

Helena stared at a the CT in front of her, nervously fidgeting as she sighed. She was so deep in her thoughts that she barely noticed Arizona entering the room, only turning to look at her as she spoke up.

"Lena, you paged?" She asked.

"Oh, hi, yes!" The brunette jumped slightly, showing her superior the scans. "These are Alice Turner's scans, a six year old girl with polycystic kidney disease. She was diagnosed at birth and has had three laparoscopic cyst removal surgeries, the first one when she was three, all of which I scrubbed in on."

"Alright." Arizona nodded, moving to stare at the scans. "Oh, that's a big one."

"I know... she came in today complaining of pain and vomiting. She's already on dialysis four times a week here at the hospital, I was thinking we might need to remove that cyst, am I right?" The resident sighed, pointing to the largest one.

"Yes, we do. Ideally, we'd get her new kidneys, I mean, you said she's on dialysis four times a week?" The attending asked, Helena nodding.

"Yes, she's already on the transplant list. Though with this new removal... the faster we could get her new ones the better, right? Because these continuous surgeries just put strain on the organs, just damage them more..."

"Absolutely. For now, we should operate. Let's go tell the parents." Arizona agreed, the two women walking out of the room and walking to Alice's.

"So, you know a lot about this patient..." The attending teased, Helena smiling.

"Well, yeah. I've been with little Alice since my intern year, she's adorable. She's so curious, always asking about what we're doing, she even likes to be the one to explain her condition." The resident smiled as she talked. "Her last cyst removal was one of my first solo surgeries, actually. It was a much less delicate cyst, however. Her parents are great too, lovely people."

Watching the younger girl talk about the patient, Arizona smiled fondly, the two of them soon walking into the little girl's room.

"Good morning." Helena smiled as they entered.

"Dr. Lee!" The small girl let out, excitedly, soon taking a hand to her stomach in pain.

"Hi, Alice." The resident smiled at her. "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Turner."

"Oh, please, how many times have I asked you to call me Hannah?" The woman asked, giving the doctor a smile, just like her husband.

"Alright, ... This is Dr. Robbins, one of the best pediatric surgeons in the country. She will be on Alice's case today." She smiled as the blond shook hands with the parents.

"Hi, Dr. Robbins!" Alice waved, her small hand and high pitched voice making Helena smile. "Dr. Lee, can I explain what I have, ?" She asked, making puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, you can." Helena chuckled, commenting to the parents. "I'm seeing the pain killers got her energy back up."

"So, I have PKD. That's a funny name that means little tiny bags with liquid inside my tummy, and they sometimes grow and make it hurt." The brunette child told them, playing with her teddy bear, Mr. Cuddles, as she spoke.

"Oh, is that right?" Arizona smiled at the child.

"Yes." She nodded. "But it's ok, because then the doctors can take them out, right, Dr. Lee?"

"Exactly. Good job." Helena smiled at her fondly, the girl grinning back, proudly.

Arizona smiled at the parents, soon beginning to explain. "So, Dr. Campos showed me the scans that she took when you came in and there a cyst that we're going to have to take out. This one will be a bit more challenging, but we're going to do the best we can, and I'm confident we'll be able to take it out safely."

"Oh, thank god." The father let out, leaning against the mother's shoulder.

"Pete and I thought it her kidneys might be starting to fail." Hannah breathed out.

"No, that's not the case. Thankfully, we're not there yet." Arizona smiled.

"That means, Alice, that you have another little bag that we have to take out, ok?" Helena crouched by the girl as she explained.

"Does that mean I get a lollipop?" She pouted slightly, Helena pulling one from her lab coat with a smile. "Thank you, Dr. Lee!"


"Evil Spawn has a brother?!" Helena hears Cristina squeal as she walked through the lobby, a chart in hand.

As such, she approached the group of her friends, saying. "Morning! You're Alex's brother?" She tilted her head, noticing the slight resemblance.

"Aaron, Cristina Yang and Helena Campos." Meredith introduced, the young man getting up from his seat.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Yang and Dr. Campos." He smiled at that as he shook their hands. "I'm Aaron Karev."

"Oh, you are so polite." Helena smiled at him, a bit surprised.

"Oh my god, he is so nice." Cristina agreed, turning to Alex. "Why can't you been nice like your brother?" She then seemed to think for a second before letting out. "Angel Spawn."

"Why can't you?" Alex shot back.

"Fair enough." The resident mumbled.

"Mer, you called?" Helena asked, the blond getting up and grabbing her and Cristina's arms.

"Both of you, ten times each!" She answered as they walked away.

"Little Alice is back with a huge cyst on her left kidney." The brunette sighed, tucking a lose bit of her behind her ear. "I was here with her all night."

"The favorite patient?" Meredith teased.

"I don't do favorites, Mer." Helena shoved her playfully.

"Oh, really?" Cristina asked. "Is that why you even snuck her to rounds once?"

"Look, yes, I am particularly attached to this patient, alright? Doesn't mean I favor her, because that would imply I give less than 100% to my other patients. And then you would be calling me unprofessional. Are you two calling me unprofessional?" She used her mom glared, Meredith letting out.