

"Look, I know it sucks I have to work on thanksgiving, but at least I'll be home at night!" Helena told Mark as she brushed her damp hair, getting ready for bed. "It'd be worse if I was working a double."

"I know, sweetheart. It's just... it'd be our first thanksgiving in the apartment, I was looking forward to it." Mark complained, moving around her as he put on some moisturizer.

"At least we'll have Christmas, right?" Helena asked, trying to look at the silver lining as she picked up her tooth brush. However, noticing her reflection in the mirror, with the pigeon necklace she wore every day, her face fell.

Bringing her hand up to it, Helena ran her thumb through the pendant, her eyes filling with tears.

Once Mark noticed it, he looked at her with worry, asking. "Hey, what's wrong, doll?"

"I just... it'll be the first holidays without him. And I really miss him, everyday. I really, really do..." Helena sighed, a tear running down her face as Mark hugged her from behind.

"I love you." He told her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"I love you too." She answered, wiping away her tear as she moved to start brushing her teeth.

"You know what? I think I'll go in tomorrow, too. It's no good just lounging around waiting for you to get home." Mark smiled to the girl, leaving the bathroom to change into his pijamas.


A blond girl came into the ER, readjusting the bag on her shoulder as she looked around, a mix of anxiety and hope on her face.

Spotting Alex by the nurses station, she approached him, asking. "Excuse me? I'm looking for Dr. Mark Sloan."

"You see the dude that got burnt trying to deep fry a turkey?" Alex asked, waving toward a patient with a burn on his leg. "Sloan is the guy making him scream like a girl."

Approaching the man, the blond girl readjusted the bag on her shoulder once more, calling out. "Dr. Sloan?"

"Yeah?" Mark asked, looking up from the burn. As she noticed the resemblance the girl had to him, he furrowed his brows, almost studying the woman's face.

"So, this is a little weird but, hum... my name is Sloan Riley and, hum... my mom is Samantha Riley and... I'm pretty sure you're my dad!" Sloan let out, Mark widening his eyes in shock as Callie and Alex looked up from their work in the next bed.

Finishing up on her patient, Helena dropped the chart at the nurses station, turning to walk over to Mark.

"Hey, querido, I just finished up on Mrs. Hernandez. Do you want some- oh, hi!" She let out, noticing the blond girl standing by her boyfriend.

She gave the woman a soft smile, however, noticing the panicked look on the man's face, her smile started to fade a bit. She furrowed her brows and tilted her head, looking at the girl in front of her and she realized the resemblance between the two, her eyes switching between Mark and Sloan.

"Oh, ." She let out, her hand shooting up to her mouth in realization. "Please tell me you're cousins..."


Helena paced around an on call room, after having shoved Meredith and Cristina in it with her. She rambled nervously, her hand up to her necklace.

"She's eighteen! !" She let out, her breaths shallow. "I mean, I was six when she was born. !"

"You did know Sloan was when you started dating him, right?" Cristina let out, Meredith nodding along. "I mean, you did know he's, like, fifty or something."

At that, Helena let out a gasp, moving to smack the girl's head. "He's not fifty! He's only fourteen years older than me and, yes, I knew. I just wasn't expecting him to have a daughter, let alone one so close to my age!"

"I mean, you a baby..." Meredith shrugged.

"Well, I sure was a baby when she was... ." The Portuguese girl let out, still pacing around the room as her two friends stared at her from the bunk they were sitting at.

"Sloan is a retired man whore, he probably has, like, fifty kids." Cristina snorted, Meredith shooting her a reprimanding look.

At that, Helena's eyes widened and her face became a bit pale as she began Portuguese raving about the situation.

"Congrats, you set off the Portuguese ranting." Meredith joked, Cristina speaking up over the monologue.

"Hey, I was joking, Baby Einstein. Just joking." She reassured, the girl stopping her pacing to stare at the women.

"I am going to stress cry now, you can go." Helena told them, tears already filling her eyes.

"Let's, I don't know how to deal with the tears." Cristina told the blond, patting Helena's head before the two left, the girl sitting down on the bunk bed and burying her head in her hands.


Helena was helping Callie and Arizona out in the kitchen, cooking at the ortho surgeon's apartment, where they were going to have their thanksgiving dinner.

The girl was chopping up some vegetables as they heard a knock at the door, looking up to see Mark enter the room.

"Hey!" All three women let out, soon seeing Sloan walk in behind him.

"Hey!" The blond girl greeted.

"Hi." Helena shot a smile back.