

Helena sat with George as the boy read his father's chart. The man had been admitted the previous night, so the girl had spent the night at the hospital in order to keep her friend company.

"Today is the day, people." Meredith entered the room with all the other interns. "Today is the day dark and twisty Meredith disappears forever and bright and shiny Meredith takes her case."

"Mer." Helena whispered in a warning, not being heard.

"Your probably not gonna wanna be friends with me anymore because the sheer intensity of my happiness is gonna make your teeth hurt. Except for Helena, she likes happy. But that's ok, because life is good." She put her bag in her locker.

"Meredith." The brunette called out again, making the blond turn around.

"What's going on?"

"George's dad was admitted last night." Izzie explained.

"Oh my god, is he ok?" Her face fell.

"Yes, he's fine." George reassured.

"He passed out, hit the floor and fractured his clavicle." Helena told her friend.

"But his clavicle is fine. Callie says he's fine."

"He's also complaining of severe abdominal pain." The short girl added.

"He doesn't have peritoneal signs." Cristina pointed out, reading the chart.

"That's good." Alex nodded along, just as Bailey entered the locker room.

"Has anybody seen...?" Noticing her presence, George turned around and gave her his father's chart.

"Just looking at it." He said, sounding guilty.

"Don't you think me reading it is more important than me reading it?" The resident asked. "You're on scut today, you're gonna be distracted. Family members do not treat family members: scut."

"I'm scrubbing in on a surgery with Dr. Burke this morning." Cristina explained, braiding her hair as Helena pulled hers into a low bun.

"Of course you are." The resident pointed out as Helena and Meredith shared a look.

"Karen, Sloan. Grey and Campos, pit. Stevens, shadow Karev. And let me remind you again of the rules of your probation."

Izzie sighed as Alex spoke up. "I think she knows the rules, Dr. Bailey."

"No touching patients, no talking to patients." Izzie rolled her eyes. "No at patients or your superiors."

Helena and Meredith left the room, turning to go to the ER.


George and Bailey walked down the hallway as the boy talked to her. "I don't see why I can't at least help with my dad's endoscopy."

"What about no working with family do you not understand?"

"I'm not asking to do the proce-"

"Fine!" The woman gave in. "Pick and intern."

"What?" The boy seemed confused.

"I'm being kind. You want an intern assigned to your dad's case, fine. Who do you want?" The resident asked. "Right now, pick an intern."

"Helena." The boy answered without hesitation. George trusted Helena with his life, besides the fact that she and Cristina were the best interns of their class.


As Helena entered George's father's room, she greeted, smiling. "Ronny, Jerry, Mr. O'Malley!"

The boys greeted her with a loud welcome, having taken a liking to her when they met her, at thanksgiving.

"Oh, Helena! It's so nice to see you!" Mr. O'Malley told her. "And do I have to say it again, just call me Harold."

"Mrs. O'Malley couldn't come?" The short girl asked, moving over to check the man's vitals. "How's the abdominal pain?"

"She's in DC chaperoning a field trip for her students." He explained. "And it still hurts, but it's better."

"Oh, she must be worried sick about you! Well, I don't know if George's told you already, but I'm going to be helping out in your procedure later, Mr. O'Mall- sorry, ." She smiled widely at the man. The girl genuinely liked her friend's family and their sweet and modest nature.

"Then I'll be in good hand, huh?" The man smiled at her.

"Yes, you will. I'll have to take you for your endoscopy soon, which, unfortunately, means I won't be able to stay and chat with you two, boys." She joked as she turned to leave, the siblings letting out sounds of disappointment.


"I mean, why bother having a kid if you're only gonna see them on weekends and holidays? Might as well just get a cat." Meredith told her friends as they sat in the tunnels, Helena sipping on some coffee.

"I talked to Burke and I think he's fine." George revealed, making Helena and Cristina share a look.

"You did what?" The curly haired woman asked.

"What's wrong with Burke?" Meredith asked.

"Nothing's wrong with anybody." The cardio focused intern deadpanned.

"Did you know he let her decannulate a heart this morning?" The boy insisted.

"He let you decannulate a heart, by ?" Helena asked, worried for how dangerous this situation might become.

"Bitch!" Meredith let out, Helena smiling at her.

"No, not by myself."

"Now she's lying about it."

"Yang decannulated a heart. Why is Alex not surprised?" Alex asked, making Helena furrow her brows at him.