

"This is good. This is great." Amelia let out, moving from the bathroom to the wardrobe, at the attending's lounge. "I don't have to sneak out, I don't have to sneak in... when I want sex, I can just come over. Well, as long as the kids are asleep."

"Amelia." Helena shut her eyes with a chuckle, a light blush taking over her cheeks.

"Can you stop it?" Maggie requested, as Meredith simply snacked on some cereal, on the couch.

"Why would I want to stop it when I can just do this whenever we want?" Amelia smiled, bending down slightly to press a kiss to Helena's lips, who had a few articles in front of her, sitting at the table.

"Ok... this is- I'm just gonna... ok." Helena decided, grabbing the article nearest to her and lifting it up to read, clearly flustered.

"You're flashing your money after going to the ATM, we get it. You're sex-rich. It is not polite to brag in front of people who are sex-poor." Maggie complained. "Lena doesn't brag. Lena is polite. Be more like Lena."

"Yeah, I don't really sex talk?" The shorter woman let out. "Not about sex life anyway. I'm all for hearing if anyone wants to share." She shot Meredith a glare.

The blond was still to tell her sister she'd hooked up with the man Maggie had taken an interest to.

"Nope. Nothing to share." The blond simply let out, almost hiding behind her bowl of cereal.

Just then, everyone's pagers went off, Amelia reading out. "Multiple MVCs coming into the ER."

"Hey, Pierce, I got a valve replacement." Riggs let out, opening the door, as Helena got up from her seat and piled up all the paperwork. "You got the ER?"

At that, the woman took a moment to answer, her mouth falling open. "Yep. I can cover the pit."

"Good. Shepherd, Campos. Grey." He let out, leaving the room.

"Was that normal?" Maggie asked.

"Very normal." Helena comforted. "Now, ER. Let's go."


"Kara, I need you to try and slow your breathing. Can you try to do that for me?" Helena requested, as she put some gel on a pregnant's woman stomach. The girl had been involved in a car accident, during a funeral procession.

"Oh, God, is he alive? I can't even feel his little kicks." She hyperventilated, as the fetal surgeon furrowed her brows, focusing.

"He may be less active from the pain meds we gave you, ok?" Owen suggested, as Helena began the ultrasound.

"Please, just tell me, is he..."

"Oh, Kara, you hear that?" Helena smiled in relief. "That's a strong, stable heartbeat. It  means he's ok."

"Films are back." Jo announced, as Amelia entered the trauma room.

"Hey, do we know where the deceased guy was put?" She asked.

"What?" Kara breathed out. "Who else is hurt? Is everyone hurt? Did I kill anyone?"

"Oh, you were the driver?" Helena furrowed her brows, covering the woman's belly after sipping away the gel.

"I was late for the funeral. I came around the corner and there they were. The whole procession. I ran right into them. It was me." She sobbed.

"It was an accident." Helena nodded.

"I'm sure they'll understand." Owen agreed.

"Not my family. They don't understand me. I haven't even seen any of them for almost ten years." She cried. "Dad, maybe. But mom? Julian and Morgan? God, I never should have come back. I just wanted to tell my dad that I loved him." She sobbed.

"Hey, Kara. It was an accident. You didn't mean to." Helena nodded. "We're going to take you to CT now, ok? Your pelvis is fractured and there might be some bleeding, the risk is minimal for the baby."

"Ok, ok." She exhaled.


"I'm just staying, working in the clinic, loosing privileges, I'm all for it. But accusing Alex of a felony?" Helena let out. "Not that I can blame DeLuca, he did beat him up really bad..."

"Yeah, he did." Owen nodded.

"But then again, you did punch a cardio attending in a hospital hallway and no one said a word." She shrugged, as they entered the CT viewing room.

"Wait, apples and oranges." He requested, raising a hand. "Riggs and I, it was personal."

"Well, just . He though Andrew was hurting Wilson. It was also personal." Helena argued, as they sat down. "I mean, if you want to 'apples and oranges' this, it'd be more plausible to argue yours was a single punch."

As Jo finished putting the patient in the machine, she walked back into the viewing room, announcing. "Shepherd just paged. The mom's ok."

"Good." Helena sighed, turning on the microphone. "Kara, we just got the word, your mom is fine."

"Ok, thanks." She nodded.

"So, you and Shepherd? You're... a ?" Owen asked, pursing his lips, as he set up the computer.

A bit uncomfortable that she was talking to Amelia's ex, Helena chuckled, awkwardly. "Uh, yeah. We are."

"Huh." He let out.

"?" Helena furrowed her brows, tilting her head in confusion.

"No, I mean, as long as you're both happy." He shrugged, thought there was something off about his tone. "It's none of my business."

"Good." She nodded, pursing her lips together, a bit thrown off at the tone he continued to use. Clearly, it wasn't curiosity or concern, it was something else entirely.