

The female interns sat at Joe's, Helena drinking her usual gin and tonic, as they watched Burke and Derek aggressively play darts.

"Ugh, he's picturing my face." Cristina complained. "He's totally picturing that dart puncturing my scull."

"Derek is picturing you." Izzie laughed to Meredith.

"He called me a whore..." The shorter blond complained.

"Yes, he lost the right to picture you." The short intern took a sip of her drink as Meredith hummed in approval.

"So I fall asleep during sex, so what." Cristina complained. "Ass!" She shouted at Burke.

"Ass." Meredith agreed, talking about Derek as Helena giggled.

"Oh, Ass! Hey!" Izzie greeted Alex as he walked it.

"Isobel Stevens finally left the hospital." The blond girl took a shot. "Does that mean heart patient dude finally kicked it?"

"Alex, do not be mean." Helena shot him a warning glare, having realised how much Izzie had grown to love the man.

As George walked it, the former model yelled, excited. "George!" As she noticed his girlfriend, she let out an unenthusiastic. "Hey." It reminds Helena of the mean girls back in school, the ones that always talked badly about someone behind their back.

"Hi, Callie." Meredith greeted drily, still iffy about the woman.

"Hey, Dr. Torres." Cristina did the same, unbothered.

Helena liked Callie, she really did. She though she could be good for George and she definitely did not like how her friends treated her. So, at that, she moved closer to the woman, in an attempt to welcome her better. "Hi, Callie. I'm glad you could come." She smiled at the resident.

"Thanks, Lena." The woman gave her a grateful and relived smile.

"A gin and tonic and a beer." George ordered.

"Oh, you like gin and tonic too? It's practically my go to drink." The short girl asked Callie, in an attempt to get to know her better.

After some conversation filled with giggles, the short girl told her. "You know, I noticed they aren't the nicest to you, but try not to let it get you down. Meredith will probably warm up to you in time and Cristina... well, that was just Cristina being Cristina, it's not personal. I promised their both nicer when you get to know them." She smiled softly at her friend's girlfriend.

"It's fine, I'll survive. Though Izzie can sort of remind me of the mean girls back in school." The taller woman shuddered slightly.

"Honestly, I sort of got that feeling too. She's never been mean to mebut the way she acts around you isn't exactly... mature." She sighed. "You would have thought I'd be the one to act like a teenager with my age and all..." Helena let out a giggle, to clear the air.

"How old are you?" Callie's nose scrunched up.

"Hum, 21." At the woman's shocked face she explained. "Skipped four years of school."

"Oh, so why Cristina calls you Baby Einstein. Got it." They laughed.


"Why are they all in the hallway?" Meredith asked the other interns, joining them on the ER.

"Overflow from the ER." Cristina explained as the short girl tied her hair back.

"A paramedic told us an employee shot up a restaurant." She explained.

"I heard he got away." George said.

"Really?!" Meredith exclaimed as Helena shuddered. She had always had a particular fear of shootings.


Helena's patient for the day was a woman who had been shot. She had initially been on Addison's service and, as the woman was shot, she was now scrubbing in on her surgery along with George.

"The brain is fungating out of the wound." Derek informed.

"What's fungating?" George asked.

"Herniating." Helena answered.

"She's bradycardic." A nurse informed.

"Give me 50 manitol and 20 furosemide. What's the pulse?" The attending asked as the interns watched him work.

"Down to 32."

"Come on, Kendra..." Helena whispered.

"CO2?" Derek asked the nurse.


"Oh, God. Clot is already evacuated. Alright, everybody." The man sighed.

"But...?" George asked, confused.

"She's brain dead, Georgie. Nothing we can do now." Helena explained, her heart heavy.


"There is no spontaneous brain activity and she isn't going to wake up." The attending told the woman's parents, George and Helena standing next to him.

The intern was expecting tears, maybe anger or shock. She was not, however, expecting the reaction of the patient's father.

"What about the baby? Is the baby ok?" He asked.

"As far as we can tell the baby is fine but... that's not exactly what Dr. Shepherd means." The short intern explained, thinking the man wasn't understanding the situation clearly.

"Yes, essentially your daughter is dead. We need your consent to remove her from life support." The attending agreed.

"What if we kept Kendra alive? Could the baby live?" The man asked. At that, Helena's brows shot up, a mixture of shock and surprise on her face.

"With all due respect, sir, you don't wanna do that." George butted in.

"Are you part of this family?" The man yelled at him, Helena backing away slightly. "Do you have a daughter? If you don't you just ought to shut up."