

One would say that tears means pain, but what happens when they turn into something great? The princess of heaven's tears turns a desert into a paradise, read what happened next

MARVELOUS_AMADI · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs



The Queen summoned the soldiers, she wanted them to go to war. 

'Soldiers of this great Kingdom, we have come at great loss of our general. But we can not stay down, If our leader is down we must rise from his mistakes and set new paths, I have come t give you a new general, my son and daughter, they will lead you to your paths of glory!' the Queen said. 

'But my Queen, you can not make or decide who leads us, it is the King' the Assistant to the former General whispered. 'I have your family right at my finger-tips, so if you want to be a soldier for your family, why don't you keep shut and agree with every singe word that I say rather than endangering your family members' The Queen replied also whispering back to him.

'Now, your assistant has something to tell us' The Queen said to the gathered soldiers. The assistant stammered and became all sweaty because of the pressure from the Queen to do what was wrong. 'I say we get a new general' the assistant said managing to speak. The queen then told him to come near, as he drew near, she whispered, 'That's the spirit', he immediately gulped.

'Now come forth my twins' Pronel and Andriel were dressed in their battle attire, they were on a horse which was also heavily armored. 'Onward!' Andriel charged as all the soldiers jumped on their horses immediately and rode towards the forest. Meanwhile Polami was on her way to surrender to the King her father. The soldiers had approached the forest.

'General where should we start the search?' The special advicer to the former general asked. 'We shall start at the berry-hutch, then over the hills of the bears and through the forest' Andriel replied. Polami was already at the forest. She wondered through while running. She saw the dead soldiers that she had killed and the almighty beast that Hetul had slain. She stopped running knelt and said 'Forgive me great ones, I am sorry, I should not have taken your lives' Immediately, she was covered with a dark clothing and when she tried fighting back she was stung in the shoulder and fell asleep.

The soldiers went back to the palace, or did they?. 'Mother we bring good news' Pronel said. 'What good news if may I ask?' the Queen asked. 'We found Polami but Carmella and Sayee were no where to be found' Pronel replied. 'Wow, that is splendid, bring her forth' the queen ordered as Polami was been dragged as a slave towards the Queen. The queen refused to remove the black cloth she said she did not want to see Polami's disgusting face.

'I need to go tell the King that Polami has being found' the assistant said. 'No we do not nee to bother him with our victory' the Queen said stopping him. 'Ok as you say my Queen' the assistant replied heading back to the line. 

'Gather the villagers, we are going to have a feast tonight' The queen said.


🎶'Travelling to Old Man Hawm'🎶 Hetul sang as he went along, Sayee was down the other path. The night was cold so they had to camp. They all set up their camps. Carmella was feeling lonely and so was Hetul, the bridge between them was wide as they were trapped between their tents.

Hetul came towards Carmella's tent and Carmella wanted to come to his own tent. 'Carmella ae you in?' Hetul asked. 'Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm in you may come in' Carmella replied. Hetul entered the tent and sat opposite her. He was finally ready to say his mind. 'Carmella from the very first day I set my eyes on you, you stole my heart, I never felt the way I've felt for you for anyone. Even when you were injured and wounded, it felt like it was I who was injured, I was then determined to find a cure, and I did, the point I am trying to make is I love you' Hetul said as immediately Carmella rose up her face. 'I love you too' she said.

'Do I have your permission to do what may lead you to question my actions?' Hetul asked Carmella. 'What might that be?' she asked. Immediately he attempted to utter a word, he used her index finger to close his lips. 'Shh' she said. They kissed for the first time ever. It was memorable. After a long lasting kiss, they went down to do some funny business.


The cock crew and Sayee was up, she wondered why neither Hetul nor Carmella were up. She went to Hetul's tent but he was not there it was cold like no one was there in the night. Then he went over to Carmella's tent were he saw Carmella on top of Hetul with a blanket on top of them. Sayee threw a stone which made them wake up. Carmella yawned and stood up holding the blanket against her chest because she was stack naked, as well as Hetul.

'I can see you have finally made your intentions known towards her' Sayee said, they all giggled. 'Come out here you fucking bastard' Sayee said in a joke like manner. 'Hetul, you need to go while I dress up' Carmella said touching his wrist. 'Ok' he replied using her blanket as a wrapper to cover his own nakedness. He further went to his tent to change.


Hetul was done dressing and waited outside with Sayee. 'Come on aren't you done?' Sayee asked Carmella. There was no response. 'We are not in the palace' Sayee said again. There was still no response. 'Go check what's up with her' Sayee said to Hetul. He went over to her tent, he did not want to be disrespectful so he said 'Sayee needs you outside now' he said as he got no response. He entered into the tent and saw her kneeling facing the other side of the tent she was wearing armor. 

Fortunately for Hetul he saw her back side. 'Oh, I could not hear, the armor tinging obstructed me from hearing' Carmella said. 'You nee-need to hurry up' Hetul said as Carmella's beauty refused him to speak.

'I'll be done in a minute' Carmella replied. Soon she was done and finally they had reached the Old Man Hawm.


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