

"Where are we with Avery?" Owen questioned, a whiteboard filled with resident's names as the attendings gathered in the conference room.

"Holding offers from USC, Penn, Tulane and Emory." Mark announced. "Tulane and Emory are in love, they want him bad."

The redhead added a question Mark by his name, before writing 'Campos' on the board, shooting both Arizona and Mark a look. "News on Lena?"

"Uh, my contacts at Hopkins, Stanford and Boston say they are playing hardball. Apparently Hopkins told her she's their first choice." The blond announced, sighing. "I think I might still manage to convince her to stay, though."

"Lee says she's between Hopkins and here." Mark told the Chief, playing with his pen. "I think she would stay if it wasn't for Hopkins but, you know, it's a pediatric and neonatal surgery fellowship at Hopkins, you don't just turn that down. It's the best program in the country and they want her, they want her bad."

Hunt sighed as he wrote another question mark, turning to Derek. "And Grey?"

"Uh, still between Boston and Seattle."

"If I'm gonna lose two of my most talented residents and two department heads, I'd like a decision sooner than later." Hunt requested.

"You and me both, Hunt." Derek agreed, as Mark shook his head.

"Look, I'm not gonna pressure my wife, she does that enough for herself." He shrugged, looking to the Chief. "There's a good hospital that's offered me a spot in Baltimore and I like this job. So, I've told her, I'll go with her no matter what she decides."


At Meredith's house most resident drank themselves stupid, as Helena stood with her back to a wall, her head on Jackson's shoulder and a cup of juice in her hand.

Cristina and Meredith danced on a table, as Helena chose to keep her activity milder, due to her pregnancy.

"Are you sure you don't wanna talk about it, Keps?" Helena questioned, worried for the small girl.

"It's all good, Lena!" She let out, clearly very drunk, as she waved her glass around. "Have a drink, loosen up."

"April, I'm seven and a half months pregnant." Helena giggled.

"Oh, right." The redhead realized, letting her head flop back in her chair. A moment after, her eyes widened as a new song came on. "I love this song!" She yelled, running to dance with Meredith and Cristina.

"Kepner's wasted, that's a first." Alex snorted, joining them with a beer in his hand, Helena taking April's seat.

The redhead yelled excitedly and shook her head on the table, as Helena shared a worried look with both her people, still dancing by her.

"Yeah, lately she's been all about firsts..." Jackson let out.

At that, Helena furrowed her brows for a second, looking at the man. Then, realization hit her as she gasped, remembering the redhead had not slept at their room at the boards. Jackson had slept with April.

"Jacks, no!" She let out, smacking his arm. "? When?... no, what about her relationship w-with Jesus, or whatever? Because you know she thinks it's really important not to-"

"Ok, you're speaking too much." Jackson put his hand over the small girl's mouth, Alex looking at the boy, confused.

"What the hell is she on about?" He questioned.

"Nothing." Both doctors let out.

As a phone began ringing, Helena checked hers, to see it wasn't it that was ringing.

"Music, music!" Cristina requested, Meredith turning down the volume as she picked up the call. "This is Dr. Yang. Well, that does certainly give me a lot to think about. Thank you so much for calling." As she hung up, she announced. "Mayo wants to give me a research lab, guess who's back in the running?!"

Everyone cheered as the music was turned back up, April shaking her head furiously, clearly gone.

"So that's what rock bottom looks like." Alex teases, Helena smacking the back of his head.

"." She accused, just as another phone went off.

Again, the music was turned down as April picked up her call. "Yes, this is she. ... .... well, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much for the opportunity." As she hung up, she declared. "UVA wants a board certified surgeon, so they pulled my offer."

The room went quiet for a moment, before Helena's phone rang, the girl picking it up. "Yes, this is Dr. Campos. Yes, yes. Oh, thank you. Thank you so much, that is very generous of you. Thank you once more, goodnight."

As she put her phone back in her pocket, she stayed quiet for a moment, April asking. "Well?"

"Oh, it's fine, I don't need to-" The short girl told her friend, not wanting to upset her further.

"No, no, I could tell it was good news. Don't let me bring you down." The redhead encouraged.

At that, a smile grew on Helena's face, as she blushed, announcing. "Hopkins is giving me a fully staffed lab and funding for my own research."

"Good!" April announced, getting back on the coffee table. "Music!" As it didn't start up, she snapped at Meredith, her harsh voice making the girl jump slightly. "Come on, music!"


The next morning, Helena and Mark walked to the hospital, the woman pushing her baby in the baby stroller.

"I think I've come up with a name, sweetheart." Mark announced, as Helena swung their interlocked hands back and forth.

"Really? We've kind of been having a hard time..." The girl's eyes widened as she smiled, in excitement.