

Helena had been truly happy that morning. It had seemed like her day would be a great one, in all areas of her life: she would get to preform a kidney transplant surgery by herself on one of her favorite patients, she'd just gotten engaged... She had been truly happy.

Now, a gun pointed to her as she closed her eyes in resignation, she realized one thing: she now knew the true meaning of the calm before the storm.


That same morning, Helena knocked on Cristina's apartment door, excited to tell her friends about her engagement.

Once Cristina answered it, Helena smiled at her, entering the apartment. "Hi! I have news. Wait, why are you crying?" She asked, noting Callie crying over her cereal.

"I-I broke up with A-Arizona because she doesn't want a baby..." The woman sobbed, Helena moving closer to her to press a kiss to the top of her head.

Cristina joined them on the counter, eating her cereal with a sad face. "Will you stop crying." She asked, starting to sob too.

"You stop crying!" Callie shot back, the two woman sobbing over their breakfast.

"Well, hum, bad time then..." Helena muttered, rubbing her hands up her friends' backs in comfort.

"No, no, what is it?" Callie insisted, sniffling against her paper tissue.

"Are you sure?" The short girl asked, unsure of whether it'd be a good idea.

"Yes, we're sure. Tell us." Cristina agreed, tears still staining her cheeks.

"Well, Mark proposed!" She let out, showing her engagement ring with a grin.

The two housemates looked at each other for a silent second, before beginning to sob even more.

"Oh, ok, like I said, bad timing... Sorry." Helena scrunched up her nose, getting back to comforting her friends.


"No way!" Helena let out, trying to hide her happiness until she knew how Meredith felt.

"Yeah." Meredith nodded, after giving her people the news.

"No freaking way!" Cristina agreed.


"Oh my god, ok. We're you trying to...?" The curly haired woman asked.

"No! Total accident, I used the thing." The blond explained.

"So are we happy about this?" Helena wanted to make sure, narrowing her eyes.

"Or are we exercising our legal right to choose?" Cristina added.

Meredith opened her mouth as if to speak, no words coming out. However, from her expression, her people knew the answer.

"Oh my god, Mer, you're pregnant!" Helena squealed, wrapping her arms around her taller friend.

"Congratulations!" Cristina smiled wide, joining the hug. "Are you gonna tell me? Have you told him?"

"No, I just found out." The blond explained as they pulled away.

"Ok, ok, my turn!" Helena bounced on her tiptoes, grinning as Cristina looked at her softly. "I'm engaged!"

"Oh my god, Lena!" Meredith let out, giggling. "I'm so happy for you."

"Cristina cried." Helena told her friend, pouting slightly at the other girl. "I told you I was engaged and you cried."

"No, I was crying over the Teddy and Owen thing, not you!" Cristina explained, shaking her head. "I'm happy for you, Baby Einstein, I really am."

Just then, the three girl's pagers went off, all at the same time.

"Derek." Meredith sighed.

"Teddy." Cristina informed.

"Arizona." Helena told them, smiling. "Also, I am doing a solo kidney transplant today on little Alice!"

"Oh, the favorite patient?" Cristina teased.

"Shut up. But, yes." The short girl nudged her playfully. "Are you gonna tell him now?"

"Yeah." Meredith agreed.

"This is very adult." Cristina told her, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I'm really proud of you, Meredith Grey."

"I'm... proud of me too?" She admitted, Helena pouting slightly.

"I'm proud of you too, Baby Einstein. But you were always adult, not the same." Cristina snorted at the short girl's expression, the three girls turning to leave. "I hope it has his hair!"

"Me too!" Meredith's agreed, the younger girl simply giggling as she muttered to herself.

"I love today..."


Helena walked into Alice's room in the peds floor later that morning, the girl having already been admitted.

"Good morning!" She greeted with a wide smile. "Today is the day, right?"

"Hi, Dr. Lee!" The small girl greeted from her bed, where she played with Mr. Cuddles.

"Oh, we are so excited!" The girl's mother told her, moving to take her into a hug. "Thank you so much."

Helena smiled on her shoulder, the father also giving her a grateful smile, before they pulled away.

"You don't have to thank me, Hannah. I'm just doing my job." She nodded.

"Well, we all know that's not really true. You always come in to check on Ali when we have an emergency, we know in other hospitals they just call the doctor on call. Besides, I'm guessing that offering the partners constant emotional support isn't a part of the job description?" Peter smiled at her, the director letting out a giggle.

"Well, that's just gonna have to stay a secret."

"Am I gonna have a new belly, Dr. Lee?" The small girl asked, curious.