

The day after George had told Callie that he'd cheated on her, Helena had been put on a case with George, Bailey and Callie. Needless to say, the tension in the room was noticeable.

The patient was a 28 year old woman who had broken her ankle. However, the most concerning was that her bones were extremely week. Now, talking to her, Helena tried to figure out why.

"You're blood work showed low electrolyte level, low calcium and low vitamin D. Have you been dieting recently?" She asked, attempting to ignore the tension between Callie and George.

The patient tied hands with her boyfriend, who answered, a proud smile on his face. "She just lost forty pounds."

"Will told me if I ever got back down to a size four we'd move in together." She explained, also smiling.

At that, the young resident had to bite her tongue, Bailey answering for her, sarcastically. "How romantic."

"We both just needed motivation. I told him I wouldn't live with a smoker so he quit smoking." The woman explained.

"The problem is that even if Dr. Torres is able to repair the fracture, it won't do any good. Unless you're eating more and working out less. Am I right, Dr. Torres?" Bailey asked.

Looking behind her, Helena noticed Callie seemed zoned out, and she called out her name. "Dr. Torres?"

"Huh, Dr. Bailey is right." The woman answered, the short girl worried for her.

"So what you are saying is that you won't operate unless she puts in a bunch of weight?" The boyfriend asked.

"No, but..." Callie started.

"Then why are we still talking about this? We came here to get her leg fixed, so fix her leg." The man asked, making Helena roll her eyes.

"Ok." Callie agreed, the brunette furrowing her eyebrows at her friend's attitude.


As Helena sat down with Meredith and Cristina for lunch, the Asian asked. "I'm not a bad resident, am I?"

"Don't ask me, I lost a patient today." Meredith answered.

"How'd they die?" Helena asked.

". Like literally can't find." The blond answered.

"Oh. Shepherd says I'm selfish and competitive. What the hell is wrong with that? I kick ass, I'm an excellent resident."

"I'm not. In addition to losing my patient I also lost my intern. Turned around and he was gone. AWAL." Meredith told them.

"What is wrong with these interns?" Cristina asked, Helena simply watching them with amusement as she ate her salad.

"We were great interns."

"I and Baby Einstein were great. You were good." Cristina told them.

"Ok, let's see. Just in the year we were interns, we got our hand stuck in a body cavity with a bomb..." She looked at Meredith. "... secretly preformed procedures for attendings..." She turned to Cristina. "... and cut an Lvad wire. Do you really think we were that great?" She giggled, the other two girls narrowing their eyes at her. "I'm just saying, interns mess up, it's what makes them interns. Besides, I like mine, they're smart."

Just then, Izzie sat down, slamming her tray and asking. "Have you guys seen Callie?"

"No. Is it time for her to grind your bones into dust?" Cristina asked.

"You don't think I can take her?"

"Izzie, this is ridiculous. She said she wanted to talk and you're ready to punch her?" Helena told the former model, a harsh look on her face, as she popped a cherry tomato into her mouth.

"You heard?"

"The whole hospital heard." Meredith told her.

"You know, that explains the line at the salad bar." Izzie told her.

"What are you fighting about?" The shorter blond asked.

"Believe me, you didn't wanna know." Alex told her, sitting down. "I'm just saying, whatever it is, it's not worth it."

"Actually it is. Some things are worth fighting for." Izzie told him, making Helena all the more uncomfortable.

"This is unbelievable. Callie said she wanted to talk. After what you did she had every right to. I think you're forgetting who the victim in this situation is." Helena said, mad, getting up to sit on another table, not wanting to sit with Izzie.

"What's with her?" Meredith asked.

"I don't know what you did, but to get Baby Einstein that mad, you really messed up." Cristina laughed.

As Helena saw Izzie preparing to fight, she focused on her food, trying to ignore her. However, once Callie entered the room, she looked at the older woman with compassion.

"Stevens." Callie called, approaching the woman.

"Let's do this. Let's go." Izzie said taking off her earrings and rolling her neck.

"Go...?" Callie asked, confused.

"You know, go." Izzie said, her fists now raised.

"I wanted to ." The ortho resident pointed out.

"You wanna talk? You don't wanna kick my ass?" Izzie asked, her fists still up.

"You thought I was gonna fight you?" Callie asked, letting out an unbelieving laugh. However, it died down once she noticed the crowd that had formed around them. The expression on the woman's face pained Helena, who shook her head in anger. "Excuse me." Callie asked, breaking through the crowd.

Feeling anger bubble up inside her, Helena got up, leaving her tray on the table, to follow after her older friend. Passing by Izzie, she muttered. "Unbelievable."