
Teen Wolf: The head of the Spider

The Phantom Troupe has entered an ancient ruin in The Dark Continent. Just as they begin to move deeper, violent whispers violate Chrollo's mind and he falls unconscious. After he wakes up, he finds himself in the middle of a forest. Where is he? Where are his friends? What will he do? ..... I am doing something like this for the first time, so go easy on me. English is my second language and if i make grammar mistakes, please correct me. The cover is NOT mine and if the owner recognizes it, contact me. Happy reading!!! No romance and no harem. If you want to support the novel, follow me on p.a.t.r.e.o.n: patreon.com/SENYSONAMEN

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15 Chs

Chapter 5

The next day, His aunt received a reply from the elders. She went to Chrollo's room, which was filled with various books, containing myths and legends. Adriana knew that he has keen interest about the supernatural so she left him be.

''Sweetheart, the old geezers, aka the elders, invited us to the family estate.'' Obvious disdain was apparent in her voice. 

''We are flying tonight and we are going to be there for a week. I already notified the principal.''

''Why do you not like them?'' Asked Chrollo. ''Because they are always yapping about my marriage. And no matter how I curse and threaten them, they still annoy me.'' His aunt described.

''And also, your parents are going to meet us there.'' She added. ''Don't feel down about the tattoo. I informed them, and they said it is still possible to own a tattoo. Those bastards didn't tell me how, though''


In front of a private jet stood Chrollo and his aunt. Running toward them were Adam Caddel and Suzuki Caddel, the parents of Chrollo. Not even sparing a glance to Adriana, they hugged Chrollo.

''How are you!? Does anywhere still hurts!? You have no idea how much we were worried about you!?'' The overprotective and loving parents poured a thousand questions at Chrollo.

After a while, they calmed down. 'He has changed.' they thought. 'His demeanor and eyes don't belong to a 16-years-old. Only hunters with honed instincts and rich experience can tell. We are in the presence of a predator.''

Adam looked at his son ''Tell us everything.'' Adriana interrupted him ''He will explain to the elders now, so don't make him repeat himself and wait a bit.''

Understanding that his sister had a point, Adam let go of the matter. 

After arriving in the mansion they were led to a door of considerable size. In front of it were stationed two guards with guns in their arms. After seeing the four coming, they opened it, revealing a spacious hall.

Inside it was an enormous table, in parallel with the door. Five chairs were around the table, facing the door. On the chairs were 5 elderly people, three men and two women. The middle chair was the biggest and on it sat Dylan Caddel, the patriarch of the Caddel family and Chrollo's grandfather.

Adittional 10 people were standing in different parts in the hall, men and women. They all had a weapon attached to them, be it bows, guns, daggers, swords and many more. All of them were cream of the top in hunter world.

With the opening of the door, the people inside scanned the group of newcomers. Adriana, Adam and Suzuki were easily recognizable, due to each of them being one of the best hunters in the world.

Then, all eyes landed on the fouth person. Different expressions could be seen on the faces of the people gathered. Surprise, shock, and wariness. These three words perfectly described their emotions.

''Hehe, I haven't seen you in a year and look at you now.'' A playful elder voice was directed at Chrollo by his grandfather. He had black neck length hair with a beard and blue eyes.

Dylan stood up, went in front of Chrollo and hugged him. ''Now, I am sure everyone here is interested in you. So, tell us how and who bit you.''


''This is it.'' The young man with otherworldy voice ended his monolog.

''I see, the Alpha that you saw is indeed a little special. 'The form you take reflects the person you are'. Because that werewolf is probably filled with dark thoughts, such as revenge and murder, he looked like that and fully succumbed to his dark side.'' said Dylan with thoughtful expression.

''Haha, I admit that this child is interesting, but i can't believe that he could remain unfazed in front of that Alpha, if he didn't lie about that either.'' a man said from the southwest corner of the hall with ridicule. He blonde hair, tied in a ponytail, blue eyes and a mustache.

''Nobody gives a flying f**k about your opinion, Thomas.'' Adriana cursed at the man named Thomas.

''Chrollo, due to your circumstances, you can choose when to begin your Graduation test, but the time limit is one year. After that, it will be when you become 20, like everybody else.'' Ignoring their bickering, one of the women elders said.

''Next is-'' ''I will kill Thomas'' Just as a male elder was about to continue the discussion, Chrollo cut him out.

''WHAT DID YOU SAY, YOU-'' ''Everyone here should be top grade hunter, considering that you participate in this conversation. The Graduation test is to hunt a few creatures, right? So, If I hunt Thomas, who has killed many such creatures, that means i am more than qualified to pass.''

Chrollo didn't seem to notice Thomas' outburst ''Of course, I will also kill anyone who helps him.'' 

Chrollo turned in Thomas's direction and approached with no hurry, as if he was walking in a park. His parents couldn't understand what happened. In one second he was hugging his grandfather, the next he was about to murder a person.

Adam, Suzuki and Adriana just watched how Chrollo made his way to Thomas. They broke out of their daze, but right before they were about to stop Chrollo, Dylan warned them ''Adam, Suzuki, Adriana, if even one of you moves, you will be kicked out of the family and i will personally put bounties on your heads. THIS IS CHROLLO'S OWN DECISION AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO INTERFERE!!''

...Amidst the sudden silence in the hall, only Chrollo's steady footsteps and Thomas's yelling could be heard. ''You-Are you crazy? Because I didn't outright believe you, YOU CHOOSE TO ATTACK ME?!''

Chrollo calmly responded ''Thomas, killing you is the most optimal way to get higher access in the library and not having to take the Graduation test. From what l briefly saw, nobody here particularly likes you. If i killed any other person here, not only would I make a lot enemies, therefore having to watch my back all the time, instead focusing on something more important, but also, I would destroy any possible future connection with the other family members.''

''The answer to your question is- No, I didn't attack because of your personality.'' Chrollo stopped when the distance between him and Thomas became 10 meters.

Then Chrollo squatted on the ground, covered with tiles, broke one in many little pieces and picked up one piece at the size of a fingernail. Meanwhile, he did all that without stopping to talk.

Chrollo smiled. A smile so sweet, it's comparable to that of a mother's when she is looking at her child. ''Thank you for being born, Thomas.''

Then Chrollo threw the piece of tile and it hit the lamp switch, making the world covered in darkness. A darkness where he could see as clear as day, thanks to his improved eyesight.