

Am a future king trying to enjoy both worlds join me and the Arkians in my adventure in the land of Tenarka

TheeSexyCatholic · Outros
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5 Chs

The Great race

At the sound of the gong I ran from class and close to my heels were my friends, Raxshi of the Zanha clan a strong willed female and over mature in behavior sometimes, Borg of the Gohjon clan physically strong blond male and a bit of topic usually, Alnark of the Maghe clan he was witty and cunning and very fast and a charming guy , Luna of the Ashaol she was a frail figure, thin with blond long hair , be warned she got connections and can pull stunts with the help of the spirit world and that was my Parliament I owed them my trust, we still competed over everything but this was my crown of jewels.

Just like the mortal world, we weren't allowed to ran in the hallway but we still were given marks for time management, how was this rule implemented ,the school's gong was charmed to slow down everyone in the hallway immediately its hit, the charm however has a loophole as long as your feet touched the ground, not only would you be slowed down but if you were running the same energy you used would be the same to knock you of your feet, if that's not bad, your books, papers ,hair, makeup and cloths being disarranged in all manners would be enough for a lesson, that's why I pay attention to gift cap class, it got both gymnastics and gift capturing,And just as I thought the gong sounded... BOOOONNNGGG... I jumped up with the help of my air push ability, I could stay on air for as long as I want my friends would stick to the ceiling or vanquish gravity around them but one thing remained I had to reach my class the first, it never was a struggle when my cousin Zana Kasha was using the hallway,people said that she used her royalty to by pass the rules but my crew knew that the Gong king was hitting on her, anyway we were now neck and neck with my pals and I knew there was one more gong wave to go but where was the wave, the door was just steps away I then felt the sudden urge to jump ,and when I did the Gong sounded knocking my friends of, I hadn't used enough force to keep me up...but it was enough to get me to the door handle,my hands were out stretched for the handle, when all of a sudden the door opened to reveal Master Qui and his muscular physic and that wasn't good.