
Teen Wolf: The Vampire Lord [Dropped]

Silver was a murderer. He had murdered over 100 people in his life, all of those people being very evil. Rapists, pedophiles, etc. However, when he was caught, instead of getting some sort of praise for wiping the Earth of such filth; his death sentence was celebrated. In the last few months of his life, he sat in a cell, in complete darkness, regretting his life. He spent his whole life killing filth, yet, he wasn't see as a hero but a devil. He was seen as more evil than those he killed. So, before his death, he decided to murder one more person; himself. He didn't want to give them the satisfaction of killing him, so, he took his own life. And, when he awoke, he wasn't in hell; instead, he was in a new world with the powers of a vampire. This began his rise as the vampire lord. In this life, he wont try and be a hero, instead, he will live for himself; and if that means turning into a monster, so be it. [Warning! - Edgy Author]

JustATestV · TV
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


I'm writing this to warn some people.

I don't want to waste your time and I can't be bothered to read your trash comments on on these subjects, so, I will warn you now.


I'm a new writer.

I don't know how to write 'evil' mc's.

So, the only thing I can do to make my character seem evil, is to have him act edgy af.

That's why I'm hoping, you readers will give me tips, so I can improve this story and other novels in the future.

2: The MC WILL turn other people into vampires.

He will turn people for fucked up reasons ofc, for example; to test some stuff out.

Or maybe to make them suffer? (not being able to go in the sun.)

Overall, if you don't like this, please don't read this book and then leave a low rating just because of it.


3: I suck at planning out a novel.

I do not plan a novel before I write one.

Chapter 1 - 3 of this FF were written in under 4 hours, and, I wrote all of them as they came to my mind.

Also, due to this, my mc's personality may seem bipolar, since, like I said, I don't plan out a novel.

My excuse for this is just gonna be; the mc is insane....

So please, once again, give me tips on how I can improve this.

PS: I'm not editing this 'chapter' nor re-reading it so, expect some messed up English.




If you do decide to read this FF, Enjoy!

And don't forget to give me some tips!