

"Arizona, I'm stressing." Helena told her attending as they walked down the hall, Helena wheeling her suitcase behind her. "Like stressing, stressing. As in, I've taken my emergency anxiety meds and I still feel like I'm gonna throw up. Or cry. Or both, probably both."

"Ok, . Don't stress." The blond told her, shrugging. "Just... look your examiners in they eye, but don't stare. And don't- and don't rush your answers. You know, it's ok to take a second to compose yourself. But don't- don't take long."

"Is this supposed to be helping? Because it's not- it's not helping." Helena complained, her face flushed with stress as her hand held her now bigger bump.

"No, yeah, don't stress. You'll be ok, you've got this." The woman told her, as they arrived to the ambulance bay, Helena joining Mark and Jackson.

"Have salmon for dinner. And tell room service to make sure it's not frozen. You lose omega-3s if it's frozen." Mark told his resident, who texted. "Avery, are you listening to me? I have a wife to calm down, too."

"I'm trying not to." The boy complained, with a roll of his eyes, as Helena grabbed Mark's arm.

"Ok, how are you on cash? I figured you needed some." Mark handed him a stash of bills, the boy taking it and walking towards the bus.

"Really?" Helena asked, her brows still furrowed in worry. "He's filthy rich, he doesn't need our money." At the questioning face Mark made, Helena told him. "I'm stressed and hormonal, I get to be a little mean."

"Honey, it's gonna be fine." Mark cupped her face, looking in her eyes. "You have gone through all the phases and cycles of the Campos method, and you've brought your flash cards with you. You're gonna be ok."

"B-but what if I fail? I-I can't fail, b-because then no one will- no one will want to hire me and I'll lose... I'll lose all my credibility and ruin my reputation! And you know don't deal well with failure, Mark, so I can't fail!" She freaked out, starting to spiral with panic.

"Lee, look at me." He asked, Helena bitting the inside of her cheek as she did. "You are the single smartest woman I know, Helena Campos. You have your little genius brain and your flashcards, you'll do great. You know your worth, don't forget it cause you're stressed."

"Ok." The woman nodded, her eyes still a bit crazed with stress. "I'll be ok. Just... if Ali starts to miss me too much, don't forget she loves the little portuguese baby songs cd, that helps her calm down. A-and the yellow blanky Lexie gave her, her favorite one, give her that."

"We'll be ok, Lee. I've got Ali, we'll be ok, and so will you." Mark reassured her. "You've got this."

"I've got this." She agreed, giving her husband a kiss. "Bye, I love you."

"I love you too, Lee." He then put a hand in her bump, muttering. "And, bye, little guy. Daddy's gonna miss you."


April flopped down next to the rest of the residents, on a couch at the hotel lobby, after having practically told a man she'd taken his job.

"Well, he hates me." She huffed, making Helena look up from her flashcards and pat her head comfortingly.

"How do you do that? You've been here, like, two minutes..." Alex teased.

"My examiner is gonna hate me, too, instantly." She shook her head, making Cristina let out.

"Don't psych yourself out."

Humming in agreement, Helena told her. "Yeah, if you think like that, you'll get all anxious and short-breathy, believe me."

"One in five people fail the boards!" The redhead announced, making the short girl's eyes widen.

"Fine. Psych yourself out." Cristina shrugged.

"Just don't psych me out, too, please. Keep all that.. to yourself." Helena told her, her voice a bit shaky.

"It's just at test." Jackson spoke up, reassuringly. "We've all dealt with worse, no one's bleeding out on your table. We will be fine."

"Right, we'll be fine." Helena agreed. However, her hands roamed her purse, where she found her camomile capsules, putting one in her mouth. At the other's looks, she asked. "What? It's all natural, don't look at me like I'm doing heroine." At the slightly snappy tone, everyone's brows furrowed further. Sighing, she explained. "I'm crazy stressed and pregnant, it's apparently not a good combination."

"Cristina, Lena." Meredith called out, making the two girls stand up and approach her, a little away from the group.

"What is it?" The short girl asked.

"Zola has the stomach flu." She announced.

"Oh, Ali had that bug last week, it's apparently going  round the daycare. She got well quickly, don't worry." Helena reassured her, Cristina agreeing.

"Yeah, kids get sick. Derek's with her."

"Zola has the stomach flu." The woman repeated.

At that, both her people seemed a bit confused, before they realized, sharing a look.

Helena let out a small gasps, taking a few steps backwards as she announced. "No, Meredith, you are sick."

"You cannot be sick." Cristina agreed. "You're just freaking out."

"Ok." The blond agreed, before gagging.

"Deep breaths, just take deeps breaths." The taller woman instructed, as Helena stayed away.

"Yes, do be sick Meredith! Mind over matter, no throwing up." She warned.

However, just then, the blond bent over and puked on the floor, making Helena step back further and turn her face away as she scrunched up her nose.

"Uh, what just happened?" April asked.

"Stomach flu." The Korean woman announced.

"Oh, thank god I'm in your room, Keps, not with Mer." Helena told the redhead, still facing away from the puke. "I already have morning sickness, I can't have the stomach flu too."


"Ok, fifty six year old presents with pancreatic ductal obstruction and dilated main pancreatic duct." Jackson read out as everyone but Meredith studied in one of the rooms. Helena sat on the floor, her back resting on one of the beds, as she went over her flashcards.