
Tech king in another world

Nerón traveled to another world and became the king of a small country, but at the very beginning, he was in danger of destroying the country. Nerón, who holds the Industrial Revolution system in his hand, said he was not panicking at all. The giant dragon soaring in the sky screamed and was shot down, and the Quinjet fighter jets escorted the huge space carrier sailing in the sky. The proud knight was crushed by the steel body of the apocalypse tank and roared impotently. The noble magician fled in the sky in a panic, and a V3 rocket roared past behind him. Technology crushes another world! Our journey is the sea of ​​stars! "Do you choose the left or the right?" Facing the gods of another world, Nerón smiled, with a two-way foil in his left hand and an anti-matter annihilation cannon in his right. ~I am not the owner I only translate:) Get the latest chapters faster on my patreon. Support me on patreon to keep me motivated patreon.com/Elreycoronado18112

ElReyCoronado18112 · Anime e quadrinhos
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94 Chs

Betraying National Interests, Death Penalty!

"What on earth is King Nerón going to do? Call us here in a hurry."

"Hmph, that kid Nerón is probably at the end of his rope. Maybe we need to donate money to him."

In the reception room of the palace, several businessmen in various poses sat at the table. They were all dressed in luxurious clothes, and they were well-built.

The people of this country are very thin and emaciated one by one.

But they are very rich and free.

"Hey, Nerón asked me to buy a lot of things today. I usually sell them all at the bottom of the box, but I didn't expect the king, Nerón, to buy them. I blackmailed him for a lot of money. , a full fifteen thousand gold coins."

A fat man with a beard said with a smile.

There was no respect for the king Nerón in his words.

Nerón is the king, but in their opinion, the kingdom of Rose is almost over.

Although they are Rose people, they are also well-known and successful businessmen in the surrounding countries, and they have obtained a lot of wealth by dumping the resources in Rose.

This time, it is the opportunity of the war to make a fortune for the country. In their eyes, the country of Rose is about to perish. If they can make a fortune, they will make as much money as they can, and then they will run away. What does the survival of the country of Rose matter to them?

There is no national boundary in their eyes, only money is their everything.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Hearing what the fat-bearded businessman said, the others laughed out loud.

"If Nerón asks us to donate money, that's fine, we'll exchange it for land."

"Anyway, the country of Rose is almost finished now. Without our donation, Nerón might not even be able to survive this month. Don't worry if he disagrees. There is a textile factory owned by the country of Rose outside the city. That's a good business."

Another thin, narrow-eyed businessman sneered.

"Yes, that's how it should be."

The other businessmen also nodded, thoughtful, constantly thinking about how much profit they could exploit in the hands of the dying Rose Kingdom.

"Everyone, anyway, we are also considered Losers. Would it be too much to do so?"

A middle-aged businessman pondered for a moment, then said to the others.

"Loss country, hmph, the nobles are in power. Do those people in Rose country treat people other than nobles as human beings? With so many surrounding countries, the nobles of Rose country are probably the most exploitative of civilians!"

"I hate those nobles to the core!"

There was hatred in the eyes of the fat bearded businessman.

"But I just heard that the King of Rose has abolished the privileges of all nobles in Rose, leaving only empty titles."

The middle-aged businessman pondered and said.


"How dare the king Nerón do that?!"

"He's dying??"

As soon as this statement came out, the businessmen around were shocked.

Protecting the interests of the aristocracy has been an unwritten rule in mainland for countless years.

Anyone who dares to interfere with the interests of the aristocratic class will become the public enemy of the aristocrats of mainland.

And Nerón dared to abolish all the privileges of the nobility in the country of Rose. Although it was not the abolition of the nobility, it was the same as the abolition of the nobility.

This time, I am afraid that some ancient aristocratic kingdoms will not be able to bear this tone and directly go to war against the Kingdom of Ross.

"Hmph, now that the situation is like this, the country of Rose is not short of such an opponent."

The fat bearded businessman sneered.

Other businessmen also suddenly realized, too, at this time, the country of Rose is almost dying, and it is the same if there is another opponent

"Let's just wait for the country of Rose to die. If we go to the Kingdom of Nord to donate military expenses to King nord at this time, do you think he will make me a viscount? If he can't get a fief in the country of Rose, in the future That's how you become a nobleman, hahahaha."

The skinny businessman laughed loudly.

The battle with the army of the Nord Kingdom took place in the morning, and they arrived in Rose City in the afternoon. The battle was too fast, so they didn't know that the main force of the Nord Kingdom had been wiped out by Rose.

"You want to be a nobleman of the Nord Kingdom? Well, you can go down to accompany King nord soon."

Suddenly a voice full of chills sounded, and all the businessmen present couldn't help but tremble.

All the merchants looked towards the door, only to see Nerón standing at the door in and looking at them with a sneer.

"Nerón, don't be too arrogant, I mean what you said just now, what can you do!"

A trace of disdain flashed in the slender eyes of the skinny businessman, he stood up and faced Nerón directly.

"You, a king who is about to destroy the country, what can you do to me?"

"Very well, is there anyone among you who thinks like him?"

Nerón walked in, eyes glanced around coldly.

The other businessmen didn't speak, because they instinctively felt that something was wrong, but there was a trace of disapproval in their eyes.

Just be careful they didn't stand up like the skinny businessman.

"Businessman Clover McCauley, betraying national interests, death penalty!"

Nerón stood with his hands behind his back, and said in a cold voice.

The German Guards armed with MP40 submachine guns rushed in immediately.

"Don't think that the temporarily retreated Nord army will be proud! Nerón, try to move me if you have the ability!"

"Just because these ordinary people who are not even knights want to take me down?"

The skinny businessman sneered and glanced at the soldiers of the German Guard with disdain.

The four knight-powered guards around him took a step forward, looking at Nerón with fierce eyes.

Because he didn't know the result of the battle that took place in the morning, the skinny businessman thought that the Nord army was only temporarily repelled.

After all, Nerón has only a thousand troops, while the main force of the Nord Kingdom has more than 50,000 troops.

It is impossible to be wiped out by Nerón.

Moreover, the skinny businessman's property is mainly in other towns in Rose, and those towns are still in the hands of the Nord Kingdom, so he is naturally not afraid of Nerón.

"Everyone, let me give you a present."

Nerón beckoned, and a guard soldier immediately took a box and just opened it in front of everyone's eyes.

The box opened slowly, and the eyes of all the merchants moved over unconsciously.

"Nerón, you want to please with gifts...."

The skinny businessman hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly saw what was inside the box. At this moment, his whole body was icy cold, and a chill shot straight from his tailbone to his heart!

"This...how is this possible?!"

There was disbelief in the thin and slender eyes of the thin businessman, and he screamed tremblingly.

Inside the box was the head king of Nord!

Immediately, all the businessmen felt a chill in their hearts.

King Nord, killed by Nerón!

The Nord Army....

"Yes, just this morning, the Nord army has been wiped out by our army!"

"This is the head of King Nord."

Nerón looked at them with a smile on his face.

It's just that in their eyes, the smile on Nerón face is terrifying no matter how you look at it!

The next moment, a pistol suddenly appeared in Nerón hand.

power stone :))))

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