

Helena slept by Mark, her hand holding his as she quietly mumbled in her sleep. The girl was laying on her side, a hand under her pillow, as the man breathed deeply. However, the peaceful scene was abruptly interrupted as the sound of a pager going off woke them.

Helena's head quickly shot up as she grabbed her pager, checking it was hers as Mark sat on his bed.

"It's mine, honey, go back to sleep." She told him, throwing the sheets away from her as she quickly put on a pair of jeans.

"Why are they paging you this early?" He complained.

"I asked nurse Julie to page me if there was an appy, I wanted to get some more practice for the solo surgery. Apparently the Chief had picked an appendectomy for the last three years." She told him, now putting on a long sleeve.

"But... it's three in the morning." He complained, glancing over at his watch on his night stand.

"No rest for the wicked, right?" She smiled, grabbing her phone and putting it on her work bag. "I'll see you at work, try to get some more sleep." She advised, pressing a quick kiss to his lips as she left their hotel room.


The residents all waited in the ER for the ambulance to arrive, as Bailey came in through the doors.

"What are you all doing here?" The Chief resident asked them.

"Oh, he's mine, I met the ambulance!" Cristina told her.

"And she's sharing him with me." Meredith added.

"He's mine, I'm on call." George argued.

"And he's sharing him with me." Helena added, smiling up at her.

"Good morning, Dr. Bailey. You look nice today." Alex told their superior, making Helena shake her head in disapproval.

"Brown noser." Cristina accused. "I got here first, and the Chief said I'm the one to watch."

"He said I'm the one to watch too, plus, George is the one on call. He's ours." Helena nodded at the woman.

"Oh, I get it. It's solo surgery time and you all have heard that for the past two years the Chief had assigned an appendectomy, so you little mini surgeons drag your butts out of bed to pick up some final tips from the master." Bailey smiled, amused. "Yeah, it's kinda cute. Alright, I can use two of you."

"You've said cute before, Dr. Bailey." Helena showed her dimples, in hopes of getting the surgery.

"Yes, I'm on call!" George agreed, fighting for the two of them to get he extra practice.

"I filled Meredith in on the case." Cristina argued.

"Jason Kron, 47, tenderness over McBurney's point." The blond told her.

"Karev, what do you know about Mr. Kron?" The older woman asked.

"I know he's a lucky man to have you as a surgeon." Alex shrugged.

Just then, a case came in through the ambulance bay, the paramedic presenting the case to Hunt. "Arthur Soltanoff, 45, fell from a second story window, stable vitals, multiple fractures and lacerations with evidence of head trauma."

"Dr. Bailey, I'm gonna need one of your residents." Owen requested.

"Me, mine, I'm on call!" George told her, excitedly

"It's yours. Grey and Yang, prep Mr. Kron for surgery. Karev, a nurse asked for a resident on the third floor. Campos, help run the ER, they need someone down here." She instructed.

At that, Helena pouted slightly, narrowing her eyes at the woman. "I'm nice to you, Dr. Bailey. I'm nice, and I do what you ask me to a-and I baby sit little Tuck. And are not being nice to me back."

"Oh, please, Campos, don't act like you don't love babysitting my son. Plus, you're great at appys, you barely need the extra practice." The older woman told her, a smile on her lips.

At that, Helena's smile only grew. "Ok, fine, ER it is."

Approaching a nurse at the nurses station, she asked. "Good morning, Julie. Could you please page my interns down here?"

"Right away, Dr. C." The nurse answered with a smile.

"Thanks for paging me for the appy, by the way. Even if I could get on it, I appreciate it." She smiled back.

"Don't mention it. You're one of the few residents that's actually nice to us nurses." The red haired nurse shrugged.

"Oh, please tell me my interns are, too. Or I have to give them a good smacking." She joked.

"They're great, Dr. C, don't worry. You raised them well." The nurse giggled, as Helena turned around to see her interns entering the ER.


After doing some basic stitching in the ER, Helena was paged you a room by her boyfriend, entering to see Callie holding ice to her nose, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Oh, Callie, I just heard. How are you?" The short girl asked, worried. Apparently, a sleepwalking patient hit the woman so hard that he broke her nose.

"I can't believe this is happening." She whined.

"It wasn't a great nose anyway." Mark joked, preparing a syringe.

At that, Helena smacked the back of his head. "Yes it was! It was a beautiful nose, Callie."

"Relax, I'm kidding." He told them, taking the ice from Callie's face. "It was a gorgeous nose and it will be again. In two weeks, you won't even be able to tell anything happened."

"Really?" The woman asked, hopeful, as Helena wiped away her falling tear.

"Three weeks, four tops." Mark told her.

"I hate you." Callie told him, moving to grab Helena's hand.

"You love me." He shot back as he began pressing the needle to Callie's nose. "Little pinch."

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!" Callie let out little yells of pain, as she began crying again.

"Come on, that didn't hurt." He told her, taking the syringe away.