

"A packet?" Cristina scoffed, with her people at the kitchen of Meredith's old home, now Alex's. "We're gonna convince these people to give us 175 million with a packet?"

"It's a nice packet..." Meredith shrugged, her baby bump more prominent than ever.

"Yeah, and people like packets. Right?" Helena furrowed her brows, finishing up the omelets she was making: two for her people, one for Alex. She'd stick with her regular toast.

"Mer, Baby Einstein, Owen stopped calling. If this doesn't work, he'll never speak to me again." The curly haired woman sighed.

"Once we buy the hospital, the sneaking around stops." Meredith told them.

"Buy the hospital..." Helena shook her head. "I still can't believe I'm buying a at 29... but, yes, when Owen finds out he's gonna be happy."

"Derek's completely convinced that-" Meredith stopped herself when they noticed Alex walk into the room.

"Hey." The boy greeted, Helena shooting him a quick smile from the drive.

"Good morning." The blond wished.

There was another moment of silence, Alex going to get some old pizza from the fridge, before he let out. "Ok, really? It's been a week, what the hell is going on? You walk out, no warning, and now the hospital is falling apart. Yesterday a bunch of nurses walked! We lost lab techs, support staff. I mean, if you wanted to screw the Pegasus deal, success, high five. But, now, people are saying they without a buyer the whole place could go belly up in a month. What are you trying to do?"

The trio was silent again, before Helena served one of the omelets, offering, with a smile. "Omelet, Alex?"

"You're just guilty that you've been hiding stuff from me... I don't want your pity omelet." He almost pouted.

"They taste the same." The short girl pointed out with a tilt of her head.

"Fine, whatever." He grabbed the breakfast, squinting at the twisted sisters before he left.


"Ok, so, this time, I'll do the peds and trauma stuff first and Lena can do the neonatal, fetal and OB." Arizona suggested, the short girl nodding. The group was waiting at the lobby of a big corporation, waiting to meet with the owner.

"And then I will go into the neuro."

"Ok, can somebody else do the closing?" Callie requested. "I-I was awful last time we practiced."

"No, you were fine." Mark shrugged it off.

"We really wanna end on my flop sweats?" She chuckled.

"Derek, you do the closing." Cristina suggested.

"I'm sorry, it should be just a few more minutes." The secretary warned them. "Can I get you any water or coffee?"

Everyone politely declined, except for Cristina. "Coffee. And a bagel or something." As the woman left, everyone shot her looks, the woman explaining. "I'm starving. This meeting was supposed to start half an hour ago!"

"Ok, he's a billionaire. One of his minutes is worth forty of hours." Callie shrugged.

"Can't believe we got this meeting in the first place." Helena smiled. "Nice job, Stan."

"I really believe Julian Crest is our guy. He made all his money in late-stage internet mobile. Medical tech is the one area he doesn't have a foothold. Your focus on applied research is right up his alley." The financial advisor told them.

"Yeah, well, someone should buy him a watch." Cristina crossed her arms.


After leaving the meeting with two very young looking boys, Derek scoffed. "I though you were taking us to Julian Crest, not his daycare center."

"I mean, yeah. What were they, twenty? Those are the babies, not me." Helena pointed out, making Cristina smile at her.

"You don't just walk in and talk to a guy like Julian Crest." Stan explained. "There and hoops to jump through. If those junior execs like us, they pass us up to his business development guys. We impress them, then you see the man himself."

"Oh, will they do that before or after their nap time?" Callie teased.

"You were golden in there, there's no way you don't make it to the next level." The advisor reassured. "I'm telling you, any second now, this phone is gonna ring."

The group stood awkwardly for a moment, before the phone went off. As Stan spoke, everyone held their breaths.

"What are they saying?" Callie whispered.

"Yes, yes, I understand." Stan answered to the phone.

"Understand? What do you understand?" Derek asked.

"He's on the phone, Derek." Helena told him, smacking his arm. "Manners."

"Thank you. Thank you for your time." The man hung up, complaining. "Guys, you were kinda rude."

"Well, what did they say?!" The short girl let out, unable to hide her own expectative.

"You got the meeting." He informed, the group letting out noises of victory, as Helena pressed a kiss to Mark's lips.

"We got the meeting." Helena smiled.

They might just be able to save their home.


Brooks had told Meredith that the hospital was being bought by Pegasus for parts. The assets were bing liquidated and the hospital would seize to exist. They would lay off all the staff.

So, at Callie and Arizona's, the group was sitting together, panically speaking.

"It's my fault. It's my fault." Callie lifted her head from her hands. "Everyone is gonna lose their jobs because I had a stupid idea."

"No, no, no, don't." Arizona shook her head.

"No one's gonna lose their jobs." Derek denied, pacing around.

"Everyone is, Derek. If we don't get the money, everybody is. But it's not Callie's fault, it's all fo ours!" Helena shrugged.