
Tenacious Me

A strangely unique girl is just trying to make it in her own world... As well as others? Follow along on her adventures, struggles; life as a whole! Uncover the past along with the present to put the pieces of the puzzle together! Does it all have a meaning? (((Story trigger warnings: Cussing, Violence, Light "Gore," Sickness, Death, Abuse, Weight mentioning (+ loss), Discussions/Mentioning of other serious topics like mental illness, Self-harm, Injury, Illegal activities (Stealing, Human trafficking, Corrupt Gangs/Individuals in general + Drug use), Consensual Sexual Activity, Deities, Religion, and lastly, the occult. If you feel any other trigger warnings should be added, please let me know anytime. I don't want to hurt anyone or anything with my story whatsoever, and I'll do all I can to fix any issues! Thank you to all those supporting me; for everything!)))

ancb19 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Picked Up


Kicked out of another store.

Mika looked around tiredly. Everywhere she looked, there were now signs stating either the ban of cats from entering, or ones banning herself from entering.

After finding out that Markus was stealing and that he "belonged" to Mika, they quickly stopped being so welcoming.

Hearing that some of the store owners were threatening to call the cops at this point, Mika teared up and took off with Markus back to the alleyway.

Markus was fuming, pacing back and forth in front of "their" box. He didn't understand why no one would just help them at least a little more. "We're trying to SURVIVE in a damp box, for crying out loud!!!" Mika was listening, but her head was down, buried into her knees; Hugging them tighter when Markus' voice rose.

Markus always told Mika she wasn't being a bother. It wasn't anyone's fault. But sometimes she couldn't help but think that. She chose to run away, after all-

"I know what you're thinking, but you basically had no choice, Mika... I mean it."

Mika looked up at him and sniffled lightly. He was staring at her with a serious expression, as he usually did. Especially in these moments. Mika believed him and calmed down a bit. "We should move, however..." Markus said.

They still didn't want to be taken in by the police, but Markus could see Mika was not feeling too well lately. Seeing her in such rough shape made him so upset. He hoped that Mika's spirits would be lifted tonight, though. He had a surprise planned. It was definitely worth it, even if he almost got caught again. After nuzzling up to Mika and making sure she was alright, Markus helped her get to sleep.

He felt relieved since she hasn't been getting a lot of sleep. After seeing that Mika was covered up as good as possible, Markus left to set up the surprise.


When Mika woke up it was late at night. It wasn't as cold as when the two first arrived, but still not what would be preferable. Slightly shivering after stretching, Mika sat up, but was surprised at what she saw in front of her. It was a small slice of chocolate cake on a paper plate, with an unlit birthday candle stuck through it on top. Markus was sat beside the box, and he excitedly sprung up when he noticed Mika was now awake.

"Surprise! I tried to get as big a piece as I could..." Markus said bashfully and looked down a bit while his tail swished slightly. "Irregardless... Happy birthday, Mika! I hope you can enjoy this."

Mika didn't feel great about having to steal, after figuring everything out about what Markus was doing and all... But she couldn't really complain. What else could they do, anyway? And right now, she felt so touched. Even she forgot about her own birthday, yet Markus remembered, even after such time spent apart.

"Markus... I... I love this. You even remembered what my favorite kind of cake is." Mika teared up again, but this time it was from happiness.

Markus looked relieved and very happy he could even do this for her. "Thank you." Mika hugged him, and he started to purr again. They stayed like that for a moment before Markus remembered something. "Oh! One more thing!"

He went beside the box again and picked up a lighter with his mouth, bringing it over to Mika and dropping it into her hand. "Would you like to light the candle and make a wish?" Mika never used a lighter before and tried, coming close to burning herself, but got the hang of it after some more tries. "Phew! Okay..."

Mika carefully lit the tiny candle and put the lighter away in her pocket. She paused and looked up at Markus thoughtfully. The light emanating from the candle reflecting from his eyes made it look like there were little sparks "dancing" around in his pupils. And that's when it clicked. "Spark..."


