
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
120 Chs

New Target

After hearing this, Lin Qin was visibly taken aback.

"What do you mean by 'why am I still alive'?" She slowly stepped back, feeling that the Qi Xia in front of her was somewhat dangerous, "What are you going to do?"

Qi Xia seemed to understand something after seeing Lin's reaction, so he slowly walked over to Qiao Jia Jin and Tian Tian.

"Qi Xia... Do you know something?" Lin asked in a trembling voice, "What exactly happened?"

Qi Xia knelt down and looked at these two 'comrades in arms' he had been with for only two days, feeling a mix of emotions.

Although he was in low spirits, whenever he thought of the moments spent with them, it was as if a worm in his brain was trying to break out, causing him unbearable headaches.

Lin looked at Qi Xia with some fear: "Speak... What... What are you..."

"That woman named Xiao Xiao killed them," Qi Xia said in a low voice, "I want her to pay in blood for her crimes."

"Xiao Xiao...?" Lin said in disbelief, "Was it the girl we met before...?"

Qi Xia gently stroked Tian Tian's forehead, where there was a small hole.

Tian Tian had once said she could die here.

But now, she didn't even know why she had died.

"But I don't understand why..." Lin said, "Why did she kill Qiao Jia Jin and Tian Tian?"

Qi Xia paused for a moment and said, "I also want to know why she did this, and I want to know even more... why she didn't kill you?"

"No wonder you asked me like that..." Lin seemed to understand what Qi Xia meant, "But I don't know why I survived either. Even if you suspect me, I have no way to prove my innocence."

"When I first woke up, I did suspect you, but I have no doubts now. After all, you seemed to be afraid that I would kill you just now, which is not an expression a conspirator would show."

Qi Xia slowly stood up and said, "You thought I killed them, right?"

"I..." Lin bowed her head in embarrassment, "Indeed, since only the two of us survived, the murderer could only be..."

Qi Xia continued without paying attention, "Xiao Xiao said to let go of the search for the 'Way', but I don't intend to listen to her."

Lin frowned and carefully understood this sentence, unable to help but ask: "She asked you to give up the search for the 'Way'? Why?"

"I don't know," Qi Xia shook his head, "They seem to be an organization, and if I'm not mistaken, they are preventing others from collecting the 'Way'."

"This is too strange..." Lin said, reaching for her waist, "Ah! Where is my 'Way'?"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Qi Xia's waist and then at Qiao Jia Jin and Tian Tian's waists.

Everyone's 'Way' was gone.

"This is exactly what I wanted to tell you," Qi Xia murmured, "That woman is not collecting the 'Way', but destroying it."

After speaking, Qi Xia pointed to the now extinguished stove not far away and said to Lin, "I saw her burn our 'Way'."

"But this doesn't make sense..." Lin seemed to not quite understand, "Didn't you say that the 'Referee' wouldn't allow something like 'killing to steal the Way' to happen?"

Qi Xia thought for a while and then replied, "That woman named Xiao Xiao is very smart... or rather, she is very familiar with the 'rules' here. First, as I said, she didn't 'steal the Way', she just destroyed it. Second, when she took off the 'Way' or destroyed it, both Qiao Jia Jin and Tian Tian were still alive. No matter how you look at it, she didn't break the 'rules'."

"So, 'killing' is allowed, but 'stealing the Way' is not..." Lin crouched down, her expression particularly sad. She sat down on the ground and asked Qi Xia, "Now that we don't have a single 'Way', even if we want to participate in the game, we can't, right?"

Qi Xia looked at Lin Qin and said faintly, "Do you care so much about participating in the game? Before, I didn't feel that you wanted to get out of here."

Lin nodded, "Yes, I originally had no interest in this place at all, but now... I have something I must go back to confirm."

"Go back to confirm?"

"That's right." Lin also looked at Qi Xia seriously, "I need to return to the real world to confirm something."

Qi Xia stared into Lin Qin's eyes for three seconds, as if judging whether she was lying.

After a while, he slowly stood up and said, "Lin Qin, in any case, let's part ways."

"Part ways?"

"Yes, part ways." Qi Xia nodded, "That woman is after me. Continuing to follow me would be very dangerous for you."

Lin also stood up and replied, "I can't leave, I must act with you, otherwise, I won't be able to confirm that matter even if I return to reality."

Qi Xia paused for a moment after hearing this and asked, "The 'matter' you mentioned, is it related to me?"

"You are so interested in me, is it also because of 'that matter'?" Qi Xia asked.


"What exactly is it?" Qi Xia rarely encountered situations he couldn't understand at all, and the girl in front of him named Lin Qin was really piquing his curiosity.

"I'm sorry, I really can't say," Lin shook her head, "You just need to remember that we are not enemies."

Qi Xia was silent for a moment, then earnestly advised, "Being with me could lead to your death."

"Hmm..." Lin hesitated but still replied, "I'm prepared to take a gamble, maybe I won't die and will get out of here."

Seeing Lin Qin's persistence, Qi Xia no longer tried to persuade her. He slowly walked to the door, looked at the darkening sky outside.

"Since that's the case, let's take a gamble together," Qi Xia said, "We don't really have no 'Way' left, there's one stored with an acquaintance."

"You mean..." Lin also seemed to think of something, "Will Officer Li give the 'Way' to you?"

"He will," Qi Xia paused and added, "But his three teammates won't."

"What should we do then?"

Qi Xia shifted his gaze, looked at Qiao Jia Jin on the ground, and said through gritted teeth, "I'll plead with them, I'm determined to get that one 'Way'. As long as I keep playing the game, that woman named Xiao Xiao will definitely show up again. I can't let Qiao Jia Jin and Tian Tian die in vain."

After speaking, he picked up the remaining bear meat along with the pot, then pushed the door and went out, with Lin Qin following closely behind.

At this moment, the sky was somewhat dark, and there seemed to be a lot of insect chirping in the city, the sound of crickets could be heard everywhere.

"We have to hurry," Qi Xia said, "I hope they will appreciate this bear meat."

Lin Qin looked up at Qi Xia once again, feeling empty inside.

The man in front of her seemed emotionless, indifferent to the death of everyone.