

As Cristina and Helena jogged through the park, forced to do so by Meredith, the first woman stopped to catch her breath. "Oh, you're stupid, oh god..." As they resumed the jog, she went on. "You're a stupid, evil sadist and I want to kill you."

"I'll help. Hey, go slower, I have short legs!" The smaller girl managed to get out through her heavy breaths, as she tried to catch up.

"Endorphins are good. Endorphins are mood elevators. This is supposed to make us feel better." The blond explained.

"Oh god, do you feel better?" Cristina moaned as they stopped.

"I don't." Helena pointed out as she reached her friends, bending over slightly to catch her breath. "There's a reason I don't run."

"I'm stupid." Meredith admitted.

"Slutty mistress." The Asian woman insulted, Lena glaring at her.

"Pregnant whore." The blond returned.

"Just you two wait until I'm not too tired to hit you." She threatened, still bent over, hands on her knees.

"Sleeping with our bosses was a terrible idea."

"You know what's ruined for me? Ferry boats. I used to love ferry boats and Derek has got a thing for ferry boats. Now everything I see a freaking ferry boat..."The blond vented, the short girl laying down on the grass.

"You know what's ruined for me? Coronary artery bispass grafts. And aortic aneurysms. God, I used to love aortic aneurysms." Both her friends flopped down beside her, looking up at the sky.

"Yeah, that's worse." Lena shared.

"Have you cried yet?" Meredith questioned as the short girl decided whether she should tell them about her new relationship.

"Do you think we'd feel better if we cried? Just like, let it out?" Cristina wondered.

"You would. It helps..." The small girl shared her advice. All of the sudden, she hit both her friends at once and they protested. "What? I did warn you I'd hit you..."

"God, Baby Einstein, that one hurt."

"You deserved it..." They fell into comfortable silence, until she blurted out. "I've been seeing George."

"You.. what?" Meredith almost yelled.

"I've been seeing George. For a couple weeks now." She looked form the sky to her friends, to see their reactions.

"God, you could have waited some more time, Lena." The blond let out, making the girl furrow her brows in confusion.

"Ha! You owe me twenty, pay up." Cristina laughed in victory.

"She... what? Why does Mer owe you money?" The girl shook her head in confusion.

"I bet you two would get together by this week, Mer thought it'd take longer, Baby Einstein. Now I got some free money." The Asian woman explained with a smile.

"You did !" The woman hit both her friends alternating between the both. "Cristina Yang!" She hit the girl to her left and turned to the right. "Meredith Grey!" She smacked the blond. Now hitting both of them at once to accentuate her words, she kept going. "We do not..." She smacked them. "Bet..." Once more. "On our friends..." Another slap, as the woman tried to get up. "Love life!" She got another smack in before they started running from her.

"Ok, I'm so not tired anymore." Cristina sprinted along with Meredith, leaving the small girl behind.


Now in the hospital's locker room, Helena tells her new boyfriend what had happened.

"They on us, Georgie! Like, actually money, on how long we'd take to start seeing each other!" The frustration made the girl's voice higher in pitch, as she vented.

"They... what? Money? On us?" The boy blurted out, confused, as his hand held Lena's.

The girl made an affirmative noise, their attention soon being drawn to the sound of Izzie giggling next to Alex. "What is she doing?" Cristina asked, certain disgust in her voice.

"She's... hanging out with Alex." The male intern pointed out the obvious.

"Why?" The Asian woman questioned.

"I don't know..." George said.

"Maybe they're friends?" The shorter girl suggested.

"Make the lambs stop screaming." The boy stage whispered as Meredith tied her shoes, making his girlfriend giggle.

As they left and walked down the hallway, Bailey and Alex in front of them, Izzie explained. "You guys are wrong about him, alright. Once you get to know him, he's really sweet."

"He's Alex." George deadpanned, his hand on the small of Lena's back.

"Look, he was sweet to me once and an ass the next day." The portuguese girl shared, shrugging. "If he's actually willing to be decent then fine, if he wants to just switch around like that I'm not putting up with it."

"Hey, Grey. Izzie was telling me about the tape of your mom preforming surgery." Said boy turned around and talked loudly. "I'd kill to see the Ellis Grey in action."

"Hey, you know what, maybe you can come over tonight and we can all watch it together." The taller blond suggested. "Right?"

"Oh, yeah, if this was hell." Meredith answered, sarcastically.

"Do you have a thing for Alex?" Helena questioned the blond.

"No!" She exclaimed. At her friends reactions, none of them believing her, she repeated. "I don't!"

"You have a thing for Alex." The small girl repeated, this time as an affirmation.

"Are we saving lives or having a tea party? Walk faster, people." Their resident reprimanded.


"I know, I just think you should still tell him about the baby." Meredith told Cristina, as they and Helena followed Dr. Bailey. "He'd at least have the responsibility of having to pay..."

"No! You know what, he'll never know. It's over."

"I actually don't disagree with Cristina, Mer. I mean, if she's terminating the pregnancy what good would it do?" The short girl shared.

"Exactly, Baby Einstein. After the pregnancy is taken care of, Burke won't even be a blip on my radar, he'll be a smudge."