
Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

California is infested with vampires but in a town called Beacon Hills exists another apex predator. The Werewolves. Vampires fear Werewolves because of their venomous teeth and superior strength. Lucien is part of a hunters family dating back to the 1500s that gained their fame by killing the infamous Dracula and another monster called The Beast of Gevaudan who reign supreme back then, There exist multiple companies that buy Vampire teeth due to their medical breakthrough on healing properties and thus these companies buy Vampire fangs as well as werewolves and any other creature for the development of humans, of course, this goes all under the public's eyes. Lucien was turned at a young age and will have to deal with his change. He will become a Hunter an Alpha Hunter. ..... Reas Auxiliar Chapter Before diving into this kinky book .... By the Way, there will be Sex, a LOT of it. a LOT of unconditional sex friends would do anything for Lucien, even kill themselves. The plot? The plot is trash, I'm going with the wave, I planned this after watching Day Shift. I have to say. Teen Wolf world doesn't have Vampires but since it doesn't have Vampires then that gives me more world background in the future as I introduced these Day Shift vampires in the world. Harem Yes, this is Harem so if you don't like that don't read it, I don't wanna see low reviews there just because it's a harem, I'll delete those mfs so be warned. You can review my trashy fic but not just because it's a harem, besides Harem, there will be cheating and netori . No women will cheat on MC of course. You know me I don't do da shet. Again, I only own my MC everything else belongs to their respective authors or directors. Names here that are alike in the real world is just coincidence and don't relate to the real world. OUR world. All of these characters are fictional characters. Also, I downloaded the pic from google but can't find the original author, I however only changed the eye color to red. I do not profit from this, I do this for free since this isn't my original world but I sure hope you vote with stones though if you like, and leave a review. Anyways, that's all, and have a great day, humans!

TheLonelyGod · TV
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs

Punishment #39

(A/n: Alright I don't think there'll be a chapter tomorrow my fellas, but we'll see if not then I'll see you Tuesday!)

At night, Lucien had a worried mother at his doorstep.

Lucien knew why she was there, the Sheriff had called him back saying that the phone was made from the McCall's residence and that it was a prank call from Scott.

He had asked him if he wanted to press the charges and Lucien said he will let him know later, that alone made the Sheriff call Melissa and let her know the problem, and Melissa said they could take Scott to jail for the night if they wanted since what he had done was stupid and he needed to learn the reprecussion of doing something he shouldn't have.



Melissa snapped at her son before "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING. FRAMING LUCIEN JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE HIM!" she yelled at him.

Scott looked down and Melissa growled "Argh! is it because he wants to date me!?" she asked hoping it wasn't because of that, if it was she would need to end things with Lucien just for her son. She enjoyed Lucien's company before and thought him as a great man but if her son was gonna have problems with him than she would give up her happiness for him.

She didnd't want to blame him for it but some times she wished Scott would just let her date whoever she wanted.

"Mom, he is not good, he is dangerous!"

Melissa just sighed as she sat down, she felt a headache, whatever future plans she had with Lucien will just be thrown down the toilet now.

She whimpered and started crying hiding her face with her hands. Scott's hands shook a little "M-mom? I'm sorry!"

"No, it's okay... I... I just... *sigh* I'll be upstairs" she was about to go when the door bell rang and came for Scott.

She felt desperate and helpless so she went grabbed her keys and went to the only place that could help her.

which brings her to his doorsteps, when Lucien opened the door, Melissa had red eyes and held back her tears.

Lucien smiled warmly at her and she sobbed and let her worries out "Lucien! I... I am sorry for what Scott did but I came here because... whatever we had going on can't keep going!" she turned around about to leave but Lucien stopped her.

She didn't turned away but Lucien heard her sobbing and brought her into a hug "I'm not pressing charges against Scott... and I hope he learns but he won't decide wether you and I can spend time together"

Melissa turned around and she was crying "We can't" she whispered.

Lucien brought her into a hug and caress her back "I will stop if you say that to my face"

Melissa looked at him and opened her mouth to speak but closed again only to open it an close it repeatedly.

Lucien smiled and cupped her face and kissed her lips, Melissa melted and leaned her body closer, she wrapped her arms around his head and jumped on him.

Lucien deepened the kiss by inserting his tongue into her mouth and she tried to do the same but she was sloppy about it showing her inexperience on the subject.

Lucien chuckled and Melissa did the same and both separated, she looked at him with something akin to love, she knew then that to stay away from him was impossible, he made her feels things she thought she was too old to feel but she welcomed those feelings anyway.

"I can't" started Melissa "I can't stay away from you" she finished and stared at him and moved in to kiss him again.

Both shared kisses and sat there looking at the stars for a while, her back leaned on his strong chest as he put his arms around her in a protective way, she loved this feeling. She has never felt this way before, sure when she was young she messed around and settled with Scott's father but after a while things were as she thought they would have been. Scott's dad was an alcoholoc who sometimes beat her.

So now that she feels strong arms around her, the amazing kisses she never knew felt like that, and the roller coaster of emotions deep in her gut.

She glanced at Lucien, he was looking longingly at the stars and she smilex and snuggled in his embrace, this was the type of relationship she yearned for since she was a kid. a strong man willing to protect her with his strong arms wrapped around her body, a man whose confidence is off charts, him being well endowed was a plus in her book, a very enjoyable plus.

Her phonr rang and she jumped slightly from the sudden sound. She took out her phone and saw it was the Sheriff.

"Hello?" she answered still being in Lucien's embraced, she drew circles on his strong chest while she bit her lips and looked at him hungrily.

[Ms. McCall I am calling you because Lucien won't be pressing charges to your son so you can come and pick him up as soon as you can]

"Okay, thank you Sheriff"

She hung up and looked troubled, she didn't want to leave his embrace but she also had to pick up her son, thankfully Lucien let her go and smiled at her "Go, I don't think minors can be held accountable for prank calls but the Sheriff and I kinda agreed that he needed to be punished"

Melissa gasped hearing that and Lucien just winked and laughed, she now knew she played right into his game, but for some reason she doesn't mind.

She laughed and along and grabed his hands and interwined their fingers, she tiptoed and kissed him goodbye, but Lucien stopped her before leaving.

"I will always be here, Melissa so you can come here whenever you don't want to be alone" said Lucien.

Melissa smiled and nodded "Thank you" she said.

She got into her car and left with a happy expression, she came to Lucien's house sad and crying and left happy.

"You are really bad, Luci" said Allison when Lucien cane inside the house. Lydia was giggling at the side too and he scooped Allison up and she clung to him and Lucien sat on the couch beside Lydia.

Lucien started kissing Allison while Lydia nipped at his neck, then he stopped kissing Allison and started kissing Lydia while Allison straddle him and ran her tongue on his neck this time.

Both girls were picked up to the room and soon moans came from a huntress and a banshee, later that night, Natalie joined them and didn't stop until morning of next day.