
Tears of Cinderella (Full English Version)

Kings... Queens... Princes... Princesses... In the modern 21st century, monarchy only exists in various countries like Japan and England, but what if we tinker history a little bit. Let's revise it in a way that the world that we know ceases to exist, that instead of many independent powers, the world is outclassed by one Kingdom The Kingdom of Pendragon. Gareth was the fourth prince of the Kingdom of Pendragon. He had all the things that every commoner and lords can dream of, but he detested all of that. He hated the protocois. He hated the rules. He hated the manipulations. He hated his King of a father. To him, the Palace is a place of nothing but restrictions. He felt suffocated. So, with on|y the fiery courage in his heart, he left the palace and gone rogue. The press tagged him as the prodigal son, but he couldn't care less. What matters to him was his freedom outside the grandeur prison of a palace. It is the outside world molded him to be the man that he is now; cunning, smart and ruthless. He became the captain of his ship and the master of his fate. But circumstances brought him back to the Palace. This time, he actually considered staying. He met a woman with the most gorgeous eyes and the most delicious pair of lips. Nothing surprises him anymore but the woman blows him away during their first meeting. And after a wonderful kiss, she ran away. Like Cinderella, she leaves him hanging by the thread along with her crystal stilettos.

genieravago · Geral
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: The Royal Ball

The forty fifth birthday of King Rupert was definitely the most anticipated event for the whole Kingdom of Pendragon. Everybody was in the mood of festivity. Starting from the Northern Border, Asphodel and Southern Border, Frontera up to the Eastern Border, Olympus and Western Border, Lyonesse. Every streets, corners and alleyways within the capital duchy of Camelot bear posters of greetings to the King. Several programs and gatherings were also hosted by the different industrial and business corporations in honor of His Majesty.

But all of the celebrations were not at par to the revelry inside the Arondight Palace tonight. From the corridors up the towers, everything was covered with flags of royal blue and gold. The royal kitchen also prepared world renowned dishes that will leave every guests craving for more. It was indeed a lavish and luxurious event. Even the sets of tableware used were all plated with the finest gold from Pendragon's mining capital, Hesperides.

Gareth was looking around the large lobby that he was in. Gone was the usual hall where the King usually presided his meetings over the parliament, the place turned into a large marquee full Pendragon's finest ass-kissing individuals. Several reporters were also present to cover the event.

He was immediately greeted by Halaena.

"Glad you could make it here brother," she gave her a smug.

He made his revulsion very obvious. He just cannot stand the arrogance of his sister.

"You're such a sore looser kuya."

He wanted to laugh at her for thinking that he was actually swayed by her hollow threat to him. He did not come here to celebrate, nor to follow the orders of his father. He came here to check on his mother. He could still remember the scene that happened a month ago...

He refused to even wink as Halaena literally pointed her gun on his head.

"I'm warning you brother. This will not do you any good, retaliate and I'll shoot."

A normal person would have already died on the spot due to heart attack. And in normal circumstances, he would do too. But knowing that it was Halaena who held the gun right now, assured him that everything was just an act. She could not and will never even dare hurt him. Because despite her very tough façade, she was still the same loving and unexpectedly sweet little sister he grew up with. She was still the same sister who cried in his room privately every time the Queen scolded her. And she was still the same sister who helped him escape the confinement of his life in the luxurious cage of the palace walls five years ago.

He looked directly at her amber eyes -- the eyes that he himself have -- before giving her a reassuring smile.

He slowly removed the gun from his skull. He knew he had already won over her mind games when she showed no signs of retaliation.

And with pleading eyes she spoke, "The imperial consort Guinevere is sick, she wants to see you."

He was shocked. "But that is impossible! How the heck could that happen?"

"It was something unexpected. No precedence or whatsoever. She suddenly just collapsed during one of the sessions of the inner palace court. The royal physician says it's an unknown viral infection."

He clenched his fist, he's frustrated as hell. How come that he didn't even know that his own mother was sick! Damn it!

"The palace kept it secret to protect the image of the royal family," she said as if her sister just read his mind.

He was rendered speechless, How? Why? Last time he saw, his mother was as strong as a bull! How the hell did this happen?

His thoughts were cut off when Halaena spoke once more, "Be there, otherwise I will personally scour the whole kingdom just to drag you prideful ass back there. Even if I have to sedate you, I will," gone was the gentleness in her voice, she was wearing her Ice Queen mask again.

