

Helena had never minded waking up early. As a kid, she's wake up at dawn, before her whole family. She did, however, mind being woken up by yelling in the hallway, an occurrence that had become all too frequent in her new home.

"You know what? It's no big deal." Izzie told George, as Helena rubbed her eyes and got off of bed, with a sigh. As she opened her door, the blond kept talking. "You don't have to lie, I get it, you have needs." She smiled at the boy, as Helena looked at them with a slight bed-head.

"What is going on out here?" Meredith asked the pair, opening her bedroom door herself.

"I was about the ask the same thing." The brunette walked towards them.

"Nothing!" George hurried to answer.

"Nothing..." Izzie agreed, suspiciously.

As George walked away from the three women, the former model explains. "He's freaked out cause I caught him playing with little Jimmy and the twins." The brunette's eyes widened.

"I have a girlfriend." The boy defended himself.

"We know you do, Georgie. But it's ok if you still have some alone... ." The young girl reassured him.

As he slammed the door of his bedroom, Derek joined the group and Izzie and Helena walked away, the second one mumbling to herself about how they kept waking her up with their yelling.


"Patient presented with abdominal pain and blood in his urine." Alex explained as he, George and Helena presented their patient. He was laying on a hospital bed, his pregnant wife by his side. "Once his work came back unrevealing, the urologist suggested a cystoscopy."

"Reason?" Dr.Burke inquired.

"To get a look inside his bladder." The female intern answered.

"I appreciate you doing this, Preston." The patient thanked his old friend. "I know this is a little out of your field."

"It's not a problem. It gives my interns something to do."

"I have a feeling you keep them plenty busy." The man joked. "We were on the same frat in Tulane. It's gone form torturing pledges to torturing interns, am I right?"

"Be very careful with how you answer that." The attending warned. Lena had never been the biggest fan of the man, but she certainly didn't dislike him either. The three kept silent.

"I could tell some stories...." The patient threatened.

"Bill, you have a camera snaking up your Mojo, it's not the time to cross me."

"It isn't anything too serious?" The wife spoke up.

"That's what this procedure will tell us. You don't worry about anything but growing my godson in there." The oldest surgeon reassured her.

"He kicks like you wouldn't believe..."

"A badass, just like his father." He smiled down at his friend. "Move a little to the right." He instructed George, the one performing the procedure. "Your other right... there!"

"What do you see, what is it?" The patient asked.

"Could be any number of things. Campos, take a biopsy of the mass. Karev and O'Malley, schedule a CT. Let's not worry until we have to."


As Helena walked down the hall, she felt someone grab her by the arm and, before she knew it, she was in a closet with George.

"Oh, God, ever heard of verbal communication?" She squealed.

"Lena, I need help." The boy paced around.

"What, what happened?" She had started to worry, and she put her hand on her friend's shoulder to stop him.

"So, I was having this rash and I got it biopsied and turns out, I... I have syphilis." He stage-whispered as the girl's brows shot up.

"Oh, ok, wow. Want advice or just needed to vent?" She asked, taken by surprise.

"Advice... Izzie found out and she was not helpful at all." He confessed. The girl thought for a second and came up with a game plan.

"Ok, here's what we're gonna do. First of all, you have to tell Olivia." As he tried to protest, she cut him off. "I don't care that it might be embarrassing, you have to tell her. It doesn't matter if she gave it to you or you gave it to her, she needs to know. I can be there for moral support if your like, Georgie. Then, you need to get some shots of penicillin. I can give them to you if you'd like to keep it between us, but with this hospital's rumor mill it might spread fast..." The girl offered, a calming smile on her face. "It's going to the fine, no need to panic."

"Ok, fine! I'll tell her, but it's it goes badly I'll need you to comfort me after." The boy confessed, leaning on the girl, now calmer. She looked at the boy with love in her eyes and he returned the gaze, the girl still somewhat oblivious about her feelings.


"There's definitely a growth protruding into the bladder. But look at the edges, I don't think it's a tumor." Burke examined the ultrasound George and Alex had taken.

"It's kind of shaped like an ovary." Alex joked, immediately being reprimanded by the attending.

"Is that the answer you're going to give the patient, Dr. Karev? This is one of my oldest friends, you might want to take it seriously."

"I'm sorry, Sir."

Just then, Helena entered the room, labs in hand. "Dr. Burke, I've got the labs back. They did a chromosome analysis of the tissue, you won't believe this." She handed the attending the labs, and pointed to the information. "Right there."

"Bill has a ovary?" The cardio surgeon looked at his friend through the glass, confused.


As George and Alex sat with Helena, Cristina and Izzie at lunch, the Asian woman greeted the worried boy. "Hey, Syph-Boy."

"Cristina!" Lena smacked her arm.

"You told her?" George looked at the other two girls, betrayal in his eyes.

"I would never!" The brunette defended herself, while eating her salad.