

On the first morning at Meredith's house, Helena woke up to noise in the hallway.

"George's room is bigger than mine. I have more clothes, I should get the bigger room." Izzie complained loudly.

She got up and opened her door while rubbing her eyes, still groggy. "God, did you really have to start yelling in the morning?" Her complaint was ignored.

"I got here first, and my room is like two inches bigger. Lena has the biggest room of the three of us." George answered.

"Oh, leave me out of it. Besides, Mer agreed to let me live here before you two, so it's only fair I get the bigger room." She said with an innocent smile as she went down the stairs, still in pijamas.

As she poured herself a mug of black coffee and prepared a toast, she could still hear the two bickering, following Meredith around. Feeling for the house owner, she poured her some coffee too and handed it to her before she went up the stairs. She took a gulp, taking her medication with it.

"Ugh, sometimes they could be a little more like you."

"Only some times?" Lena's said playfully as she headed up the stairs to get dressed.


While walking to the hospital, the day of Izzie's and Cristina's harvest surgery, Meredith complained to said woman and Helena.

"They're everywhere, all the time. Izzie's all perky and George does this thing where he's helpful and considerate. They share food and they say things and they move things and they breathe. Ugh, they're like happy. I mean, at least Lena's not that bad. She just sort of keeps to herself but she's happy too."

"Hey! I'm right here! Better to be happy than to just sulk and infest everyone and everywhere with your moodiness. Besides, we both know you like it when I make you coffee and scold the other two for going through your stuff." Elena replied.

"Okay, now even I want to live with Baby Genius." Cristina joked. "Just kick the rest out."

"I can't. They just moved in. I them to move in." The blond said.

"So what, you're just gonna repress everything in some deep dark twisted place until one day you snap and kill them?" The Asian woman asked.


"Oh, I can help. I've watched more true crime documentaries than I'd like to admit." The petit woman said, somewhat excited.

"This is why we are friends. You're both as disturbing as I am, Baby Genius just does a better job at hiding it." The two taller women smiled and the shorter one giggled.

Alex followed behind them, and they walked into the hospital. "Why is the Nazi making us stay in the pit to days in a row?"

"Leftovers." Lena answered shortly.

"Leftovers." Meredith and Alex agreed.

"Got to get the cyclists who were too drunk, stupid or scared to get themselves to a hospital yesterday." The blond explained.

"Meanwhile, she gets to do a freaking organ harvest." The boy said.

"It kills you doesn't it? Two women caught the harvest." Cristina responded and Meredith laughed.

"No, it kills me that anybody got the harvest but me. Boobs do not factor into this equation. Unless you want to show me yours."

"Says the person who somehow made the possession of ovaries become in insult..." Lena accused with her brows raised.

"Oh, shut up!"

"I'm gonna become a lesbian." Meredith answered and Cristina agreed.

"I'm already sort of half way there, might as well." The short girl revealed with a chuckle, the others giving her inquisitive looks. "What? You've heard of bisexuality, right?"


That same night, as Meredith and Helena got home, they came across her roommates and Cristina watching her mother's surgery tapes. She carefully looked at Meredith to study her reaction.

"We, we were just... Cristina made us!" George let out, slightly panicked. The room went quiet for a few seconds.

"What are we watching?" Meredith asked, sitting on the couch next to Izzie and relieving the tension in the room.

"Oh Georgie, you're a terrible liar." She said as she pat his head and flopped down on the couch next to him.

"This is the one where your mother literally pulls this guys face off." Izzie said excited and Lena's eyes widened in excitement.

The group sat together for the rest of the evening, watching Ellis Grey's old tapes and throwing the occasional popcorn at each other.