He arrived at Camelot yesterday. He went back solely because he wanted to check on his ill-stricken mother. But when he was about to do so, the royal physician prevented him. They said that she was quarantined to thwart the possibility of spreading the virus. He was worried sick, but all he could do was wait and hope for the best.

"Penny for your thoughts brother?" Halaena asked.

"I'm just worried for the Imperial Concubine Guinevere."

"Don't worry, she's in good hands. She'll be as good as new in no time at all."

He gave his sister a forced smile.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Why are you here all by yourselves? Come and join the family," Prince Ares said as his brother approached them.

Ares made a loud whistle towards a group of men standing near them.

"Look what I got here!" Ares shouted at the group. Several guests turned their heads to them. Their eyes were trying to find the source of the ruckus, their faces were all painted with disdain to whoever forgot their manners and etiquette at home. They immediately looked the other way around when they realized that it was Ares who displayed such unethical behaviour. He cringed at the hypocrisy of those people. That was the kind that he hated most, those doters who always aimed to please the Royal Family just to climb the upper strata.

It was too late for him to realize that it was his brothers whom Ares was calling. Seconds later, the princes of the kingdom gather around him.

"So the prodigal son suddenly appeared! Welcome back dear brother," his older brother, Prince Lancelot, said as he gave him a bear hug.

"Looked like you had fun outside the palace, big brother?," it was Prince Camael, one of his younger brother.

"Fun is an understatement. He fucked his way all over town. Damn you Gareth! Why the heck didn't you tagged me along when you left," the eldest brood gave him a high five. It was Prinsipe Arthur, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom and the next in line to the throne of Pendragon.

All together; Prince Geraint, Prince Galahad and Prince Tristan (the only triplets among his siblings), gave him a wicked grin. "You're sexcapades are always trending on the gossip sites," it was Galahad.

"Such a ladies' man," Abadon interjected.

"And quiet the heart breaker too, fuck senselessly at night and leave without a word when the sun rises," it was Ulysses's turn to taunt him.

It looked like his brothers were keeping tab on his escapades. "Shut the hell up! As if you are not having fun on your own, dear brothers. The only difference, I let other people know my adventures on fuckville while all of you do it silently.

"And besides I know all about the woman who limped for three days after you three banged her at the same time," he added.

The triplets gave a very cocky grin, "That's what you get when a woman tries to deceive all of us. It's our own personal punishment for her. She should be grateful to us, we just let her experience Heaven, Purgatory and Hell at the same time."

Boys will truly be boys. They are brothers indeed, cut of the same cloth. Every one of them laughed at their own humor, of course except for Halaena.

"If I just have the power to strip all you off your Parliamentary Immunity, I will definitely use it right now. I'd love to personally honor each and every one of you a lifetime billeting to the cells of Tartarus. I can't believe I have brothers like you. A couple of royal dickheads and assholes," Halaena exclaimed at them.

They all gave a huge laughter at their sister's expense. They all knew about Halaena's feministic view but they couldn't care less.

Prince Arthur snaked his arms over Halaena's soulders, "No wonder you're still a virgin at your age Halaena. Still as cold as an Ice and as hard as a diamond. You'll drive every man away from you."

She hastily removed Arthur's hand, "Who needs man? I don't. If those men are all like you, then thanks, but no thanks."

"Just tell us Halaena, I know some good friends of mine who like to subdue feisty woman. Maybe one of them could finally pop your cherry," says Avalon, obviously toying with her.

She was now seething with anger, "Why you poor excuses of Royal shitheads! Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!" she angrily paced away from them.

All of them laughed at their scorned sister. They just loved tearing down the Ice Queen façade of Halaena.

"Prepare for the arrival of the King!" then the room was suddenly silent.

Echoing sounds of a drum rolls fill the air. The King, in all of his glory, came to his view. He was walking towards his throne. As a part of royal courtesy, everybody gave His Majesty a ninety degree bow, including them.

As if on cue, everybody lifted their heads up once the King sat on his throne.

He carefully studied his father. He hated the look on his father's face as he viewed the entire guests from above his throne, it was as if he was a supreme omnipresent deity and they were just his mere subjects. Even after five years, his father still bore that detestable, emotionless and dangerous aura.

"WE BID A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIS MAJESTY," came the synchronized greetings from the crowd.

Every one fell silent. It was the signal for the King's customary birthday speech.

