
Tears in the Bathroom

On Kalista's 7th Anniversary, she leaves work early, excited to surprise her husband. However, the surprise turns sour when she discovers her husband's affair in the bathroom. Sobbing, she hurriedly exits and knocks into a tall man, his dark auburn hair with a medium side part, and gentle blue eyes staring back at her.

Fried_Chicken1 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 13

Kalista woke up, feeling Adrian's arm wrapped around her. She couldn't help but smile as she snuggled closer to him, savoring the warmth of their shared embrace. Adrian was already awake, his eyes soft and tender as he gazed at her.

"Good morning," he whispered, with a warm smile.

"Morning," Kalista replied, her heart fluttering at the sight of him. She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have found someone like Adrian.

As they got ready for the day, Adrian couldn't resist stealing a few sweet kisses, making Kalista's cheeks flush with a rosy hue. The simple act of affection felt so natural and comfortable, as if they had been doing it for years.

As the workday progressed, Kalista found herself engrossed in her tasks, moving efficiently through meetings and projects. The familiar rhythm of the office surrounded her, and her adeptness in handling the day-to-day responsibilities was evident.

Amidst the controlled chaos of the workplace, Kalista and Adrian managed to steal a few moments together in the office lounge. Their conversation flowed naturally, punctuated by laughter and genuine interest. The background hum of colleagues chatting and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the midst of productivity.

With a playful grin, Adrian leaned in closer, his words carrying a lightness that mirrored the connection between them. "You know, I've always believed that coffee tastes better when shared."

Kalista chuckled, her eyes dancing as she met his gaze. "Is that your secret to staying awake through meetings?"

His grin widened. "Well, it's one of many."

As the day progressed, Kalista felt a sense of ease in Adrian's company. There was a natural comfort that had developed between them, making their conversations feel like extensions of their thoughts.

During lunch breaks, they would steal moments of intimacy, finding hidden spots where they could steal kisses and share whispered confessions of their love. Adrian would often rest his hand on Kalista's cheek, his touch tender and reassuring. It was as if they had created their own world within the bustling office, where their love blossomed in secret.

The clock ticked closer to the end of the day, Kalista and Adrian found themselves leaving the office together. The city's energy pulsed around them, a backdrop to their easy banter and shared laughter. The sun cast a warm glow over the cityscape, painting the scene in hues of gold and amber.

In sync, their steps matched as they walked side by side, a connection that had grown beyond.

Kalista's hand brushed against Adrian's, a gentle contact that sent a current of warmth through her. Without hesitation, their fingers intertwined, solidifying the connection that had blossomed.

Arriving at their home, the sense of intimacy they had shared throughout the day lingered in the air. Adrian's touch was gentle as he cupped her cheek, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that echoed her own. In this silent exchange, words were unnecessary, for their connection spoke volumes.

A soft, tender kiss was exchanged, a testament to the emotions they had begun to explore. As if guided by an unspoken understanding, Adrian's lips found the curve of her neck; a gesture that ignited a flutter of anticipation within Kalista. The sensation of his warm breath against her skin sent shivers down her spine, intensifying the intimacy of the moment.

In that instance, enveloped by the privacy of their shared space, Kalista realized the depth of her feelings for Adrian. His presence, his touch; each aspect of their connection resonated within her, leaving a mark on her heart. The transition from strangers to confidantes had been seamless, evolving into something more profound and promising.