
Technomancer: Using Technology To Clear the Tower

Alexander Kingsley is a 42 year old single father, who is about to lose his position as project manager at a multimedia advertising company, to a younger employee who just so happens to be related to the CEO of the company. The unfair demotion leads Alexander to have an angry outburst, and during which he accidentally shoves another employee to the ground. The employee ends up hitting their head on the corner of a desk, and sues Alexander! Faced with charges of assault, and legal fees he can't afford, he opts to kill himself so that his debt cannot be passed onto his only daughter. Alexander took a jump off a bridge, down towards the icy cold river beneath, but when he jumped he began to regret jumping. But it was too late. As he plummeted towards the water, he was overwhelmed with regret and guilt. Guilty that he would do something so selfish instead of making things right. Leaving his daughter to deal with the death of a parent. These were the thoughts that Alexander thought as he watched the surface of the water fill his vision. Right as he hits the water, his thoughts seemingly slow down. He felt face hit the surface of the water, which retained it's surface tension, and his bones break upon impact. He felt his neck snap. One vertebrae. Two. Then his vision went black, and he thought death had finally claimed him. But instead he found himself laying on the floor of a dark cave. [Welcome to the Tower of Wishes!] [Floor 1 will now commence.] [Activating Gift.] [Technomancy Gift awakened!] [Hosts health critical! Performing emergency treatment with materials on hand.] Alexander found a new, mysterious lease on life, and finally figured out a way to potentially solve his financial problems.

LibrarianOfTheosis · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

First Floor





I slowly opened my eyes, to see a small child walking towards me, dragging a big stick behind them.

'Why... why is that kid... green?'

I though to myself, but I shook my head slightly feeling that was too stupid. I must have seen wrong.

'Wait? I can turn my head? My neck was broken though... What's going on...'

I then reached behind my neck, and ran my fingers over my spine, but that only made me freak out even more.

Instead of the normal bumps and skin, I felt the cold feeling of steel and wires. On the edges I could feel skin that had begun to scab over. 

It was during this time that two little green feet entered my view. I looked up and clearly saw the kid.

It was no kid. It was a small green monster, that was holding a large wooden club over it's head. I saw it look down at me, and lick its lips, making me realize that this thing saw me as prey.

It brought down the wooden club, but I managed to block with my arm. My arm instantly broke under the pressure, but it did not reach my head.

The pain made my eyes turn white, but I stayed conscious as I knew I was still in danger. When I managed to get my bearings back, I noticed the green monster raised it's club back above it's head, and was preparing to swing again.

Thinking quickly, as I didn't have a weapon, I hooked an ankle with my foot and pushed the monster back with my other leg. The creature tripped, and I immediately jumped to my feet. I kicked the club away, and began to stomp on the creature's head. 

I got two really good stomps in, caving in it's nose and knocking out a few teeth, before it grabbed my leg. Sinking it's long sharp nails into my leg, causing me to scream, before sinking it's teeth into my leg. 

"ARGGHH! FUCK!" I screamed, falling to the floor once again. I began to use my other leg, kicking the creature in the face repeatedly. I was trying my best to block out the pain, and just focus on kicking, but I was beginning to lose faith that it was having any effect. 

As if to betray my thoughts, the creature finally let go of it's hold on my leg, and started to go limp. I knew it had passed out, so I quickly crawled over to the club, and picked it up with my only working arm. I then crawled back to the creature, and began bashing it's head in with the club. 

It was only a couple hits before I heard a message.

[Floor 1, complete!]

[Level up!]

[Wooden Chest rewarded.]

[50 gold acquired.]

[Status, Shop, and Inventory screens all unlocked!]

[Access to the Tower of Wishes granted to user!]

[Would you like to progress to Floor 2?]

"NO! NO!"

[User is being sent back.]

I then felt myself become submerged in icy cold water, and I struggled to bring myself to the river bank. I noticed that I was back at the river and bridge I was at before I disappeared. I looked around, and realized that there was no one nearby. I checked my leg, and noticed that it was completely fine. I hurriedly reached to the back of my neck, but I was disappointed to find that I still had the metal on the back of my neck.

"I think... That I was healed for injuries I got in the Tower, but not for before. This gift, I wonder how I can see what it does exactly?"

As I thought about my gift, a holographic screen appeared before me.


Name: Alexander Kingsley

Gift: Technomancy

Health: 100/100

Mana: 100/100

STR: 10

CON: 10

AGI: 10

DEX: 10

INT: 10

CHR: 4

LCK: 1

Skills: None


I tried clicking on my Gift, as I thought it might bring up a more detailed description, and I was right.


The ability to communicate, and control technology. Also allows for the creation of technology, if the required materials are available along with the understanding of how it works.

I guess the creation of new technology was what saved me and gave me the ability to move now. Otherwise, I should be paralyzed from the neck down, if not just dead. I touched the back of my neck again, and tried to quiet my mind. I began to expand my consciousness, and it was only moments later that I felt that I began to understand what the metal on the back of my neck could do.

"So it actually helps me control my body better... I did feel that my hand eye coordination was much better than before, and I was also able to trip that monster perfectly without ever having done that move before. It can be upgraded later, along with having it expanded to other parts of my body." 

