

"Did you have to postpone your surgeries, too?" Mark asked Helena, putting on the pink NICU gown as he entered it.

"Yeah." Helena nodded, writing down some notes on the small baby laying in front of her. "Hunt said it was because of the storm that's coming, something about moving up all elective procedures and moving out non emergent patients?"

With a hum, Mark pouted. "I was doing a cleft lip repair too, you know how much I like those..."

"Oh, you'll survive." She chuckled, looking up from her chart.

"We have a problem." Meredith announced, her face serious, from the door, making Helena and Mark turn around.

"A board member problem or a 'I'm your person' problem?" Helena questioned, titling her head.

"It's Alex." The blond simply explained, making the peds surgeon share a look with her husband. The man simply nodded, as the young woman rushed out of the room.


All Helena knew was that Alex had brought Jason Myers, Jo's current boyfriend, into the hospital, beat up and barely hanging on. So, naturally, she was now pacing around the room, as she prepared for her mom speech.

"When I said fight the guy, I didn't mean the guy!" Cristina warned.

"Alex, this kind of stuff was ok when we first met you, but now...?" Meredith continued.

"Now you're supposed to be less brainless!" Helena stopped her pacing, facing the man. "I mean, it was ok, but this is so stupid. You c-could go to jail, Alex Karev!"

"Look, I'm not going to jail." Alex shrugged. "He was like that when I found him."

"That's your story?" Meredith scoffed.

"No cop is gonna believe you." Cristina added, making Helena nod.

"Alex, it's us. If you messed up, just tell us, don't lie on top of it!" The short brunette tried,

"He didn't do it. He just found him." Jo announced, entering the room. She had a hood over her head, her eye was black and face scrapped. "I did it."

"W-wait, Jo, what exactly happened?" Helena questioned.

"We were having a fight, he grabbed my arm. I fought him off. It just- it got ugly. He fell backwards and he hit his head on the fireplace, but he was still yelling when I left." She explained. "He was fine, I swear."

"Alright, you gotta go. Go." Alex instructed.

"Uh, no. She has to explain to them what happened!" Cristina let out.

"No, nobody does anything until we see how Peckwell is." The man shook his head. "Look, go home. Don't let anyone see you. And you three, don't say a word to anyone until we know exactly what is going on. Ok?"

As Jo left the room, Helena bit the inside of her cheek, following after the girl. Reaching her in the stair well, she called out. "Jo."

"I'm going, I swear. I just have to grab some clothes. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt Jason. I was just trying to get away from him and I lost it. I just... lost it." She exhaled.

"Ok." Helena nodded. "I believe you and I like you, I do. But I love Alex. He might just try to take the fall for you, and I can't let that happen."

"I'd never let him do that, I wouldn't." She shook her head.


"Did they run a CBC?" Alex asked.

"And a KB Stain?" Helena added.

"Yes, they ran all the test. The baby is fine." Meredith told them. She had just taken a fall of the stairs.

"Yeah, well, what about you? I mean, why did you fall? Are you dizzy?" Cristina asked.

"I fell because I have the same center of gravity as a Jersey Cow!" The blond let out. "I'm fine, guys."

"Doctors, it's time. It's happening." A nurse called out, making Helena smile big.

Matthew had been planing on proposing to April. And, knowing the brunette was one of the friends she confided in the most, he'd reached out to her for help. It was going to be a big gesture, a very public flash mob: the exact kind of thing Helena would hate but she knew April would love.

Rushing to the hospital bay, she was just in time to see the paramedics start dancing.

"What is going on?" Cristina asked.

"Flash mob proposal!" Helena smiled, Mark approaching her and asking.

"It's happening?"

"It's happening!" She smiled.

As Matthew approached April, dancing, Alex let out. "Who would have thought Kepner would have found someone as dorky as she is?"

"He's like the male Kepner, what are the odds?" Meredith chuckled.

At the end of the flash mob, everyone clapped, as Cristina made an appalled face, making the short girl by her giggle.

"Uh, April, I know this seems crazy..." Matthew started.

"This is totally crazy." She chuckled. "What?"

"And to some sudden. But when I know something, I know it. When I first saw you standing in this doorway, I felt a shock." He continued, making Helena share a look with Mark, who put an arm around her back. "A-and I thought 'this is the most beautiful person I've ever seen'. And then I though... yeah, no, I knew...  that I was gonna fall in love with you. And I've never been so happy knowing anything in my entire life."