

"She gonna do it, you'll see." Helena told her husband, as she fed Alice, in her chair.

"Lee, she's eight months. Babies usually speak at around ten months to a year." Mark told her, chuckling as he washed the breakfast dishes.

"I started speaking at eight months old, it happens, and her speech is already developed. She's gonna say 'mama' soon, you'll see." The woman argued, turning to the baby. "Are you gonna say 'mama', ? Can you say 'mama'?"

"Excuse me?!" Mark looked at her, seemingly offended. "It's gonna be 'dada', if anything. Our little genius is saying 'dada'."

Narrowing her eyes at him, Helena cleaned little Alice's mouth, who babbled. ""

"See? She's talkative, it's happening." The short girl told her husband, as she picked her daughter up, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Yeah, talkative just like her mama." Mark teased.


"An actual lion? In Seattle?" Helena furrowed her brows at Meredith, Cristina walking with them on the other side of the blond.

"Looking at me, like I was lunch!" The blond exclaimed.

"Are you sure it wasn't a mountain lion? Or... maybe a well fed cat?" Cristina tried, making Helena giggle.

"I was staring at Simba." Meredith chuckled, as Owen approached them.

"Hey." Owen greeted, handing a chart to the blond. "Grey, you're on my service."

As Cristina walked away, the man looked at her sadly. "Cristina isn't talking to me."

"Anything you need Dr. Hunt? Work related?" The short girl questioned, somewhat coldly.

She was still upset at how Hunt had handled the matter of Cristina's abortion, still upset of how he had treated her. Sure, she had never been friends with the man, but since the incident she had avoided a relationship that wasn't strictly profession. Besides, the cheating suspicions had only added to her aggravation.

"Uh, no." The man told her.

"Alright, have a good day then." Helena wished with a tight lipped smile, leaving.

"Seems like Cristina isn't the only one." Meredith teased.


"Good morning." Helena greeted the peds attending, joining her, Callie and Teddy at the lobby. "I'm ready for the surgery, Arizona."

Behind her, Cristina called for Teddy. "Dr. Altman, I'm ready to get started on your stem cell project."

"See? Who need a grief group? I mean, I am doing cutting edge stem cell research." Teddy told the other two attendings. "Right?"

"Yeah, the grief groups I've been to sucked." Helena complained, everyone's heads turning to face her. "What? My dad died as a kid, my mom made me go to my fair share of those. Besides, my brother lost his leg, so I went to groups for that too, cause he was too little to go alone. Anyway, yes, surgery is better that grief groups, Dr. Altman."

"Yeah, see? I'm looking toward the future, not dwelling on the past." Teddy nodded in agreement.

"Sorry to interrupt." A nurse called out. "It's my last day so I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Aw..." Callie let out, giving her a brief hug. "Well, it's been great working with you."

"Good luck back east." Teddy did the same, hugging her briefly.

Then, it was Helena's turn. "Congrats on the new job, Coleen. Wish you all the best."

As she pulled away from the hug, the woman shifted uncomfortably on her feet, telling Arizona. "Goodbye."

"Bye." The blond wished in a sweet, quiet voice.

"Uh, is it ok if I give you a hug?" She asked, looking to Callie, almost as if asking for permission.

At that, the ortho surgeon chuckled. "Why wouldn't it be ok?"

"Yeah, of course, come here, Colleen." Arizona agreed.

However, instead of the short, professional hug she'd shared with the other women, the nurse wrapped her arms around Arizona tightly, prolonging the embrace.

Sharing a look with Teddy, Helena had to keep herself from giggling. Those two had definitely been a thing.


"Do you know anything about Arizona and that nurse, Colleen?" Callie asked Helena as they walked through the walkway, the small girl being on ortho for the day. "Where they a thing before she met me?"

"Uh, I don't know. That hug was certainly weird though..." Helena agreed, shrugging.

"? It lingered too long for a goodbye hug." Callie told her, her eyes wide.

"Colleen into women, that much I know." The resident told her, pinning her pager to her scrub bottoms. At the older woman's questioning look, she explained. "Well, she kinda used to flirt with me my intern year. Besides, the pool of Seattle Grace women loving women isn't big and my gaydar is pretty good."


"Wait, wait, wait... so he cheat on Cristina?" Helena asked, shaking her head. "And he told you?"

"Yes." Meredith nodded. "But Cristina didn't tell us which means-"

"Which means she's planning on forgiving him. O-or she's trying to forgive him." Helena nodded in understanding, taking a hand to her forehead. "Oh, God, I really wanna yell at that son of a-"