I now understood my ability a little better. I decided to take out my phone and see what I could do with that, but when I pulled out my phone there was simply a crumple of random materials. I looked down at it, and realized the materials it used were taken from my phone. 

A small price to pay to live, but still inconvenient. I stood up and walked to where I parked my car. I got up the hillside after ten minutes of struggling, and finally made it to my car. When I reached into my pocket to get my keys, I realized they were there either.

I must have used them too as material for implant.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, leaning against the car in defeat. I was about to give up, and start walking the road looking to hitchhike, when I thought of my ability.

"Ability to communicate and control technology... Does a car count? I mean... I don't see why not."

I slowly reached out to the car, and after a moment I heard the doors click open.

"YES!" I shouted, jumping in the air slightly.

I hurried into my car, and turned it on. I sat in my car for a while, letting it get warmed up before I decided it was better to hurry home and change into dry clothes.


After getting home I took a warm shower, and changed into dry sweats. I sat down on my living room floor, since I didn't have space for a couch. I then looked through the other things I saw from the Tower.


It was a simple 8x40 window with one of the windows having a small chest. I clicked on that, and a chest appeared before me on the ground.

Curiously I began to inspect the outside of the chest, but I couldn't see anything. It was simply a wooden chest with no markings of any kind. So I decided to open it, since it must be a good thing. As it was considered a reward for finishing the first floor. 

The chest opened, letting out a bright golden light, and once it was fully opened it stopped producing the light. The chest then disappeared into light, as if it was never real.

[Genius skill learned.]

[50 gold acquired.]


Changes the user's brain to be capable of quickly learning things. Also the user will become more flexible with their problem solving skills.

"Useful! However not super helpful immediately.. I have to make a payment soon for the debt collectors, or they'll bother Ashley again.. Being a genius will help me in the long run, as I can learn skills to make a lot of money, but what can I do right now to make a lot of money..."

I began brainstorming, but it wasn't long before I came up with several solutions. The one that I think would help me immediately was one I normally would never even think of.

"I could rob ATMs... I simply have to walk up to them and place my hand on them to take all the money... The only problem is that the bills will be traceable. Wait, no this can be solved by changing the serial numbers in the machine, so it thinks it has different bills. This will at least confuse the system long enough for me to deposit the money into a bunch of different accounts, and then send all the money to a PayPal or another online pay service.

I can get different account numbers, so I can deposit into these accounts without them knowing, and moved the money online. Yeah... This will work... No! It HAS to work."

I began to get everything I needed ready for my big heist tomorrow night. I even prepared the clothes I would wear, and I looked into my planned escape route in the library. I didn't have a laptop so I had to use the public library for internet access. I would make sure to buy a laptop when I had the chance. 

With everything planned, I just had to wait until night time. I was currently spending some time looking through the local papers for job offerings, but didn't have too much luck in that department. 

I was looking for a job that was in the technology field, but I wasn't able to find one that would take me. So I think I should instead come up with the money to startup some inventions, selling them for money. I could even create a tech company. 

I think that sounded pretty good. I began to think about everything I would need for that, and making a clear plan. 

It was not until the sun had already set that I stopped writing in my apartment. I looked outside, and realized that I was too engrossed in my work that I forgot the time. I quickly got up, stretched, and went to my kitchen to look for something quick to eat. 

I made myself some noodles, but I knew it wouldn't be for long that I would be eating cheap food. However I began to think about the Tower of Wishes while I was eating. 

As I slurped up the noodles, I began to contemplate if I even need to go back to the Tower. With the Technomancy gift alone, I could become a business mogul here and not even worry about money for the rest of my life.

I could wipe away the shame I had created. It was an incredibly tempting offer, but then I thought about how the people who had stayed by my side from that event. It was no one, not a single person stayed by my side with all the things going on. Even though I had messed up, really badly, no one was willing to give me another chance. 

My ex wife especially... That bitch left me the moment I lost my money, and took my daughter from me. Ashley thinks the worst of me... But I don't think money is going to make her love me either. I wasn't sure yet how to repair that relationship between my daughter and me. So I just would stop thinking about it for now.

Instead I threw away the cup I ate the noodles from, and got dressed. I walked out to my car and placed my hand on it, and by spreading my consciousness, I was able to change the license plates. I modified the license plates to change numbers consistently to random plates. 

I then covered my face and drove my car out into the city. I quickly made my way to the closest bank, and waited until the bank was empty. The workers went home, and I got to work. 

I drove up to the ATM, placed my hand on the machine, and began to take out money while changing the serial numbers the ATM think the bills had. I took out all the 100s and 20s the machine had, totaling over $200,000 in cash. I quickly put it all into a bag I had prepared, and quickly created a backdoor in the bank's system so I could access their account information storage.

Then I sped off. I quickly went along my escape route, which was a large loop around the city, eventually going through back roads all the way to my apartment. I had long since ditched my mask, and was driving as calmly as I could. Trying to draw the least amount of suspicion. However nothing happened the whole ride home. 

I quickly took my bag, and headed up to my apartment. I had made it up the two flights of stairs, and was feeling great as I was about to be in the clear when I saw someone I didn't want to see standing in front of my apartment door. 

Ashley Kingsley. 

My daughter.