
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs


Before I return to Rose and meet the knight visitors, I decided to first do the same thing to both Edelweiss and Lotus. It took me 2 hours respectively to fully finished the [Sewage System], and afterwards, I did a few renovation on Edelweiss.

I also expanded the town by adding a few residential bloc which is quite near to the working area of the townspeople. This includes the farmer, herdsman, the weavers, and fishermen.

Doing this, it might effectively increase the productivity of my people knowing they are not too far from their work and home. Basically, giving them the reason to work even more.

And after finishing that, I headed for Rose town.




Upon arriving at the municipal, which looks like a mini version of the white house, I was met by the knights who's guarding the conference room where I was guided by the government staff.

When I met their gazes, I notice they are trying to intimidate me by giving me a sharp look.

"Is there a problem, dear knights?" I asked in a commanding tone, with a little bit of chilly or eerie aura that is now surrounding me.

Their look is disrespectful. I might as well tell them their true places in front of me even if they are directly under the command of the imperial family.

"Nothing, Lord baron."

"Then, please do avoid meeting my gazes. I hate when people under me do that, it's distasteful."

The two look at each other in disbelief after hearing the absurdity of my blatant words, but soon lower their gazes or straighten their posture as if avoiding my eyes. They seem to be smart enough to know what trouble could bring them if they dare to disobey me.

Once my business here is finished, I dismiss my guide and enter the conference room after knocking. And the moment I entered, five figures reveal themselves, currently sitting.

However, soon after they saw me, they all stand up with Greg and Co giving me a respectful bow. On the contrary, the two knight merely lower their heads in a slight manner, indicating their position as the imperial knight.

Immediately after, I head for the two knights and offer my hand for a shake. Which they receive willingfully.

"It is pleasure to meet the legendary lord of Pearson. Truly, this is an honor." The person who spoke is the one who first received my handshake.

That person must be the knight captain. According to Greg, he was the one who caused the ruckus yesterday. But in his voice, he appears to be genuine when praising me.

"I see, well I am not so great myself. If not for my people, then perhaps I wouldn't be a lord of what you all call me. Now, since you must've heard my name, if I may ask, what is this knight's name?" I look at him directly in his eyes.

"Ah... Yes, I apologize. My name is Wendel, Wendel Topper, current captain of the 12th imperial knight." he said, then after, he gesture to his back, "And this knight here is Allena, Lena for short. She is the vice captain of the squad and currently under my guidance as her mentor."

"Pleased to be your acquaintance, my lord. I have heard a lot about you and it's really an honor to be in front of you." I look at the eyes of the knight with a lady's voice inside those heavy looking golden helmet. And what I see is also a sharp emerald green eyes, directly trying to shoot me with invisible bullets.

"I, as well, am pleased to meet you both." I gave my remark, but I felt a little bit unease about the sharp look that lady knight is giving me.

"Before we start discussing some serious matter, I would very much appreciate it if you try to avoid looking at me with those shape eyes of yours, Knight Lena. But if you can't, you are free to leave the room." I point towards the exit, making the two gasp for air as if not believing the words that just came out of my mouth.

The eyes of the lady knight seem to have worsen, now glaring at me with a frowning face obviously despite the helmet blocking her full face. The knight on the other hand seems to be restraining himself from complaining about my wrong conduct.

"If I may, milord. But you can't just-"

"Tell your subordinate to stand down, if she can't, tell her to leave." I repeated my words once more, this time, with a cold tone.

The captain gritted his teeth before hesitantly gesturing the lady knight to stand down. However, the knight didn't comply, and instead stubbornly confronted me.

"My lord, if you have trouble with my eyes then please do tell me directly, I can't have you insulting my look just-"

"I don't like those eyes of your that give me uncomfortable feeling. Perhaps you could change---there, is that much better?"

"What if I do say that this is how I normally-"

"Then leave."

Soon after, the unwavering eyes of the lady knight loosen as if the tie just broke. Then the two look at each other, giving themselves a look of defeat. For seconds, I stare at them with interest but once they finished an eye-to-eye communication, they bow, accepting my order.

"I apologize, my lord. I did not know my position." Her expression changed to a meek type as she mutter an apology.

"That's fine, so long as you do not repeat it." with the same issue like before I entered, finished. I head for the other side and give my greetings.

Afterwards, the meeting came to a start.