

Am a future king trying to enjoy both worlds join me and the Arkians in my adventure in the land of Tenarka

TheeSexyCatholic · Outros
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5 Chs

Can You Hear Me

I opened my eyes to see what had happened to my fall, turns out that Master Qui had frozen me on mid air and he was directly looking into my eyes ,I felt kinda weird in some way and his intense stare was making me really nervous, apart from his intense stare he was a 6-foot humanoid with elfine like features he was also very muscular his muscles had visible bulges at every angle, he was really eyed many and mostly female citizens in the whole of Tenarka had a crush on him but, he was the type that usually hid their lives away from Society the private type. Apart from him being our gift capturing master he was also in my mum's audience which meant she would always ask him on my progress and my friends for they were my Parliament, he also was in my mothers army for he was a Vaghana of the Gohjorn clan ... that meant he could do abnormally crazy things with his gifts ...how do I know because they usually train with my mother in the castle grounds which is right in front of my bedroom ...people say that he and my mother have a thing,not to judge but she is the Queen and he is a teacher who happens to be a Vaghana .

I was still staring into his eyes when my friends tumbled into the room followed by the rest of of the other students ,I laughed for they looked like they were hit by a tornado, as they kept coming in I spotted Pekarvi as usual he had a peculiar way of walking as if the whole world was put on his shoulders, he was confident in his steps and also had as kind of leap when he walked I started to fill my lungs to let out a laugh when I noticed he wasn't hit turns out he used the reversers amulet that my mom gave him for his last birthday, damn it!Our eyes met and locked I felt numb choked flustered as if he was trying to exert some kinda pressure on me. For the first time I looked keenly onto him and I started to notice his features he had grown tall and his physics became more toned and muscular, his hair has become sleek black and his shoulders were more broader he had started growing his manly facial hair he also had a piercing on his ear and his eyes were black with traces of Grey. Gosh from the way he looked at me I wanted him to touch me and hold me and kiss me but I didn't want to... After the last time