
Tears: as the world burns T-T

  δάκρυα a girl living in a world just like hell a place that fears the unknown as she struggles to make decisions, one that would take her head as the choices became harder, blood flowed like an endless river as lies, betrayal, blood, death, hatred and love slips into the life of δάκρυα betrayed by the ones she holds dear as the lose of her family members breaks her come along with her to the land of losses, pain, destruction and monster as she fight against her true nightmare. herself. 마음: after all she did for you   마음:(smirked) you stepped away,   마음: no empathy (as he turned to look up at their faces, with disgust)   마음:truly disgusting (then he walked away)   δάκρυα narrating: disaster befell the land    (the scene unfolded like a nightmare. Fire spread, buildings collapsed, earth quake been stronger than ever, the ground began to open. δάκρυα running faster than ever)   δάκρυα narrating: hell truly came to earth (the ground opening up like a chasm. δákryα stopped and gazed up at the sky, her eyes fixed on the horror unfolding above.)   **   The χάος clan members looked up with fear, their eyes widened with terror. The Elders whispered   χάος Elders: η κόλαση ανέβηκε(   (pronunciation: i kólasi anévike)    (meaning hell has risen) ( (   **   Two other clans, different from mere mortals, yet similar to χάος, gazed upon the sky with equal terror.   **   δάκρυα's voice was barely audible    :What is happening?    The sky shattered like glass, red cracks spreading across the horizon. The cracks converged, revealing a massive eye closed shot as though it slept facing down on the world   The world darkened as though the sun was covered only the cracks in the sky illuminated the world **   A figure emerged from the shadows, lips curled into a sinister smile: Chaos has begun, and people will tremble at the mention of our name.   A ghastly symbol on the wall, an eyeball ripped from its socket, its cables hanging like festering tendrils. The iris was split into two halves, red and blue, like a twisted fusion of realities, as if two demonic entities had merged into a single, unblinking gaze. sitting in a puddle of congealed blood.     A black, skeletal hand materialized in the fleeting flashes of the lamp post's light, as a horrific creature emerged from the crack in the land. Its grotesque face contorted into a twisted grin, revealing razor-sharp teeth and a long, slimy tongue. The creature's eyes gleamed with malevolence, as if hell itself had unleashed its horrors upon the world.  

chisom_eze · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 9: The discovery

Night time


The night after χαρούμενο τέλος disappearance


In the darkness of the night, no stars in the sky. Two men and a toddler in a small house, we see the men conversing at the dining table area while standing and the toddler on the couch. The parlor and dining area were connected with know doors or wall separating them.


Sebastian: she left


Mr. Charles: what do you mean by she left.(demanding for answers)


As Sebastian gave Charles a letter which read;


χαρούμενο τέλος: don't abandon her.


Mr. Charles: is this all, no further detail (as he became more agitated)


Sebastian: that is all she left me with


Mr. Charles: did you perhaps search her belonging to.... (suddenly cut shot)


Sebastian: there nothing to search


Mr Charles: what


Sebastian: she took everything


Mr. Charles: but left her baby


Sebastian: that thing is far from been a baby


Mr. Charles: she is your flesh and blood, if you like it or not,if you accept it or not, that girl is your daughter now how are you going to take care of a baby or are you going to abandon



Sebastian: I don't know (as he ruffled his hair with his hand)


12: 30am


Mr. Charles walking down stares to grab a glass of water, he put the glass on the table as he began to pour water from a jog unto the glass, as he began to drink the water


 his voice barely audible,Water spilling from his mouth


Mr. Charles:what is that


As Sebastian walked inside the room


Baby δάκρυα was in her bubble in the living room. Her bubble was just like an amniotic sac with amniotic fluid like substance present in it. Baby δάκρυα layed encased in it like a foetus, as a begin neither a monster or human dwelled inside the bubble. the bubble acted as tho it was a heart, contracting and expanding. noises and heavy breathing, none human can be heard


(When δάκρυα lays in her bubble she doesn't look human cause she has no skin and if you are wondering how Zane could recognize her in the previous chapter that was towards the hour of her breaking free her skin has somewhat been replaced by another.)


Hours later


 δάκρυα slowly started to reform as her skin was replaced with another. Sebastian and Mr. Charles stared at the tear bubble. Mr. Charles was at awe with this sight.


Mr. Charles: Magnificent, does this happen daily (his eyes fixed on the bubble)


Sebastian: only on her birthdays, but she also has this weird occurrences which happens every ten days since her birth.


 As hours went by, suddenly δάκρυα started to move


Mr. Charles: (as fear could be seen in his eyes) what happening


Seebastian: I don't know


Mr. Charles: shes your daughter


Sebastian: I don't know Charles, I just don't know


Suddenly the tear bubble exploded as Sebastian and Charles screamed and hugged each other then went flying but was stopped by the wall.The liquid were suspended on the air.


As Mr. Charles looked at it with curiosity, as he picked a broomstick from the floor and walked towards one of the droplet of suspended liquid as he reached out to touch it with the broomstick.