"Is it ok... If I call you Spark?"

"Sure. But why?"

Mika explained what she just saw, and how he's also like her shining light throughout everything. Always reminding her of what's true.

"I don't know if I could keep going on without you. But I'll keep trying my best to... No matter what happens."

"Spark" felt overwhelmed with how happy he was, and immediately went in for another hug, stating how truly proud he is of her. "You've been through so much."

"So have you, Spark."

"But we'll get through it all, together. Right?"

Mika smiled wide and nodded. Looking at her cake, she closed her eyes and made her wish.

"I wish that Spark, Luci, and I can grow up to be safe, and happy, together... I know she's out there somewhere. She HAS to be! And we'll save her."

Opening her eyes, Mika gently blew out the candle and smiled to herself. Up above and far away, from behind Mika's back, a single "star" twinkled the brightest out of all the others.

Taking out the candle, Mika happily enjoyed her cake. She felt a little better after having something in her belly. Feeling bad thinking about leaving the candle with the paper plate in the alleyway, she got up and took it to the nearest trash can. After throwing it away, Mika turned to head back but bumped into someone. "Ah-! I-I'm sorry!"

She looked up and saw an older man with jet black hair speckled with some gray strands on the sides. He also had seemingly kind, blue eyes. "It's alright... But I do have to ask..." He knelt down to Mika's level and had a softer, yet serious tone.

"You're the little one around here that my department has been called in about, aren't you?"

"...Depart...ment?" Mika's eyes widened as she realized what the man was talking about. "Please, we just need help! We never want to steal, but-!"

The man suddenly chuckled a bit and nodded. "I get it... You don't seem the type. But, when you say "we," you mean the cat with you as well?" Mika's ears lowered more and she nodded.

"He's just been protecting and taking care of me."

"So you're saying that the cat did it all on his own...?"

Mika realized how she proved sounded to this guy, but just kept on telling the truth.

"I swear to you, mister... Really, I-"

He didn't seem to believe her, but cut her off again.

"I understand. And I have a proposition for you... How would you like to come and live with me for a bit? I try to help those like you; who need it."

"...Really? We aren't going to get in trouble?"

"God, no. You're no criminal. You can even bring your kitty over there along." The man said while gesturing to the left with his head.

Spark was trying to sneakily peek around the nearest corner while listening to everything going on, but was obviously spotted, so he quickly dashed back away. The man softly chuckled again; meanwhile Mika thought about it. She was already sick and wouldn't get much better due to the circumstances, and Spark needed some place better to be too. Even if he acted tough and could handle the harsh weather more, he couldn't take much more of the elements against the both of them either.

If anything bad happens, they can always try to run away again. Right?

"I... I need to speak to Spark first. I mean, I just- I need to prepare for this. Is that ok?"

Mika's words didn't go past the man, but he didn't make any comments on it. "Of course. Take all the time you need. Oh, and you can call me Colin, if you like." He said, smiling.


It took a while to convince Spark, but after bringing up her points for going, Spark huffed and begrudgingly agreed. Seeing as to how they had no other preferable options at this point. Spark did warn Mika to keep her guard up, however. Mika nodded and carefully picked him up, heading back to Colin. "He doesn't seem so bad, though." Mika thought to herself. "But I guess we'll see."

Colin helped get Mika into his car and situated. After confirming that her and Spark were comfortable and ready, Colin got in himself and buckled up in the driver's seat; heading off towards his place. Spark was sizing him up greatly and not taking his eye off of the man. Mika would probably think that was funny if she wasn't so nervous.

Many bad thoughts of what could go wrong, along with Spark's advice started to float around in her head. It was getting so loud, and Mika felt like she was going to explode, but before anything worse could be thought up by her, they all reached their destination. "W-We're here already?" Mika thought to herself and looked up, becoming absolutely stunned at what she saw ahead.