

Getting of the phone with Callie, walking towards Meredith's house, Helena sighed, turning to Cristina, who walked with her. "She's gone."

"As in gone? She just left?" Her friend seemed excited, carrying three coffees.

"Yes, gone. Callie didn't say why, but she just left overnight." Helena shrugged, the two women entering Meredith's house.

Going up the stairs, the knocked on the woman's bedroom door.

"You up?" Cristina asked, Helena peeking through the door.

"No!" Derek complained.

"Yes!" Meredith disagreed.

At that, the two women sat down in their bed, handing Meredith her coffee, the shorter girl mumbling. "Sorry, Derek."

"The wicked witch is dead." Cristina told her.

"Metaphorically dead or dead?" The blond asked.

" dead!" Helena corrected, a bit shocked at the question.

"Who are we talking about?" Derek asked, his eyes still closed.

Moving their heads to face him in perfect sync, the twisted sisters answered. "Hahn."

"Her name is off the surgical board, her surgeries have been canceled... I don't know how or why but I do know Hahn is gone."

"Callie confirmed it, too." Helena nodded in agreement, sipping on her coffee. 

"Why would Callie know that much?" Meredith asked, clearly confused.

"Nothing, forget it." The brunette shook her head.

"It's too bad, she was really talented." Derek spoke up.

The three moving to stare at the man again, Helena's head tilted to the side, while the other two girls seemed displeased. Derek seemed to think for a second, before reaching a conclusion. "You're not talking to me."

The three girls shook their heads, the man getting up from bed with a groan.

"Maybe you'll get a cardio attending who actually teaches, though." Helena shrugged.

"Yeah, I hope so." Cristina agreed.

As they started to hear a female voice yelling, the three girls looked to the door to see a small, blond woman running in.

"Death!" She yelled, jumping into bed and hugging Meredith.

At that, Helena almost spilled her coffee, struggling not to fall of the bed as the woman practically tackled her. Cristina put a hand on the small of her back, as if wanting to make sure he smaller girl didn't get hurt.

"Hi, oh my god! It's been..." Meredith started.

"Forever!" The stranger agreed, her voice way too loud for Helena's comfort.

"Wow, you look like..."

"Death!" The two blonds said in unison, making Helena and Cristina share a look.

"Is the guy in the pyjamas your boyfriend? Cause if so then he's hot!" She opinionated.

"Hum... hey!" Cristina greeted. "Who are you?"

"I'm Sadie, who are ?" The blond told her, a bitchy smirk on her face.

"I'm Cristina." The woman shot back.

"And I'm Helena. Hello." Helena introduced herself, a small smile on her lips, the newcomer looking her up and down before giving her a forced smile.

At that, Sadie turned to Meredith, the two breaking out into laughter. At that, a very confused Helena shared a look with her older friend.


After leaving the room, the two blonds staying in it, the two girls sat in the kitchen with Derek.

"Apparently they went backpacking around Europe together or something." Cristina told the man, wasting a muffin.

"Yeah, before med school." The brunette added, making herself a cup of coffee.

"That women all but kicked us out of bed." Cristina complained.

"That's terrible." Derek let out, sarcastically, Helena shooting him a look.

"And Death? Meredith's name is not death..."

"Right?! It's Mer!" Helena agreed, sipping on her coffee.

"I really feel for you." Derek joked.

"Well, when we kick you out of bed we don't laugh at you!" The younger girl argued. "When I introduced myself, Sadie looked me up and down and started laughing. Reminded me of the mean girls in high school, and I don't like mean girls..." She pouted, moving to take a bite of Cristina's muffin.

"You know, she's never even mentioned this woman. How good of a friend could she really be?" The older woman asked.

"Good enough to kick us three out of bed." Derek explained. "Welcome to my world."

"I do not like it here..." Helena mumbled under her breath.


"Ok, assignments, people." Helena told her interns. "Taylor, they need you in the ER and, Collins, you're in the clinic today. Howard, you're scrubbing in on a hip replacement with Dr. Watson. Have you read up on it?" She asked.

"I have, Dr. C." The blond girl answered, playing with the hem of her lab coat.

"Good. Any questions?" She asked her interns, who shook their heads. "Let's get to work, then. Can you just stay behind for a second, Howard?"

After her other interns had left, the blond one stayed behind. "You're nervous for the hip replacement." The resident pointed out.

"I- Dr. C, I'm..." She struggled to find her words.

"No, I'm not asking. I know you are. I just wanted to say that, from what I've seen, you're good on ortho. You could become a great orthopedic surgeon one day, you have promise. You just need to start believing in yourself more, alright?" The resident asked, attempting to encourage the intern.