Sebastian: don't touch it


Mr. Charles: am not stupid am not going to touch it...… with my hands


As her he touched the suspended liquid it then attached to the broomstick,


suddenly wind started to blow as though a storm had broke down in the house, lifting furniture off the ground such as, Paintings, tables, chairs, and couches hovered in mid-air, defying gravity. δάκρυα's body began to reabsorb the liquid droplets, her skin drinking in the moisture like a parched traveler at an oasis, as the one on the broomstick struggled to get reabsorbed Mr. Charles held unto it like his life depended on it but he was far to weak as he moved closer to δάκρυα his eyes fixed on her with a mixture of fear and fascination his legs splayed apart in a futile attempt to stop him self


 Sebastian was holding on to the front door handle with a tight grip 


Sebastian: let go of it


But Mr. Charles refused to relinquish his hold on the broomstick


Mr. Charles: don't just stand there help me


Sebastian held Mr. Charles waist at the same time still holding unto the front door handle for support after the storm subsided, the furniture, Sebastian, and Mr. Charles fell hard to the floor, exhausted. baby δάκρυα, now nude and radiant with her new skin, levitated gently back to the ground. As she slept soundly.


Sebastian: are you out of your mind!! (with annoyance evident in his voice)


Their gazes shifted to the the broomstick. they witnessed the substance being absorbed by the broomstick, as if drawn by an invisible force.


Much later that day day


Mr. Charles sat on a dining table chair, transfixed, his eyes fixed intently on the broomstick, his mind still reeling from the extraordinary events that had just transpired. Sebastian stumbled into the dining room, exhaustion etched on his face


Mr. Charles: is δάκρυα asleep(his voice laced with concern)


Sebastian nodded, his eyes heavy with fatigue, before collapsing into a nearby chair.His body language screaming fatigue.


Mr. Charles' eyes remained fixed on the broomstick, his mind racing with wonder.


Mr. Charles: Seb ( he whispered, his voice barely audible)


Sebastian eyes closed due to exhaustion,as he opened one eye, his gaze languid


Sebastian: yeah


Mr. Charles' words tumbled out in awe


Mr. Charles: this is mind blowing, truly exceptional!


Sebastian: what is


Mr. Charles: the broomstick


Sebastian: I don't follow


Sebastian's eye closed again, his body language screaming exhaustion. But Mr. Charles' next actions jolted him back to action.



With a sudden burst of energy, Mr. Charles stood up, he stabbed the table with the broomstick, which emerged from the other end with a loud "BANG"


Sebastian's eyes snapped open, his jaw agape in wonder at loss of words.


Mr. Charles: magnificent (his eyes shining with excitement.)


As he looked at Sebastian with a wide smile.


A week passed, and the broomstick remained steadfast, defying all attempts to be damaged, it was as though it was indestructible Sebastian and Mr. Charles did the unthinkable driven by curiosity and scientific inquiry, subjected the broomstick to a series of rigorous tests to prove a theory, They tried to burn it, but the flames danced around it, leaving it unscathed. They placed it under a boulder, but it emerged unbroken. They attempted to snap it, but to no avail. The broomstick seemed indestructible, its resilience fueling Sebastian frustration but Mr. Charles undying curiosity and excitement


As the days went by, their experiments grew more elaborate, their minds racing with theories and hypotheses. They were determined to unravel the secrets of the mysterious happening, to understand the forces that governed its extraordinary properties. And so, their investigation continued, fueled by wonder, curiosity, and a hint of obsession.



Two weeks after the incident, a strange phenomenon began to occur to the broom stick it started to move on its own, as it stayed laid on a still table


Sebastian's eyes widened in alarm as he turned to Mr. Charles


Sebastian: what's happening (his voice laced with concern.)


Mr. Charles shook his head, equally perplexed


Mr. Charles: I don't know


The broomstick's movement became more rapid, its wooden surface beginning to twist and contort. Sebastian dashed towards the room where δάκρυα lay, intent on carrying her to safety. Meanwhile, the broomstick turned a dark, ominous black, as if infected by some malevolent force. Black goo began to surge out of it, destroying everything in its path.


Mr. Charles' eyes went wide with terror.


Mr. Charles: run, run, run


he yelled to Sebastian, who was already racing out of the house with δάκρυα in his arms.


Sebastian: am already out side


As Mr. Charles made his way out side the house


 He turned back to see the house transformed into a surreal landscape. The once-familiar structure was now surrounded by towering stalagmites and stalactites, their jagged forms gleaming in the sunlight like a thousand knives.


Mr. Charles narrating: out of curiosity, test were carried out on δάκρυα and due to those test we discovered something astonishing, she produces some sort of fluid every ten day but get re absorbable into her body when she reaches a critical point she burst releasing the fluid which happens on her birthday as well as her skin removal and other unexplainable phenomena. the fluid she produce which is part of her tear, it has a touch of immortality, it provide immunity, strength that makes it perfect front base for impenetrable armor. Every 14 days, the armor or devices infused with the fluid must be bathed with the fluid,because it will rust and kill and destroy every thing in it part after which it dies. When the fluid released after 14 days it need a new flow of hormones. It's akin to the human body's circulatory system, where blood flows into the heart through veins and out through arteries is required.



This extraordinary fluid needs a new flow of hormones to regenerate, much like our bodies require a constant supply of blood to function. δάκρυα's unique biology has led us to discover a powerful tool an extraordinary weapon, but also a delicate balance that must be maintained to harness its full potential. As uncertainty lingers in my mind as I question 'what is δάκρυα full potential'.


 It's crucial to handle the fluid with care, as the fluid is lethal to the touch, as direct contact with bare hands is a free train ticket to DEATH.


We've seen this first hand with young δάκρυα, who struggled to contain the liquid as it suspended in mid-air before she could reabsorb it


It is shown as four year old δάκρυα is breaking free as the liquid suspended in air before she could absorb it ,The scene was intense, with massive vacuum-like devices, also infused with the fluid, sucking up every last drop of the fluid as δάκρυα drop to the floor with force and immense pain. Despite her slumber, her face contorted in discomfort, revealing the pain she is enduring as she lay there, helpless.