
Tech Demon System

In a world locked in a relentless war against the race known as the Terror, humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction. But hope emerges as humans awaken abilities, known as Meta abilities to fight back against the terror. Leo a normal teen without ability ,who lost his mom to a terror, and he never knew his dad. He gets a system from a near death senario. Gain Exp, complete missions, and level up. Leo now has a way to get stronger, thrive and survive in this world. Leo who lives by a promise to protect those dear to him even if it costs him his humanity, now has a chance to do just that. PROTAGONIST: Leonard Ezra

NAO_Cosmic · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs



The three stood still as they saw the biggest terror they had ever seen. With eyes crimson red eyes, staring straight at them. The aura it gave off was one of dominance and power.

"H-h-high basic Terror." Grey stammered in fear.

They were confronted by a being that stood on top of the table of basic terrors.

[Danger! Danger! Advising retreat.]

[Danger! Danger! Advising retreat.]

The system kept ringing danger alarms.

'Is it really that strong?' Leo thought, but the next moment revealed to him the reason for the alarms. The terror detached two of it's tentacles which grew back almost instantly. The detached tentacles began writhing on the ground, increasing in size until two extra terrors stood in front of the group. Each one gave of an aura of mid basic terrors.

When the group saw this, the air around them got chilly.

"Mu-tant." This time Sasha was the one to speak, and fear was evident in her voice.

[Danger! Danger! Advising retreat.]

[Danger! Danger! Advising retreat.]

Leo kept getting more alarms to escape, but would it be possible. He turned to the group.

"We have to find a way to escape."

But fate was cruel, as they began thinking of a way, the two mid basic terrors attacked.

Tentacles swung left and right. The trio despretely tried to avoid them. They tried to keep their coordination, but it was nearly impossible with two terrors attacking simultaneously.


A tentacle slammed through Grey's ice wall, colliding with his chest. Grey shot backward landing over a hundred meters away. The attack Grey received momentarily distracted Leo and Sasha, causing them to get slammed towards different directions. The terrors gave them no rest as they launched towards them.

The high basic terror saw that the trio where separated, and they were only two terrors. It decided to form another one, though the new terror was only at low basic rank. It shot of towards Grey, while the other two went after Leo and Sasha.

Ten minutes into the battle, Leo was barely holding on. They had each managed to kill their terror, but it came at no small price. The high basic terror on the other hand produced three low basic terrors to take the place of the falling terrors.

Grey was the first to not be able to hold on, as a tentacle wrapped around him squeezing the life out if him. Sasha was barely holding on, the daggers in her hands were trembling.

Leo was not faring well either. He struggled to stand.

"System buy three explosive grenades with all my SP."

As soon as he asked, the system bought and made them appear. Without much thought, Leo used dash to run and plant the bomb on the first Terror. He moved with all his might as he planted the other two on the remaining two terrors. Then using claw strike, he cut the tentacle holding Grey. He caught Grey, then shouted to Sasha to retreat. Using her last strength she pushed away, and almost immediately the bombs exploded killing the three terrors.

The group landed a few meters away. Grey had a couple broken bones, he was under extreme pain, but he could not afford to faint here.

While the group were trying to recover, the high basic terror created another three terrors.

Dread filled the hearts of the three as the saw this. There was no way they could win this, even if the still miraculously killed this three. There was still the possibility of the new ones being formed, and the high basic terror was yet to attack.

"System, is there nothing you can do." Leo asked the system in a panic.

[Host emergency protocol is available, though not advised, because host body is still to weak. Over use of the emergency protocol In current state could lead to death]

I'm going to die either way, so please activate whatever you have."

[Beginning full tech demon transformation.]

Leo's body began shining with purple light. His body began transforming. It was not like the gauntlet that covered his hands, this time his body was changing. After a few minutes, what remained in the spot of Leo was a fully amourred robot demon. The demon form was very slick, with dragon like wings formed with a flexible metal. Purple light gleamed at his chest looking like a core. In the hand of this glorious being was a blade that was a one meter long, one edge sword that was ten centimeters wide. It was black and covered with purple patterns.

Leo turned to look at his friends. The both had races that said 'what the fuck'.

Leo formed a purple transparent force field around both of them, then he turned to face the incoming terrors.

Leo took running stance, then shot of in a speed that broke the sound barrier. He passed by the three terrors, who exploded into chunks of meat, but he did not stop. Leo flew towards the high basic terror.

The terror felt divined danger from the incoming Leo, so it began running of with all his speed, but it did not get far, as leo speed dwarfed its own 100 to 1. Leo swung his blade, one hit killing the terror that had made them shiver.

After he killed the terror, Leo paused, before shooting if in another direction. He had found the location of the person who did this, the person who almost got his friends killed. They was only one verdict for this person, and that was death.

Leo doubled his speed, getting to the location outside the reserve in a few seconds.

A man draped in black day crossed legged on a rock. His eyes shot open as he felt something was wrong, but it was to late. His head was lopped off without him even seeing the killer.

Leo flew back to the place he left his friends. As soon as he touched the ground, he transformed back into his human form naked. The force field around his freinds disappeared, Leo then fell unconscious.

This is to all of you that have been reading so far, I am grateful. As thank you, I will be dropping 3 chapters tomorrow.

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