

"Is that an Anatomy Jane doll?" Helena asked, her eyes widening in excitement. "I wish I figured out I liked medicine early enough to have gotten one..." She revealed, the twisted trio walking down the hallway.

"My mom bought it for me when I was five. Which is a super creepy gift for a five year old, but I loved it." Meredith explained, making Cristina snort.

However, as Cristina looked up from the doll, she stopped in her steps, her brows shooting up. Before Helena could realize what had happened, Cristina was grabbing her and Meredith by their arms and pulling them through the hallway. "Run!"

Helena squealed slightly as they ran down the hallway, sharing a worried look with Meredith. Soon after, they were being pulled around corner by their friend.

"What was that all about?" Meredith asked, panting slightly as she talked.

"Words, Cristina, words! You have words, use them." Helena complained, bending over to catch her breath, hands on her knees. "I have tiny legs. Tiny legs mean double the effort."

"I just saw Owen." Cristina explained, her friends giving her confused looks. "Major own hunt, you know, the guy that pulled the icicle from me!"

"I thought he was in Iraq." Meredith answered, the short girl still catching her breath.

"I mean, he was. And now, he's here, in the hospital."

"And seeing pen trach guy means running why, exactly?" Helena asked, now straightening herself back up.

"We kissed. No, he kissed me. It was stupid, it was nothing. It was stupid nothing." Cristina hurried to correct herself.

"But you don't think thinks it was stupid nothing." Meredith understood.

"I mean, he likes me, and now he's back. What's he doing back?" Cristina gesticulated.

"You don't think he quit the military for you? Cause that would be severely stalkery..." Helena asked, her brows furrowing.

"But very romantic." Meredith added, smiling.

"I'm not getting involved with another attending!" Cristina argued. "Coast clear?" She asked, as they peaked over the wall.

"Coast clear." Helena confirmed. "No pretty military redhead." She teased Cristina, who playfully shoved her as they walked.


Standing in the skills lab, Nicole helped Helena tie the back of her trauma gown.

"Thanks, Howard." She thanked her intern, who gave her a smile back. "Are you still not talking to Georgie?" The short girl turned to Lexie.

"I'm not talking to him, I'm just ignoring him." The intern whispered back to her, pulling her hair up.

"Do you plan on stopping any time soon? I mean, he was kind of a jerk, but he's jerk." Helena whispered back. Lexie had feelings for George since the very beginning, and the boy had constantly and inadvertently belittled them.

"I don't know, Lena. I'm still mad at him. He didn't even apologize properly yet..." She explained, shrugging.

Suddenly, Helena saw Cristina hide behind Lexie, instructing. "Don't move."

Once she saw the attending entering the room, she understood why.

"I'm Dr. Hunt." The redhead started. "Over the next few months I'll be teaching you how to work quickly and efficiently to keep someone alive in the circumstances where the bet is they're dead at the end of the hour."

"Pretty military boy." Helena giggled in her friend's ear.

"Shut up." Cristina rolled her eyes, whispering back.

"Now, does anyone have a problem working with live tissue?" The redhead started. "Anyone? Speak now. In fact, leave now. If not, I own you for the rest of the day."

At everyone's silence, Owen opened the curtain behind him to show several pigs, asleep on hospital beds.

"Each resident gets a pig, interns assist." The redhead told them. Helena tilted her head, confused as to how she was supposed to operate on seemingly healthy pigs. Her answer was given as the man told them. "Hang on." At that, he pulled a blade out of his pocket and proceeded to stab each of the pigs.

Helena's eyes widened at the action, her hand shooting up to her mouth.

"You're a monster!" Izzie let out.

"They're under, they didn't feel any pain, ask that vet." The man explained.

"You stabbed them!" The blond pointed out the obvious.

"So we can save them." Cristina added, coming out from behind Lexie.

"We can practice on surgical manequins, we can learn to do the exact same stuff." Izzie argued, Helena weighing her options.

"Does that mean I'm out?" Hunt asked.

"Yeah, I'm out." The former model scoffed, leaving.

Helena did not like what the man had done, and she certainly didn't think he'd gone about it the right way. However, the pigs were already hurt. So, now, walking out would do no good. It was up to her to save them.

"So, who wants two pigs?" Hunt asked, everyone's hand shooting up.


As Helena operated on the pig, attempting to fix his heart damage, her interns helped her out. Collins suctioned, as Taylor assisted and Howard kept an eye on the animal's vitals.

As Owen's pager went off, the man spoke up. "Heads up, everyone. You and you." He pointed to Alex and Helena. "Take your interns down to the ER, I'll meet you down there."

"What is it, Dr. Hunt?" Helena asked, her head shooting up.

"Multiple MVC, six incoming." The man told her, approaching the area she was working at. "You did a job with the pig, Campos."

"Thank you, Dr. Hunt." The girl smiled at him with tight lips as she took off her gloves, turning to her interns. "Let's move, people."

As they walked down the hallway, their pace fast, Helena heard Monica's voice over her shoulder. "You totally impressed military man in there, Dr. C."

At that, Helena shot back a reprimanding look, not being able to hide a smile. "At least we'll get to treat now."