

Mark smiled softly at the image of his wife laying by him, after having flopped back down on the bed. Her hair was slightly messy and her forehead shined with a light layer of sweat, her chest lightly rising as she caught her breathing.

Noticing her husband's stare, Helena smiled back at him, the warm morning light shining from behind the man. "What?"

"Just watching." He smirked, letting his eyes roam over her body.

At that, the brunette girl blushed a bit, throwing a pillow at him. With a chuckle, the man wrapped his arms around his wife's waist, pressing kisses to the back of her neck, as he asked. "Wanna go again?"

Just as Helena let out a barely audible pleased exhale, they heard a chorus of voices coming from the hallway.

As Caroline simply cried out, Alice was more eloquent. "Mama, dada! I'm up! Morning!"

"I'm going, ." Helena shouted back, before turning to her husband. "Guess that's your answer. Plus, you gotta get to the airport to go to Baltimore." Helena giggled, slipping his shirt on, as she got out of the bed.

With a playful gasp of betrayal, Mark narrowed his eyes at his wife. "And you're wearing my shirt. You don't play fair..."

Helena simply lowered herself to press a soft kiss to his lips, then letting out. "I don't know what you're talking about, Mark Sloan. Now, wanna get Ali or Cara, today?"

"I took Cara yesterday, I'll take Ali. A man can only take so much morning diaper changing." He decided.


"Ok, there you go." Helena smiled, passing Caroline her finger food, as Mark put two slices of bread on the toaster.

"Ali, you gotta hurry up, or you'll be late." Mark called out, their daughter putting on her shoes in the living room. Noticing the article his wife had resting with a highlighter on the kitchen counter, as to take some peeks at it during the morning rush, he asked. "Got a patient with it or reading out of interest, doll?"

"Fifteen year old boy." She nodded, with a hum, as she sat down with her coffee mug in front of it. Helena began reading it, then realizing. "God, I'm happy today. I'm almost too happy to go to work and have it ruin my mood. Cause work can always mean sick kids." Helena sighed. "I just want to stay home and have a family day. I want to have a happy day."

"Hey, at least it's finally your turn to pick Ali up from karate. You'll get to see the kimono on." He suggested, immediately making his wife smile, giddily.

"True." Then, glancing to the clock as she went to get her toast, she warned. "You should probably get going, . Derek's still giving you a ride to the airport?"

"Yeah, our flights are only two hours apart, and I should get to the airport early, we're still going together. I get going." He agreed, moving to the couch to say bye to his eldest, with a kiss to her forehead.

"I'm gonna miss you, dada!" She let out, wrapping her arms around his neck, as he picked her up.

"It's only one night, big girl. I'll be back before you know it." He told her. "Now, go eat your cereal, or you'll make mama late."

As the girl complied, he moved to Caroline, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "See you tomorrow, princess."

", how am simultaneously excited that your getting to talk at Hopkins and mad that you're not sleeping home?" Helena let out, buttering the toast.

Approaching his wife, Mark hugged her from behind. "I promise I'll make it up to you when I'm home."

"Fine. You better, after this morning." She pouted slightly. "Now, go. The Hopkins students are probably all excited about the Plastics God visiting them, don't make them wait."

"Plastics God? Your words, Lee, not mine." He chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "I love you. See you tomorrow night."

"I love you more." She smiled, as he grabbed his small suitcase and walked towards the front door. "I'll see you tomorrow."


"It's gonna take them at least 10 hours to reattach that thing." Arizona let out, in the gallery, as they watched a penis reattachment. "And what? It took his wife, like, what, a to cut it off?"

"She must have been really mad..." Meredith let out.

"Ugh, you know, how do you get mad?" Arizona asked.

"Right?" Helena asked. "I mean, when I get mad I just cry of frustration, honestly."

"Not long after I discovered my ex husband had been emailing anther woman, we met for breakfast." Bailey told them. "That was a breakfast. Stacks of pancakes, eggs, all kinds of fancy jams... He thought it would somehow make it ok that he was emailing another woman while he was married to me. I remember staring at the butter knife I used to spread my fancy jam and for half a second, imagining what the side of his neck might look like with a butter knife in it." Callie, Arizona, Meredith and Helena all chuckled. "Fancy jams dripping down the side of his fat, email cheating neck. Yep, I've been that mad."

"Well, you though it, you didn't do it. it is what's crazy." Helena chuckled.

"I thought Derek was cheating on me. And I got that mad. Two trauma surgeons and an orthopod kind of mad." Meredith told them.

"Like I said, when George told me he'd kissed Mer and wanted to go further I just cried." Helena chuckled. "I stress cry, I angry cry, I sad cry... you should try it."

"Hmm, no comment." Callie let out.

"You know, cutting off a penis isn't actually that big of a deal. I mean, it's not like he needs if for survival or to think or, like, I don't know, to ." Arizona let out. At the looks that were shot her way, she asked. "What? Hey, it's my . And, you know- and for the record, I only thought about maiming you once, Callie, and I told you about it the second I though it."