
Tell Me Again, My Love

On the surface, Ryn looked like a normal quiet girl who only focused on her study and did not even bother about things outside her study. However, the whole campus was shocked to know she was actually a popular model who just made a comeback after two years 'retired'. To make them more shocked when a very popular singer, Jeremy was her ex-boyfriend and now wanted her back. Of course, to add the spice in her life, a model who is her university's mate fell in love with her. Now she had to choose between these two, as well as balancing her life as a boring student but an exciting model. ******* “Sign this contract.” He nudged the contract toward her. “Can I think first?” she asked weakly. “Five seconds.” Jack felt generous and gave her time to think. “See how good my mood is today?”

Fifie · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
759 Chs

Where is Ryn?

Jeremy parked the car at the entrance of the mansion that evening. Without a word, he handed the car key to the butler who was waiting with patience at the door.

It was a usual sight for the siblings when they stayed there. Every time they reached home, the elder man would be waiting for them with a polite smile on his face.

Mika was not with him even though they went to work together this morning. Jason actually brought Mika out for romantic dinner together. 

Jeremy was happy with it, actually. He liked it when the little lampost was pulled away by her fiance. Without Mika, he could do whatever he wanted to Ryn. No one dared to say no in the mansion, except that little troublemaker.

Do the girls need to have a pyjama party every single night?