

Helena Campos tried her best to be a positive person and, most days, she succeeded. Today, however, was not one of those days.

She'd gotten little to no sleep, as the couple in the hotel room next to her's had been pretty loud during the night, making her hear noises no one should have heard. This resulted in her waking up to another long shift already tired. Next, as she tried to take a shower, she found the hotel was having a problem and, as such, the water was painfully cold. To make it even better, a car nearby splashed her with mud while she was biking to work.

So yes, Helena Campos usually succeeded in being positive however, today was not one of those days. The day has barely started, and she could already tell two things: first, she needed to get a place. Second, this was not her day.


As she approached her new friends, she heard Izzie and George asking to move in with Meredith.

"Wait, are you looking for roommates? I kind of need to move out of my hotel room. What do you think, Mer?" Asked Helena, hopeful she'd finally have a place to live.

"You know what? Yes, you can move in." Answered the blond with a tight smile, earning her looks from the other two potential roommates. "What? Lena's the least annoying out of all of us, plus, she has this motherly thing about her that makes me think she'd be a good roommate!"

The younger girl smiled and shrugged at her friends, as the group approached their resident, who distributed tasks for the day. Helena and Meredith were in charge of the trauma pager.

As Bailey goes to leave, Meredith takes her shot. "Dr. Bailey, I was hoping to assist you in the OR today and maybe do a minor procedure. I think I'm ready. Mocha latte?" She offered innocently.

As all the other intern swarmed her with requests for surgeries, Helena stood back. She'd understood by now that her resident wasn't particularly tolerant with over eager interns.

"Stop talking. Every inter want to preform their first surgery. That's not your job. Do you know what is? To make your resident happy. Do I look happy? No! Why? Because my interns are whiny. You know what will make me happy? If you could just all calm down like Campos and do what I told you to do." She said, looking to the youngest intern with a look of appreciation and taking Meredith's latte. "No one holds a scalpel till I'm so happy, I'm Mary freaking Poppins."

She kept going up the stairs and stopped once more to look at the group of interns. "Why are you all standing there? Move!" The interns scattered in slight panic, of to do their work for the day.


As the trauma pager goes went off, Meredith and Helena rushed to the ER.

"Are you the surgeons?" A nurse asked and they nodded. "We've got a rape victim, better get in there." Helena's breath caught in her throat and she attempted to calm herself. She knew this would happen eventually, being a surgical intern, but it was still too raw for her to be completely ok with it.

A different nurse presented the case, after the duo entered the room. "25-year-old female found down at the park. Status post trauma."

As she looked at the injured body of the girl below her, Lena tried not to think of her own wounds, two years prior. She tried not to think about how he'd grabbed her and beat her so she couldn't run. She tried not to think about how much it'd hurt physically and how much more it'd hurt emotionally.

What the nurse says after that seems muffled to her. "Ready to roll?" She hears from afar. "Hey! Doctor Campos!" That wakes her from her trance.

"Yeah, yeah. Call ahead to clear CT, let them know we're coming." She says with a slightly shaky voice.

"Load up the portable monitor. Call respiratory for a ventilator. I'll get X-Rays while we're down there." Completes Meredith, noticing her friend struggling, giving her a questioning look.


Later, in the OR, Doctor Burke and Doctor Shepherd were operating on the girl and Meredith and Helena stood next to each other.

"She's gonna spend a hell of a long time in recovery and rehab." Doctor Shepherd said. Helena remembers what it was like. Worse than the physical recovery had been the emotional. Form that she had never healed completely.

"If she survives." Answered the cardio surgeon.

"She will... She has to."  The brunette girl whispers to herself, not knowing that her friend could her. She shouldn't have survived herself, but she did. And she was nowhere near as strong as this girl was. Their patient had fought tooth and nail and her attacker hadn't been able to rape her. She just wished she'd been as strong herself.

"What is she? Five two, a hundred pounds? She's still breathing after what this guy did to her? If they catch the guy, they should castrate him." They'd never caught her guy. When she'd tried to come forward about what happened, the police officer tried to blame it on her outfit. After that, she'd dropped it. No one knew besides her brother.

"See how shredded her hands are? She tried to fight back." Pointed out Burke.

"Tried to? The rape kit came back negative. She kicked his ass." Replied the other attending.

"So, we have a warrior among us, uh?"

"Allison." Meredith intervened. "Her name is Allison."

thought the Portuguese girl.

"I think we have found the cause of our rupture." Said the attending, pulling something out of her body. "What is this..?" He looked at the piece of flesh, intrigued. "Does anyone know what this is?"

"Oh my god...! She bit it off." She heard Meredith say next to her, as realisation dawned on the brunette.

"Bit off what?" The attendings asked.