

Helena sighed as Mark pressed kisses up her bare back, laying in her bed with her hair over her shoulder.

As the man flipped her around she let out a giggle, one that turned into a happy sigh as he moved to press kisses to her neck.

"Mark, querido, we should go make dinner soon, it's already late..." She told him. However, instead of making any movement to get out of bed, she moved her head to the side do give him some more space.

"I'll get us takeout." He told her, pressing his lips to hers in a deep kiss.

The kiss only deepened, before Helena pulled away at the sound of the ringing doorbell, her head falling back with a groan.

"Ignore them, they'll go away." Mark argued, Helena sliding from under him as the doorbell rang again.At that he whined in frustration. "Where are you going?"

"I'll get it, just tell them it's not a good time." She told the man, pulling one of Mark's shirts over her head as well as some running shorts. As she did, the bell rang a few more times, the girl hurrying to go get it.

She floated through the living room, her small feet making small thuds as she walked quickly to the door.

Once she reached it, Helena unlocked it, moving to say. "I'm sorry, right now is- Sloan?!" Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the panicked teen on her doorstep. "What's wrong?!"

"The baby's coming! The baby is coming right now!" She yelped, moving past Helena to sit in their couch, grabbing her belly.

The short girl blinked rapidly at the information, quickly moving to help the blond as she yelled. "Mark, the baby's coming! Get dressed and get your ass out here!"


Cristina opened her apartment door as she heard quick and persistent knocking from the hallway, seeing a panicked Mark as she did.

"Yang, you got a suture kit?" He asked as he stormed into the apartment.

"What? Yeah." The woman started, confused.

"Where's Robbins?" He asked, moving to look through the kitchen drawers.

"In there." Callie told him, nodding towards her bedroom.

"!" Mark called, urgency in his voice. "Wait, two, I need two suture kits." He warned as Cristina disappeared into her bed room.

"Why is he screaming?" The blond attending asked as appeared from inside the bedroom wearing a robe, Mark still frantically looking through the drawers.

"Baby! Now!" He warned as he practically ran out of the apartment.

Everyone seemed to be confused for a second, freezing, before they heard one of Sloan's pained screams from across the hall.

"Oh god, he's serious!" Arizona let out as they rushed out the apartment.

As they entered the apartment, they saw Helena crouching by Sloan's legs, the baby already in her hands and wrapped in a towel. Her shirt and hands bloody, the small girl looking up to see the small crowd at her door.

"Get my bag, get my bag." Arizona hit Callie's arm, who ran back into their apartment as the others moved to help Sloan.

"Give me a clamp." Helena asked Cristina, who handed her the material. The short girl balanced the baby in one arm as she applied the clamp on the umbilical cord with the other. "Another clamp, then scissors." She asked, her voice sure as she worked.

"Is he ok? Is he good?" Sloan cried out, Helena giving her a small reassuring smile.

"He's great, he's a beautiful baby, Sloan." She told her just as she cut the cord, handing the baby over to Arizona as the both of them moved over to the kitchen counter. Meanwhile, Mark and Cristina stayed with Sloan, making sure the girl kept calm.

"Any sounds?" The blond asked, Helena finally allowing a bit of her fear to show up on her eyes, now that the teen couldn't see her.

"N-not yet." She shook her head as Arizona massages the baby's chest, in hope of stimulating the heart and lungs.

"Come on, baby boy, come on." The attending asked as her and Helena looked at the baby, hoping to hear any sound soon enough.

Once he let out a cry, the short girl sighed in relief, bracing slightly on the kitchen counter. "" ("Oh, God, he's ok...")

Arizona giggled happily as she handed the baby off to Mark, Callie watching with awe as the man picked him up. "There you go, grandpa."

After catching her breath, Helena moved over to Mark, looking over at the small bundle in his arms, tears welling up in her eyes.

She moved a finger to softly caress the boy's belly, whispering. "Hi, little guy. You are so, beautiful."

"Yes, you are." Mark agreed in awe, looking up to his girlfriend with tears in his own eyes. They shared a quick beaming smile, before focusing back on the baby, the baby they had once thought would be theirs.


As Helena had a spare moment from work, she at in Sloan's hospital room, holding the little baby in her arms. As she did, she felt her heart practically melt, the baby moving his tongue in the most adorable way, that made her giggle.

As Mark entered the room, he told his girlfriend, narrowing his eyes at her. "It's my turn to have baby time. You've monopolized him for way too long."

"Fine, fine, Mark." She sighed, handing him over as the man started pacing around the room, holding him tightly.

"So, the nurse says I'm being discharged. I have to leave tomorrow? I just had the baby, like, today..." Sloan asked them, reading though a few papers.

"It's a good thing, it means you're doing great. No complications. Right, little man?" Mark answered, looking down at the bundle in his arms.

"Also, it's perfectly normals for mothers to be discharged this soon. You'd sooner have to worry if they discharge you." Helena smiled up at the teen, who seemed to pout slightly.