

As Helena and Mark flopped down next to each other, Helena's phone rang. They had been doing this for two weeks now, Helena would go to Mark's or the resident would sneak the man into Meredith's. Helena had initially been worried about the fact that Mark was an attending, fact that she had made clear to him but, no matter how hard they tried, she couldn't quite seem to stay away from the man. And, if she were honest, she didn't exactly want to either.

As for their relationship outside of the bedroom, it had pretty much remained the same. The regular teasing, jokes and comfortable hanging out were still there, now only becoming more frequent, even though they didn't have any displays of affection in public. This far, they were enjoying being in their little secretive bubble.

Grabbing the phone on the nightstand and looking to check who it was, she looked apologetically to the man beside her.

"I'm sorry, it's Georgie. He's been going through a lot and I just... I have to take it, ok? I'll be quick."

"Ok, sweetheart, I'll be waiting."

The girl got up from Mark's hotel bed, throwing on the man's shirt and entering the bathroom. "Georgie? Are you ok?"

"Lena, I need to tell you something and I need you not to yell or to be mad at me ok? I need you to try to understand because I feel... I feel awful and I need a friend right now, I need ." The intern asked, his voice sounding panicked.

"Ok, ok, slow down. What is it?" She asked, sitting on the closed toilet in the bathroom.

"It's Izzie. She... she told me she loved me te night of the wedding and I was confused but... but now I love her too and I'm breaking up with Callie and I'm panicking." The man told her, still speaking quickly.

"You and... Izzie?" She asked, a bit confused. "I mean, I'd noticed you'd been acting weird around her but... well, I didn't think you her."

"Well, I... yeah. And I feel awful for Callie but I can't help it."

"Oh god, poor Callie. You know I love you, but Callie's my friend to so you really do have to tell her. Look, the best thing you can do right now is be open with your wife. Think about it this way, at least you're telling her before anything happens, you're not on her..." Helena ran a hand through her hair, not wanting to leave the man in his room waiting.

"About that..." George started, a knot on his throat.

At that, the brunette girl gasped. "George O'Malley you did not! I mean... did you cheat on Callie?" She sounded more disappointed than anything else. "I mean, seriously, after what happened with us, did you learn nothing?!"

"Lena, I was really drunk and I..." He started.

"No, you know what? I don't wanna hear it. And you're using the same excuse? Saying you were drunk again?" Helena scoffed, furrowing her brows in a mix of confusion and anger. "She does not deserve this, George. You don't know how... you don't know how beating cheated on can hurt a person. I'm sorry, but I... I can't comfort you right now. Not with our history, I... I want to, but I just can't."

"Lena, I feel awful, I didn't..." He started, his voice trembling.

"I know. But sometimes that's not enough." The girl hung up on the boy, taking a deep breath to calm the anger she'd been feeling. The whole situation brought up what had happened between the two, and Helena couldn't bring herself to be on George's side after such revelation.

Getting up and opening the bathroom's door, Helena found Mark staring at her, as she was still in his shirt. The girl's hair was somewhat messy and the clothing she had on was too big for her, the sleeves going over her hands and the shirt being as long as a short dress. At the sight, Mark couldn't help but smile.

"Everything ok, sweetheart?" He asked, worry ok his voice.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's... fine." She answered, sitting at the end of the bed. "Just... Georgie's problems, not mine."

"Then come here." He asked, pulling her to his lap. The girl giggled and smiled into their kiss, as the two prepared for another round.


The next day, as Helena walked down the hallway, having been paged to a the ER, George fell into pace with her. "Are you still mad at me?"

"Have you talked to your yet?" Helena asked, putting her trauma gown on as she walked.

"No..." He answered, Helena shooting him a look. "But I will, tonight, I will. But are you still mad at me?"

"Yes, I'm still mad at you, Georgie. I sort of wish I weren't but I am." She sighed, entering the chaotic ER.

"Dr. Torres, where do you want me?" She asked the woman.

"Uh, you can join Stevens with me." The woman answered.

"Age sixty, second and third degree burns over chest and upper abdomen, facial contusions and possible shoulder fracture." Helena read out.

"One minute I'm reading the sports section, the next I'm on my back looking up at a while in the ceiling, right into Marla and Dave's apartment." The man explained. There had been an explosion in an apartment building, a lot of people getting hurt.

"Burns should be debrided while he's amped up." Mark told them.

"I'm on it Dr. Sloan." The brunette resident agreed.

"Alright, we'll do a trauma series and shoulder films." Callie agreed. "Stevens!" She called out harshly.

"Got it." The blond answered, leaving the room.

"Just promise me you'll take care of Marla and the baby." The man asked her, reaching for her hand.

"Are they your family, sir?" Helena asked as she worked.

"They might as well be."

As Helena worked on the patient, Callie and Mark having left the room, Izzie came in.

"Is Callie not here?" She asked, looking around for the woman.

"No, she not." The short girl answered, her tone strict and her look harsh.

At that, Izzie seemed a bit shocked. After a few seconds of confusion,  her expression was one of realization. "George told you."