"Equality is nothing but a moronic thought from foolish people..." the King began his speech.

He never liked his fathers' speeches, it was always full of the same bullshits that emphasized his power over the kingdom. And to top all of that, everybody was required to listen. It's a form of courtesy to king. Everybody, including them, will be punished if they made their disinterest to the King's speech obvious. That's how Pendragon valued its monarch. For the Kingdom, the King was their absolute ruler. No one rules above the King. It was their holy mandate.

And again, it was all bullshit for him.

"It is nothing but a sugar coated mindset from people who desire a forged sense of peacefulness..." The King continued.

"...There are those who were born royals, those who were born with immense intellectual inclination towards others. There were those who were born slave. There were those who were born weak. Everything is nothing but pure coincidence. You do not choose your parents. You do not choose the society that you'll be born in. Everything is all but a trick of fate. There is nothing wrong in inequality! All of us are not born equal! What is wrong is the mindset that everybody could be of equal footing to one another. This social inequality dictates that the weak shall perish under the rule of the strong ones. There will be always someone greater than you. To think that we are all equal is a delusion! Look at us! We celebrate peacefully within the walls of our Kingdom while the European Faction destroy themselves in their self-made war. We are prosperous here unlike the Fei Long Empire whose people are plagued with starvation. We are the strong kingdom hailed by the heavenly gods. Pendragon was willed to conquer. Nobody can stop us! We will fight for territorial expansion. We will not stop until the whole world bows down to us! Hail the Kingdom of the Pendragon!"

"Hail King Rupert! Hail the Kingdom of Pendragon!" the cheer of the crowd suddenly joined the voice of his fool of a father.

Ball gowns were certainly not in Steffanie's list of favorite clothing. She found it hard to breathe in and very difficult to move around. But she did not have a choice, a celebration like the King's Birthday Party required such garment to be worn.

"Why aren't you socializing Steff?" it was her best friend Sofia.

She and the other students who made it in the dean's list were all required to join the birthday celebration of His Majesty to represent the Kingdom's flagship learning institution, the University of Pendragon.

"You very well know that I do not fit in here, everybody here is royal."

Sofia made a face, "Oh come on Steff! Stop being anti-social and kill-joy."

"Easy for you to say, you are the daughter of the Duke of York. It is easy for you to fit in the crowd. While I am just a commoner who happened to qualify for a scholarship grant."

"Don't downcast yourself too much, girl. You earned your position at the University. You've got the talent and the brains. Your undeniable beauty is just an added bonus," her friend winked at her. Sofia was always and will always be the sweet talker type.

Two dashing men began to approach them.

"See that guys over there?"Sofia pointed at them. "They are both digging us. They keep glancing at our direction. And now, it looked like they already summoned the strength to finally meet us."

She was shocked at how Sofia comported herself. They were debriefed by their University President earlier to be at their best behaviour, and that included being lady-like and using formal speech when communicating with the other guests. But should she be shocked? This was Sofia she's talking about. When it came down to her best friend, nothing can be expected. She was always the deviant type.

Before she could even utter any words, the two men already reached them.

"May these two beautiful young ladies merit us a dance?" One of the men courteously said as both guys laid out both their arms as they asked both of them for a dance.

"Sure!" Sofia affirmed as she reached for one man's hands.

The other man gave her a pleading smile as he waited for her to return his simple act of courtesy.

All of them were looking at her now.

"I am sorry but I have some other things to attend to," she began to stride away from them. She was not comfortable in the company of men. She found them very lethal and dangerous.

Her eyes searched for the pavilion. She really had difficulty walking. Aside from her towering stilettos, the petticoat she wore was really hindering her innate ability to walk.

Ouch! She cussed when she almost tripped. She needed to slow down her phase as the ballroom lights began to dim. This was not a good sign for her. Not only did she found difficulty walking right now, she was also night blind and did not have any peripheral visions in the dark.

She could almost see the entrance to the pavilion when she felt her ankle twist on the sudden pressure of her step. She immediately lost her balance. Oh Crap! she muttered as she began to fall down.

