

"Hey." Helena smiled, reaching the ER nurses station. "Kid in bed 3 is all patched up."

Meanwhile, Riggs requested. "Apes, call the plumber, would you?"

"Sure." The redhead nodded, making Helena and Meredith share a look.

"T-the ?" The shorter girl furrowed her brows, as she put down her tablet.

"Did he just call the morgue the plumber?" Meredith asked, getting up from her chair.

"Oh, yeah, that's something we say over there." The trauma surgeon referenced her time in the army. "They circle the drain, then they clog it. You call the plumber."

"Hunt's right. We hate that guy." Meredith exhaled as she left, Helena taking her former seat.

"So..." The brunette started. "Have you told Jackson?"

A few weeks earlier, April had told both Helena and Arizona that she was pregnant, when the peds surgeons had come over to her place to comfort her, after her divorce.

At April's guilty sigh, Arizona, who was sitting by her, reprimanded. "You have to tell him."

"Why?" The girl exhaled.

"?" Arizona furrowed her brows.

"So he'll come back to me? He doesn't want to be married to me, a baby wasn't gonna change that. It shouldn't change that."

"Then because of your marriage. If you know that it shouldn't change it, you don't let it change it." Helena urged. "But because of your child. Of your baby."

"It's his , it's..." Arizona agreed.

"I know, I know." April shook her head. "But I am happy. For the first time in a year. And as soon as I tell him, everything will be all complicated and for right now..." She scoffed. "Obviously. , I'm going to tell him. When I'm ready."

"Ok." Helena nodded. "Ok, when you're ready."


Some time after, Helena sat down at the attending's lounge main table, chatting with Maggie, as she took a few sips of her coffee. "Did you guys already do that project with Zola? The one where you have to decorate the little box? Because I might be a surgeon, but that doesn't mean my hands are any good for... visual arts or whatever."

"I think Mer's gonna buy some things to just glue on it." Maggie shrugged. "I'm not willing to have paint under my nails for a week, either."

Suddenly, Amelia barged into the room, holding her scrubs and bag as she almost limped, only wearing one boot.

"Oh, hi." Helena let out.

"You're only wearing one boot." Maggie pointed out.

"I know. I was late and I couldn't find the other one." She explained, beginning to change into her scrubs.

"Amelia...?" Helena asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

"." The neurosurgeon realized. "You two think I'm bootless because I'm drunk. It's fine. I'm not drunk. I just got my 60-day chip. I am bootless because I had sex with Owen, and his stupid trailer is very dark and I was late because of the sex. Which was great." She explained, pulling her scrub top on, as Helena kept sipping on her coffee. "So I just thought 'screw it'. I might not know where my boot is, but it's gonna be a great day."

"Well, how very Cinderella-like of you." Helena smiled.

"I hate you." Maggie let out.

"Don't hate." Amelia warned.

"I haven't had sex in days. DeLuca and I almost got caught by Webber." The cardio surgeon let out.

At that, the peds doctor almost choked on her coffee. "By ?"

"So we had to cool it in the hospital. And he's never got time. Interns never have any freaking time. So I never have sex. I know where all my boots are." Maggie nodded.

"Hey, excuse you, that's not . I haven't had sex in a year and three months. never." Helena let out, making both women turn to face her. "Not that I'm complaining, it's fine. I'm just saying, a few days is not ."


"Hey." Helena smiled, walking into the scan viewing room Richard was in. "You paged?"

"I have a pregnant patient, just waiting for the scans to see if we'll need you or if it's just the appendix that's the problem." He nodded, then taking off his glasses.

Just then, DeLuca entered the room, flopping down on the couch behind them. "I rounded on your post-ops, got your labs back, filed the intern applications and picked up your dry cleaning. They got the stain out of your purple sweater."

"Excellent." Richard nodded, as the scans came up.

Shooting Richard a reprimanding look, Helena then focused on the scans, realizing. "So you were right about the appendicitis. Good."

"DeLuca?" Webber called out. "You can go get my surgery transcriptions."

"Yes, sir." The intern accepted, but stumbled on the couch as got up.

"DeLuca?" Helena asked, furrowing her brows in worry. "What's wrong? Have you been sleeping? Eating?"

"Oh, I'm fine." He shrugged. "I just never got any time to eat to today."

At that, Helena's eyes widened, as she glared at the former chief. "Richard! We don't torture the interns! Let the boy eat, please."