watching us talk.

"Oh, chivalry exists nowadays? Thanks for waiting." I joke.

Rimuru just chuckles and gets ready.

"GrrRR, GRaaRrr"

Charybdis launched at us at speeds that neither of us could react to.


Smoke could be seen everywhere because of the collision.

Once it disappeared, me and Rimuru could be seen perfectly fine.

I smirk.

"Aww, that was cute, punch harder next time." I taunt him while laughing.

Charybdis looked confused at what just happened, even though it was mindless, it couldn't help but be confused about why his punch didn't hurt me or Rimuru.

Rimuru just rolled his eyes at my usual antics but looked worried.

But before the fight even started, I already had a barrier from my Ultimate Skills sub-skill put in place around me and Rimuru, just in case he would have been faster than me, it looks like it paid off.

"Whatcha gonna do now?" I turned around and started to slap my ass to get him even madder while I kept on laughing.

"GRRRR!! GRAWRRR!" He roared angrily.

It started to punch us madly, even going as far as breaking its own hand because of the continuous punches with his full strength but they healed right after and he kept on going.

My barrier was holding up fine and I kept on smiling, but after a few minutes it started to crack.

Rimuru worriedly looked at the cracking barrier.

"Now what?" Rimuru asks.

"We run!" I exclaim while my expression turned serious after I Shunpoed me and Rimuru on a certain tree branch.

Charybdis immediately found our location and sped towards us but this time I was ready for it.

He threw a punch toward me and I put my arms in an x-cross, blocking his punch.

Wait a minute....

Was I supposed to go flying like this even after I blocked that?

I was sent flying in the air, I couldn't even stabilize myself in the air because I was going so fast.

I immediately crash-landed back on the ground.


"Lucifer!!" Rimuru exclaimed while he ran towards me.

My body was killing me after that punch but after a couple of seconds, it started to regenerate, albeit slowly.

My clothes were ripped all over my body but slowly repaired themselves.

"I'm good." I reassure Rimuru.

That was such a lie, this bastard broke my fucking arms.

"Here!" He just ignores my words and pours a full potion onto my arms which were the ones with the most damage and my broken arms instantly healed.

"Ok, now I'm fine." It's time to get serious, serious.

"Are you sure?" Rimuru worriedly asks.

"Yess." I reply with a flabbergasted face.

Rimuru eventually stops overreacting and pulls out his katana with cold eyes.

"You ready?" Rimuru asks me seriously while looking at Charybdis who was just staring at our interaction.

"No shit, Sherlock." Even though I said I was getting serious, I can't help but joke in such a situation.

"Yeah, yeah." Rimuru responded.

"But in all seriousness, we just need to do the same thing we did with the Orc Lord." I tell Rimuru.

He nodded agreeing.

We both lunged at Charybdis with our weapons raised and clashed.


*Cinematic Stop As Soon As They Clash* :))

I'm not sure if I should just do LuciferxRimuru or Lucifer with Rimuru and Shion.

Let me know yall thoughts!!

Luxuriantcreators' thoughts