Gareth was bored to death. This was the mere reason why he never liked parties in the palace. It's boring from the inside out. No hard liquors, nnly wine. No dirty dancing, only classical ballroom. No dirty-talking crowds, only casual chit-chats. And the blue-blooded ladies compared to the vamps of the commons? C'mon! they were beautiful, he had to admit that. But the way they play hard-to-get was a turn-off for him. They were so virginal and demure that he almost believed their act. Good thing he knew better. He knew their kind from the inside out. These so called noblewomen were worse than Pendragon's common tramps. They always bargain themselves for power, jumping from one man's bed to another just to alleviate their royal status. He knew that for a fact because he bedded most of these noble sluts.

"Are you enjoying the party my prince?" it was Natalya, the daughter of the Earl of Synclair and one of his ex-fuckner.

She anchored her arm to his, inconspicuously rubbing her ample bosom to his arm. He gave a hard sigh before removing her arms from his.. He was not in the mood to play with her.

He saw her eyes rolled in irritation for what he did.

"It's been so long, Gareth. How have you been? Why haven't you contacted me? I missed you so much."

She was about to embrace him but he gave her a nasty look that even the imperial army would fear.

This was the mere reason why he did not contact her, she's too clingy and possessive. And those were the things he hated most. All he wanted was a fuck buddy who will help him release some of the stress and tension brought by the palace. He was a no-strings-attached kind of guy. And Natalya, she's a certified blue-blood slut who wants marriage for status alleviation.

"Our friends actually thought that we've completely broken up. But since you're here now, I guess it's just about right to continue where we left off."

He suddenly felt exhausted. A few of minutes of talking to dimwit already took toll on him.

Time to really settle this.

"Natalya, there's nothing to continue. In fact there is no 'where we left off.' You were just a part of the past, one of the many who shared my bed. Capiche?"

He was about to walk out when she reached after him.

"Where are you going? Don't turn your back on me, or else!"

He took a step back, "Or else what? You'll shout here and cause a scandal? Go ahead! I'm already a walking scandal of the royal family. Need I not remind you that this is the birthday of the King. Spoil it, then face a consequence more gruesome than death."

Natalya finally got his warning. She let go of him as the truth in his words dawned her. He immediately went away from her. He needed a breather. He did not want another encounter with Natalya or any other women he used to screw. He'd reached his limit tonight. He was in no mood to deal with those women.

He decided to go to the pavilion to catch some fresh air. While on his way, he saw a woman, who's ahead of him a few steps forward, suddenly lost her balance. His reflexes immediately operated. He dashed the few spaces that separated the two of them, but he was already too late. The woman was already on the floor when he finally reached her.

"Are you okay, milady?" he asked her.

"I'm fine, but I think I slightly twisted my ankle," she uttered without looking at him. The woman was too busy attending to her twisted ankle.

The woman got his immediate attention. He was allured by her soft and melodious voice. It was as if he was being serenaded by a siren.

She then slowly turned her head to his direction. Amber eyes met icy blue. He was rendered speechless by the beauty that beckoned in front of him. She had her blonde hair tied in a bun and unruly locks were falling freely on the sides. Her face was simply of a goddess; tantalizing eyelashes, tiny but slender nose and luscious red lips. And of course, her most dominant feature; her icy blue eyes that depict her very soul. She was simply breathless.

"Is something the matter?" her eyes turned from the lightest shade of blue to aqua. He was amazed as her eye color shifted as her mood changed. Streaks of wild lust instantaneously enflamed his whole system, focusing specially on his nether regions. What color would her eyes be in the throes of passion? What would be the sound of her voice, while he viscously rams himself inside her? Those thoughts immediately sent his libido into overdrive.

He was definitely trap, suspended into this temporal state that this siren magically conjured. He needed her tonight. He wanted her for tonight. And he will have her tonight. That's final.

She tried to get up by herself but her petticoat prevented her from succeeding.

He stood up and like a perfect gentleman, he extended his hand for help. The woman hesitated at first to reach for his hand but he was Gareth Pendragon, he'll never take no for an answer.

He pulled her up. "Thank you," she said as she resumed her strides towards the pavilion.

For a moment, he was frozen. Just watching this siren to walk away from him. It took him a whole lot of will power to free himself from the trance that his siren had enchanted him. She will not get away!

"Does milady mind if I escort her to the pavilion?" he said.

Steffanie did not know what to do. Ever since that man appeared, her system had gone haywire. Gone was her sensible mind. The world suddenly became a blur. The whole surrounding suddenly did not matter. All she was aware of was the sudden attraction she felt towards this stranger.

"Would you mind if I join you?" the man once again asked her. Probably because she just remained dead in her tracks without responding to his initial invitation.

She took a good look at his features. Her heart skipped another beat. She suddenly ran out of words She's beyond speechless. She was intimidated yet enamoured by his presence.

Aside from the fact that the man was already towering her in his almost six feet three inches height, he also exuded an aura that separated him above the rest.

"I'd take that as a yes," he said as he assumingly took those words from her mouth.

They both went together towards the pavilion. She was like a fig leaf hauled by a strong wind. And to think that it was hard for her to walk on the first place, she was practically dragged by her heels.

"Please stop Sir, you're hurting me," she finally exclaimed as she felt a twitching pain in her already swollen ankle.

He quit dragging her when they both reached the pavilion. He made her lean towards the handrail, enveloping her with his huge body. His fragrant yet masculine scent invaded her nostrils. They were too close for comfort, and to her surprise, she liked feeling the warmth emanating from this stranger's body.

She could feel his minty breath on her nape. His gesture immediately sent nodes of electric impulses to her already short-circuited system.

"May I know the name of the lady?"

What was happening to her? This was nothing like her usual self. She was always very aloof with men. Heck! She was even aloof with her own father. The only man she ever trusted was her brother. But why did she felt a sense of belongingness with this man? As if she knew this perfect stranger all her life? And why on earth did she felt safe and secure inside his arms, as if there is a sense of familiarity that everything will be all right as long as she was with him. There were too many questions that even she could not answer.

He intently looked at her. And like as if enslaved by this man's stare, she stared back him, only to be fascinated by the color of his eyes. She first thought it was hazel but when she got a chance to take a closer look, it was actually amber. A pang of familiarity struck her. She'd seen that before, she just couldn't remember where.

"Cat got your tongue?" he said as he flashed his wicked smile.

"Why do you wanna know my name?" finally she found her voice.

"'Cause I wanna kiss you shamelessly right now, and it's not my style to kiss perfect strangers."

Her heart hammered inside her chest. A small voice from inside her head commanded to run away as fast as she could, but all comprehension escaped from her being now. She could not think straight.

"My name is Steffanie," that confirmed it. It was the icing on the cake. She was definitely not on her sane mind.

"Good! And my name is Gareth."

Before she even got a chance to imprint his name on her mind, he immediately went for her lips. She was surprised by the sudden invasion. She has never been kissed all her life and she didn't know what to do. His lips began to part hers, as if assuring her that everything would go smooth and natural. She rhythmically moved hers to keep up him. Then he began to dart his tongue inside her mouth. She retaliated at first, but she eventually welcomed his invading tongue, letting him explore the deepest portion of her mouth. She could not describe the feeling. It's marvellous. It's fantastic. It's extraordinary. It's exactly how authors described kissing on romance books. She always thought kissing was overrated. But now, she thought otherwise. She fearlessly accepted the invitation of his encouraging tongue. Using her instincts, she followed his lead. Their tongues were now lavishing each other nonchalantly.

They paused for a moment, both catching their breath.

"Oh Lady, do you know what you're doing to me? You're as sweet as a fresh berry."

He was about to kiss her again when they both got distracted by the sound of bell. It was from the west wing of the palace that bore the giant clock tower. It signalled the strike of midnight. She was suddenly rendered motionless as realization struck her. Her sane mind suddenly came back and it was like a kick in the gut to her. She pushed the man away from her.

The man was shocked as her sudden revulsion, "Did I hurt you, sweetheart?"

He saw confusion in his eyes. But before he could say anything more and before she'd loose her sanity again, she began to run away.

"I'm sorry Sir! I need to be home after midnight otherwise I'm dead meat," she shouted as she ran towards to nearest exit. Clearly it was a lie.

She ran for a good twenty yards when she suddenly felt that pang of pain on her ankle. Afraid to further aggravate the damage, she decided to take off of those cursed shoes and deliberately leaving it there.

She was thankful enough that he didn't chase her. She did not have the strength to look at him in the eye after the thing they both did. She really needed to go home as soon as possible or else, she might find herself in deep trouble. Her step mother and brother were both in Camelot. Her step mom would go berserk if she's not gonna be in her loft by one in the morning.

She wanted to laugh on the irony of what's happening right now. She, escaping a party in the palace at the strike of twelve, deliberately leaving her shoes as she escaped, and facing the tyranny of her step mother. Is she Cinderella? Dream on Steff, you can never have your happy ever after.